Here's what people wrote. Hopefully, you put something in or are about to.

rae miller - 12/23/00 06:11:07
Favorite bands:: weezer, blink-182, incubus, the beatles, and some local bands
Last concert you attended: your ymca concert
Last good concert: your ymca was good, but i liked the vallium concert right before that one too!
Favorite Pez dispenser: i have snoopy
Favorite/current hair color: i have redish orangy brown right now
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): it's a 10 def.!

hey bridget! i got really bored so i came here. i got even more bored and decided to sign your guestbook! allright well i'll see ya at school one of these days! love ya baby! rae

That One Eric Guy - 12/23/00 01:23:20
Favorite bands:: Too many to list... Santana, Madlove, the Ramones, and the Rolling Stones... And Bob Dylan....
Last concert you attended: Santana
Last good concert: Santana
Favorite Pez dispenser: Uh.....
Favorite/current hair color: I like red hair. But I'm sticking with my brown color, dammit!
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): Uh.... 10. It's the holidays, after all.

Arf, narf, and scarf.

- 12/21/00 19:46:04

hey look on the sbw guestbook..right afer you signed bitch

sheena - 12/21/00 18:12:05
Favorite bands:: the daed trousers
Favorite/current hair color: seagreen


Ryan from SBW - 12/21/00 04:14:58
Favorite bands:: Blue Meanies, mu330, Johnny Socko, Weezer
Last concert you attended: Nada Surf and The Impossibles
Last good concert: Ska O Rama 6 was pretty cool
Favorite Pez dispenser: i've got one called bubbleman, that's my favorite
Favorite/current hair color: i don't like colored hair
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): fork

Hey, can you put up a link to the Saving boy Wonder site? thanks

Brandon from Disputed - 12/21/00 03:56:40
Favorite bands:: I'm so stuck up I hate them all, yes all of them...or so bridget thinks
Last concert you attended: Mxpx, Squad 5-0 and some other crappy emo band
Last good concert: Weezer in columbia
Favorite Pez dispenser: Darth Vadar
Favorite/current hair color: current hair color is a collection of lots of colors
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): -10

Ok Bridget, You have to understand why we were pissed @ the y show. First off, we were promised something from a show that we barley broke even playing for a bunch of twelve year olds, we were told apon excepting the show we'd have the 2nd to last spot an we'd be fallowed by jgh, I don't care who passed the show on to who or anything, didn't matter, we were still promised something and we were still entitled to getting it. It worked out good, but I don't think we deserve to be the band that stopped you fr m working with other bands, but in away I'm glad you did because you should of never been dealing with bands in the fist place. Thank you -brandon

Matty - 12/19/00 18:49:27
My Email:revjelloflouride_4oi
Favorite bands:: Here we go; Dead Kennedys, Minor Threat, Misfits, the Adicts, Crass, Propagandhi, Subhumans, LES Stitches, Radiohead, DFL, Alkaline Trio, Honor Syste , AFI, Bouncing Souls, CKY, Reggie and the Full Effect, New Found Glory, and Blink 182.
Last concert you attended: i think it was your YMCA concert.
Last good concert: yours was good, but Honor System back in September was great.
Favorite Pez dispenser: Boba Fett.
Favorite/current hair color: Black, i like my original color.
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): i'll say 2 to piss you off.

Hey Bridget, i signed your guestbook. Uh.. that's it. bye. -matty p.s. VISIT MY WEBPAGE!

Chainz - 12/18/00 03:28:24
Favorite bands:: Cradle of Filth, Nofx,NIN,Judas priest and more to come
Last concert you attended: Nothingface
Last good concert: Nothingface at creepy crawl
Favorite/current hair color: black with 2 red streaks in front and red tips. current-brown
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): finish it babe.

hey all its chainz once again back from the grave and his cell(my friends know what i mean)just wanted to come in and see how this place is goin, and saw happy holidays.i hope to go to the next rocky caus ei finally ahev money.hehehe.well.ciao everyone.he bridget, ever gonna finish this place?(probally when i finish my beast>:) ) youll have to ask on that oine hahahaha!!well, bye all.check my csite and drop me a line

Bridget - 12/11/00 23:52:24
My URL:You're on it!
Favorite bands:: Rancid, Op Ivy, Saving Boy Wonder, Jimmy Got Hustled, The Shampoo Sharks(can bite me!), Johnny Badnote, etc.
Last concert you attended: Orangetree with some crappy out of Chicago band.
Last good concert: The rockin' YMCA show I emceed: Apology Complex, Mindseed, Saving Boy Wonder, Johnny Badnote, Disputed, Jimmy Got Huslted.
Favorite Pez dispenser: My Smurf and Charlie Brown ones.
Favorite/current hair color: Well, it's fading out really bad, so.. light red/pink
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): Yeah, it sucks.

Wow "woz", I'm surprised it took me that long to figure out who you are. Ca va? Email me your address, and I'll send you a newer pic-my red Statue of Liberty!

w0z - 12/10/00 20:13:20
Favorite bands:: mileage may vary
Last concert you attended: They Might Be Giants/Reel Big Fish
Last good concert: Sisters of Mercy -- to many drunken frat boys crowdsurfing at TMBG
Favorite/current hair color: copper red
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): 3 for 3l33t

For being the cutest little g0th girl in my wallet, you're a strangely absent one. Come to Boston. I'll take you clubbing. Or call. W0z worries.

Ray and the rest of the nation-state of Knocksville and the Lovers of Fine headwear - 12/07/00 05:17:06
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): a/2b + 33d x 8 = 45c

Bridget-- Glad to see the person with the attitude is gone (gone or lazy). Where've you been? I'm missing you. P.S. I found Jimmy Got Hustled on Napster the other day. Bitchin' for Andy.

Vicki - 12/06/00 21:12:20
Favorite bands:: 4sum5sum
Last concert you attended: 4sum5sum private concert
Last good concert: 4sum5sum private concert
Favorite Pez dispenser: a lion head one that I have that is from the early 50's
Favorite/current hair color: Red not current
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): don't know under construction

4sum5sum My best friend's band, they write and play fun music. And you play an kick ass Columbia

Margaret - 12/02/00 18:27:40


Margaret - 12/02/00 18:22:15
Favorite bands:: Green Day, MxPx, The Cure, Thisway
Last concert you attended: Blink 182
Last good concert: Blink 182
Favorite Pez dispenser: Donald Duck
Favorite/current hair color: Brown

Hey, Bridget! I like your site even though its under construction (thats what the 9 is for) I hope you had a great time at Rocky. See ya!

anonomous - 11/30/00 00:12:40
Favorite bands:: everything
Last concert you attended: anger management tour
Favorite Pez dispenser: all of them!I collect them.
Favorite/current hair color: purple of course.
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): 11

hey whatever loser is talking about bridget and doesnt have the balls to say it with their own damn name on it needs to get a life. Bridget is the sweetest person in the world and if you dont think so then you are dilusional or jealous and dont wanna admi it. if you could be even a portion as cool as her little pinky then maybe you would take your head from out of the blue monkeys ass and see things how they really are. obviouslt you are just some obsessive loser who has nothing better to do with their ti e then talk down on people that sooooo dont deserve it. you need to just realize the fact that bridget is a goddess and that you can never be as cool as her. that's all i have to say.

LINdY - 11/29/00 23:02:58
Favorite bands:: THE CURE
Last concert you attended: The Higher The Fewer, w/ Blake Chen
Last good concert: The Cure
Favorite Pez dispenser: I dunno.
Favorite/current hair color: black with blue streaks
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): 2 (but only 'cause it's not finished yet)

Hey, this message is for all the losers out there that made rude comments to Bridget. First of all, if you are going to say something vulgar and with that much conviction, have the balls to sign it. Otherwise you are nothing more than a low-life coward. Second, if you don't like someone, then why would you waste your time going to their website? You obviously have nothing better to do and that is sad. Bridget- personally, I don't see you as being goth, punk, OR trendy. I see you as being BRIDGET, end of story. But you should be what ever you think fits and anyone who has a problem with that should stay out of it. One more thing, I HAPPEN TO BE JEWISH, whoever made that endaering little anti-semite comment can explain to me just what they maent by that. If they've even got the guts to email me.

Jon H. (Mellie's Follower) - 11/29/00 13:51:46
Favorite bands:: Bjork, Veruca Salt, No Use For A Name, Face To Face
Last concert you attended: Juvenile Wreck (My sister's punk band... She's the drummer!!)
Last good concert: Tori Amos... From The Choir Girl Hotel Tour
Favorite Pez dispenser: It just looks like a little silver bar... It's fun!!
Favorite/current hair color: Pink/Very Dark Red Blonde... Sort of...
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): 10, 'cos it's Bridget

I just wanted to sign your guest book 'cos you are one of the Rocky goddess's. Plus I read what you posted on the other site and wanted to let you know that there are way more people who love you than that idiot, whoever it is, can count... Well, I'd bett r get back to work. Your hair rocks!! - Jon :)

Ray and his band of Maladjusted, Misguided Monkeys - 11/29/00 01:49:52
My or
Favorite bands:: the one that plays at all the cool Hazelwood West cast parties
Last concert you attended: the Hazelwood West cast party
Last good concert: the Hazelwood West cast party-- except there were these assholes doing the Time Warp the whole time
Favorite Pez dispenser: the Hazelwood West cast party!-- uh, never mind.
Favorite/current hair color: the Hazelwood-- ah, never mind
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): a squared + b squared = c squared

Bridget-- I like you. I don't hate you. What's wrong with Jews? I have a German living with me. (Funny how one thought leads to another, huh?) Did you get my e-mails? Mon amour, Ma cherie-- Ray and the penis euphimisims.

Bob - 11/28/00 21:25:43

Hey, I'ma be a loser like that other kid and write snide (and ritarded) comments cause we both have the brain compacity of an ass dweling gnome. See ya rou

Bridget - 11/28/00 21:18:00
Last concert you attended: The awesome YMCA show
Last good concert: The awesome YMCA show
Favorite/current hair color: A red bihawk.

"bridget, your a jew and you make me sick?" Come on now. First off, I am not a Jew, and what have I done to upset anybody so? Secondly, if you want to play that game, it's "you're," not "your" since it is the phrase "you are" shortened. Thirdly, if I have pissed you off so much, just don't come o my webpage. That solves the problem easily.

- 11/28/00 02:47:55

bridget- your jewish and you make me sick

*Miss Ashlee* - 11/27/00 22:55:38
Favorite bands:: Bridget's mom
Last concert you attended: Indiefest
Last good concert: Link 80 & Less Than Jake
Favorite Pez dispenser: Your mom
Favorite/current hair color: Red

Bridget is gonna marry me someday. Too bad she likes James......... damn her Anyway, i love you Penises suck oi oi rock hard abs bridget is a freak

*Miss Ashlee* - 11/27/00 22:55:26
Favorite bands:: Bridget's mom
Last concert you attended: Indiefest
Last good concert: Link 80 & Less Than Jake
Favorite Pez dispenser: Your mom
Favorite/current hair color: Red

Bridget is gonna marry me someday. Too bad she likes James......... damn her Anyway, i love you Penises suck oi oi rock hard abs bridget is a freak

Ray da Monkey-Man - 11/26/00 22:51:52
My or
Favorite bands:: Pink Floyd, B.B. King, etc.
Last concert you attended: Urge release shows
Last good concert: Urge release shows
Favorite Pez dispenser: I like the new bug ones an awful lot.
Favorite/current hair color: blond
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): pi times three squared

Bridget-- Who the hell is this person who keeps posting on the guestbook? What is his/her/its problem? I didn't think you were Goth. I thought you were punk. One of the most attractive examples of punkishness I've ever seen. I don't see what said person's pr blem is. They have bad grammer. --Ray, Incorperated (RAYINC. Maker of fine products available only in black & white) GAY WHALES FOR JESUS!

John Chainz - 11/11/00 22:30:15
Favorite bands:: already said
Last concert you attended: already did
Last good concert: this looks familiar.:D

one last thing i almost forgot, as my brother Lemur said, THANX BRIDGET FOR COMING TO OUR PRODUCTION AND HANGIN WITH US!!!!so were a lil obsessed with the movie :D

John Chainz - 11/11/00 22:26:44
Favorite bands:: NIN,Ozzy,KMFDM,Manson,Alice Cooper,Alot of the 80's, static X, pantera
Last concert you attended: Manson
Last good concert: Ozzfest!!Is there any other concert to go to?
Favorite Pez dispenser: Donald Duck
Favorite/current hair color: Black w/red roots and tips
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): cant tell yet.but i give it a 7

YO sup?chainz here just felt like droppin in and sayin hi to everyone who visits this kick ass site(once finished i hope):D well, i hope to see more ppl at the late night "anal friction" picture show cuz the turnout isnt lookin too good.CUM ON FEEL OUR NO SE!!!!WATCH UP GROPING LIL BOYS!j/k.but saeriously the turnout seems like its droppin and we need more people to come to westport and join us in having fun!its only $5 for 2 1/2 - 3 hours of pure there's hot chicks there(like the one making this ite) so come on down and watch the flick.:Djoin us please there need to be more people. Bridget---think you,andy and the rest of the boils and ghouls could convince Sal Piro to come down here some time?that'd kick ass.well, i gots ta go for now.ciao, adios, peace out! Sinfully, John Chainz p.s. matches taste good.

Jen - 11/08/00 04:46:18
Favorite bands:: Limp Bizkit
Last concert you attended: Limp Bizkit, Eminem, Papa Roach
Last good concert: same as above
Favorite Pez dispenser: The Hulk
Favorite/current hair color: blond/brown
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): It's not finished how can I rate it.

I just want to say that the Rocky Horror Picture Show kicks ass.

Bridget - 11/07/00 20:51:46
My URL:You're on it.

Lemur(if you get this), I tried emailing you, but I got this weird error. What's up with that?

Lemur - 11/06/00 23:29:05

Thanks for coming and hangin' out w/the Hazelwood West crew. I appreciated it lots. I send happy smiling things to send you good dreams, sorry Injun ramblings, got to stay away from the Peyote,sweet sweet peyote. Love ya Bridgette! Lemur

Bridget - 11/05/00 18:28:20
My URL:You're on it

Okay, I understand that someone here has a problem with me, but it's useless to post it here on a guestbook. If you do have a problem, bring it to me yourself, rather than putting anonymous notes on the internet.

cant tell or you might try to steal it, oh wait to late. - 11/04/00 06:30:58
Favorite bands:: why do you wanna know? so you can have you mommy and daddy buy there cds for you so you can be cool?
Last concert you attended: not any of the trendy pop radio freindly crap you listen to

um. quit being so dumb.

Tim Sparling - 11/02/00 03:38:25
Favorite bands:: Whatever is on the radio. I just recently learned different people acctually record them.
Favorite Pez dispenser: Raphiel with just the side of his mouth grinning.
Favorite/current hair color: red/darkish, I really don't know
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): 589.2

Okay, I didn't know I was going to be bombarde with all these questions. I had to run up and get my birth certficate and other shit. Oh wait can we say shit here? I hear that some parts of the web you can't use words like shit. You gotta be fucking ca eful about what kind of shit-ass language comes from your damn-bitch, mother fucker mouth. Oopsie:) I'm one of the assholes from Hazelwood West. (our teams Suck! Yeah!) Hey when you asked for favorite hair color, you meant dyed pubes right? I don't really remember the last concert I went to. I either wasn't there or to high on my own stupidity to remember. P.S.(even though I'm not done yet) I love you Bridget:) HEY!!! Does this mean I'm cool now? O.k., enough of this (censored). I gotta go. This has been a Tim Sparling Production. P.P.S. You're the hottest part of the cast. Hit me back. just to chat, truly yours, this is Tim (someone should make a song from that)

Lemur Again I hit return instead of tab - 10/28/00 22:57:59
Favorite Pez dispenser: Yoda/Boba Fett
Favorite/current hair color: fave, black w/red streaks Current- brownish-black
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): 137

Saw you at Rocky, I'm one of the Hazelwood West Crew. You are truly the epitomy of female perfection. I've got nothin much to say sooo.. ciao for now see you the 28th, I hope

The almighty Lemur - 10/28/00 22:52:57
Favorite bands:: Stabbing Westward, Fear Factory, Coal Chamber, Soulfly, System of a Down, Misfits, Hedpe, Broken Nation, Cabinet 31
Last concert you attended: Ozzfest
Last good concert: Ozzfest


someone who knows all about you - 10/28/00 17:16:45

Oh, Bridget your not fooling anyone, everyone knows your just a cheap impertionation of Autum And if you cant tell the difference between true punk and trendy punk you should'nt try to be one when your the other. Your Goth, get over it and quit trying to be somethig your not. Do everyone a favor and stop trying.

Ray Hill - 10/17/00 21:09:54
Favorite bands:: B.B. King, the Urge, Garth Brooks, Fastball, Metalla-fuckin'-ca, Pink Floyd, John Lee Hooker, and Meat Loaf
Last concert you attended: 3 Doors Down
Last good concert: The Big Muddy Blues & Roots Festaval @ Laclede's Landing September 2000
Favorite Pez dispenser: Chewbacca or Santa Claus
Favorite/current hair color: Favorite: Blond; Current: Blond

Thanks. No comments right now, just wanted to fill out the survey. P.S. Saw you at a late night double feature picture show on Friday the 13th and you melted my heart and the ice in my cup.

Brandon, knight of Ni! - 10/11/00 00:46:57
Favorite bands:: Anti-Flag, Dropkick Murphys, Minor Threat, the Clash, et cet
Last concert you attended: Dun remember
Last good concert: Rabid Rock I forgot which one, though.
Favorite Pez dispenser: The one with the most pez inside?
Favorite/current hair color: Current: Purple w/brown roots. Favorite: Blue

Hey, shorty. Long time no see. How goes it?

Zaq - 09/30/00 23:39:59
Favorite bands:: Placebo, Tori Amos, No Doubt
Last concert you attended: No Doubt
Last good concert: No Doubt kicked, yah! Someday though, Placebo, althought I think seeing the god Brian in person might vaporize me.
Favorite Pez dispenser: the Phallic Pez
Favorite/current hair color: My violetish-red wig
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): It's under reco, so I don't know.

Hey Bridget, I know you from Rocky, 'member me? 'course you do! I played Magenta and you played Columbia last nite, which would have been 9/30. Anyway, ciao!

sin - 09/20/00 22:50:46
Favorite bands:: system of a down
Last concert you attended: dave matthews (i didn't really want to go though)
Last good concert: Ozfest
Favorite Pez dispenser: Garfield
Favorite/current hair color: I've only had one, blond: I love red, though

I know u from Rocky, you might not remember me, though. I just wanted to say hey, so I'll hopefully see you this Saturday. I'm not sure if I will be there. See ya l8r. -L8RS- Sin

Shawn (Hopefully Eddie next Friday!) - 09/10/00 17:43:30
Favorite bands:: Eminem and whoever made the time-warp!
Last concert you attended: Weird Al Yankovich
Last good concert: Weird Al Yankovich (Only been to one.)
Favorite Pez dispenser: Pez dispenser? Do they make one with Riff Raff on it?
Favorite/current hair color: Brown (That's my hair color)
Rate my site (1-10, 10 being the best): 10 ¼

Heya Bridget. Cool site! Hopefully it will have more sections. Did you say that you are playing Columbia next Friday? Well, if I can find a black jacket, I'm going to be Eddie. I have all of the other ingredients to his costume. Please visit my site! It's listed upwords. =) ~Shawn/Eddie(?)

Bridget - 08/17/00 16:52:35
Favorite bands:: Rancid, Less Than Jake, Propagandhi, Teen Idols, Boy Kicks Girl, River City Rebels, etc.
Last concert you attended: Boy kicks Girl with 19, Jersey, Hoover McNoover, and Failing English
Last good concert: The last one was really good, but Less than Jake was awwwwesome.
Favorite Pez dispenser: Yoda
Favorite/current hair color: It's currently fire engine red

Thanks for visiting my site. I hope you sign my guestbook, and feel free to email me!

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