these are my friends. i love each and every one of them for some reason or another...

[this is my boy...he is smart and fun and cool and he will hate the fact his picture is up here.]

[my mum. she died 7 years ago. isn't she pretty?]

[me and my sissy who i'm going to see soon...we have loads of fun together.]

[me and steph...steph is moving to new mexico. i'm gonna miss her cause she's the best roommate EVER.]

[this is abe. he's nice and punk and stuff.]

[bob (my manager), gina (my adopted mom), and nicky (the best bartender EVER)--in order from left to right]

[this is me and jeff. jeff is my swing dance partner. he is tall.]

[me and nicky. i have a monkey on my head. i'm also protecting my neck cause nicky likes to viciously attack it. nicky rules.]

[laura and i. laura moved back to england and left me here to rot in the states. i have no other girlfriends left. i wish i was english.]

[this is jon the rock star. he sings in a band. i think it's called teenage cocktease or something like that. i'll have to ask him.]

[pat. pat doesn't talk to me right now. but he will someday. pat.]

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