Kingdom Manowar

"Power and dominion, are taken by the will, by divine right,


I have been a Manowar fan since I was 12. My first encounter with manowar was "Violence and Bloodshed". Fell in love with the song right away as well as the rest of "Fighting the World" So I had to hear more, that is when I dug into Manowar's earlier works, my second taste of Manowar was "Hail to England." I felt blown away, "Blood of my Enemies", what a great song!!! I became addicted, I got my claws on "Battle Hymns"...need I say anything?..."Into Glory Ride"...well, IT RULES!!!...and "Sign of the Hammer"...ditto. It set a path, it became a way of life for me, not a hard one to live if done correctly. I awaited their return with "Kings of Metal"...YEAH!!!!!...then they took some time off until 1992...they came back with "Triumph of Steel"...I heard negative things about that album from some people. Well, those people are dead now!!! I thought it was a great album, "The Power of Thy Sword"....great Fucking song...the whole album is Manowar...different drumming of course...and in 1996...they returned to claim what is rightfully theirs...with "Louder Than Hell" I need to say it?....GREAT FUCKING ALBUM!!!...they remain at the top of the Metal food chain..................

If you know not what I am talking about...pick up a Manowar album...and feel the power of our life...the power in our blood, in every word we say, every breath we take away...........

My Personal Opinion on Manowar:

When it comes to Metal, Manowar has given life to it. With Joey's words of wisdom, valor and might (not to mention that he is a great bassist), Eric's incredible vocal talents, not to mention Scott's drums and Carl's guitar expertise, they truly have made Heavy Metal, Manowar Metal, a religion for which I have chosen to fight, kill, and die for. I know that I am not alone out there either. They have stayed true to their strong and undying fans. Just ask a true Manowar fan, he/she will hail you and call you "brother" or "sister" for we are a family. Fuck that, we are an undying army, our fists in the air you posers will see, when the true call of battle is heard. Manowar has set a path of uniqueness, their words inspire their brethen to gain strength from within themselves and not from others. And if the world looks at us funny...well...the world can kiss out Fucking asses!!!

Manowar will forever be the true Kings of Metal!!!

"Born to live, forever more, the right to conquer every shore, hold your ground and give, no more"

"Hail and Kill" to my Brothers and Sisters out there "fighting the world" every day, putting up and surviving through their Shit.

We will strike the world of posers harder and merciless.

"Sweep these dogs, from our Kingdom, bless this ground, our holy land!"

More to come...this is only the beginning!

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Our fight is not in vain Brothers and Sisters!!!
Our powerful worth will be felt.............



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