
[name] karen
[age] old enough to be your sister
[birthday] 6.16.7x--ya didn't think i was gonna give it away, did ya?
[sex] monogomous and female
[height] 5'5" (almost)
[weight] 130lbs (and i'm not lying--if i was i would say 115)
[eyes] brown and brown
[hair] reddish brown (red when the dye is in)
[job] "access queen" or so they say at my place of employment
[music] punk, classic punk, hardcore punk, vulgar punk, etc...
[fave band] x
[fave book] infinite jest by david foster wallace
[fave movie] raising arizona
[fave boy] michael quentin pettigrew
[hobbies] slingin' beers at alesci's, reading, writing on napkins in bars, insomnia, this damn web thing
[pets] 3 cats named spook, wednesday and sophie
[tattoos] 4--dolphin, frog, lizard, fairy
[recent physical scars] minor bumps, scratches and bruises from flipping my car at 80mph
[recent emotional scars] too many to list
[born 'n raised 'n lives] born in willoughby, oh; raised in parma, oh; lives in cleveland, oh
[preferred drugs] lucky strike filters and alcohol

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