Site Updates

8-28-99---Added link to the Stigmata page.
8-24-99---Added pictures of Jimmy Chamberlin
8-23-99---Added pictures of James Iha
8-22-99---Added pictures of D'arcy

About Me

I'm the one on the left. My name is Anna, and people say I look like Jane Lane, from the TV show Daria. I suppose I do, a little, but not as much as they all say I do. I'm 16 (Until November 1) and a junior in high school. I play the French horn in band and during the winter I march in the colorguard. Last year's show was music from the movie Psycho. Click here to see the pictures of us in our uniforms. Currently, I'm trying to talk Jim (the instructor) to do "Tonight, Tonight" as our show. That would just kick ass.

As you can see, I love the Smashing Pumpkins. I thought I would make that clear to those who have less than 2 brain cells. My favorite song is "Tonight, Tonight" but I also like "Thru the Eyes of Ruby," "Muzzle," "Mayonaise," "Bye June," "Luna," oh, just about everything. It would make just as much sense to do a list of the songs I don't like, cause there aren't any.

If you wish, email me, Send me an ICQ message (35995307), or reach me through my AIM screen name, Lucky11182.