a modified form of this list recently graced my manager's whiteboard...these lists are in no particular order of appearance because i love, like and dislike equally!

here is a list of questions answered...i stole them from laura, but i don't think she will mind as i didn't steal the answers...

++my mom++my aunt++my sister jen++spook++wednesday++sophie++michael quentin pettigrew++ ian--the bastard++gina, jim, gabe, brigette and frank alesci++nick the best bartender EVER++jeff my dance partner ++stephanie the best roommate EVER++bob and georgene++dennis ++alison++laura and matty++sharon, karl and george (even though by all accounts i should hate him) ++becky, rick, adam and michael++mark-o++abe++jillian++david eddy++serra++michael++william++punk rock++bobby and elizabeth++my aunt dot and uncle reid++my grandma and grandpa++ricky++

glitter++glowstars++bike messengers++koosh balls++beer++cigarettes++baseball--specifically the cleveland indians++frogs++large binder clips++mise++animals++the smell of grapefruit++michael's writing++writing++reading++crossword puzzles++platinum and emeralds++pictures++crayons (crayola only)++vacations++wildflowers++monkeys++lipton's sweetened no lemon iced tea++the silky edge of a good blanket++arguing++mohawks++red felt pens++warm rain++swimming++writing letters++michael's bald head after one day of growth (makes a great nose scratcher)++f-words++the sound and feel of three kitties on your bed purring++bartending++fierce grape gatorade++vitamin c++chain wallets++photobooths++street people++milk++tattoos++boston++alesci's++

doing dishes or anything domestic++papercuts++the shoreway++the new york yankees++beets++self absorbed pathetic losers++fake sugar++bills++liars++insomnia++spiders++elevators++excessive jewelry++shorts++my feet++itchy sweaters++shaving++changing the cat litter++underwear++the word 'panties'++the fact that i've never been to europe++blisters++people who put their children on leashes++illegal drugs++chocolate cake++fake piercings++mitch++roses++my alarm clock++doing taxes++lousy tippers++guns++bowling++authority figures++

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