well, let's face it, you aren't gonna stay here all night...enjoy my links.

[digitalsensorarray]--aka: my boy, the man who has captured my heart...michael.
[mongooseiq]--my girl laura...known in the states as british laura, now known as just laura (your wish came true, love)
[abe]--punk boy from hell, with strange thoughts and a completely incoherent attitude
[alesci's]--these people have taken me under their proverbial wing, and have been some of the best friend's i've had in a super long time


this was me two years ago.

please don't let this happen to you. if someone you know or love is a victim of domestic violence it is your duty to speak up. if you are the victim, please get help. they DO NOT love you. they WILL NOT change for you. and they WILL do it again. check out this link for information on where you can get help.

Domestic Violence.org

these people rule. and are funny as hell. so if you have the wonderful ability to make fun of everyone, check out the main site...and check out the people i've met...or else. (in no special order of appearance)

[i-mockery]--they are willing to make fun of the world, are you?
[Rizbone Helya]
[Uncle Itsvan]
[Hobo Renee]
[Milatary Messiah]

more to come soon...

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