Welcome to my page dedicated to the best band in the UK:
Yes it's Terrorvision!
Almost everything you ever wanted to know about the Bradford 4 will hopefully be up on this site before long. I will also have a page about me and some of the other stuff in my life.
Click on the pictures or anything underscored to be whisked off into another dimension.
ENJOY and if you want to tell me what you think or you just want to say hi
e-mail me at: terrorvision@hugkiss.com

Tony at Rico's, Greenock on 13/08/98Shutty at Rico's, Greenock on 13/08/98Leigh at Rico's, Greenock on 13/08/98Mark at Rico's, Greenock on 13/08/98

I have a rapidly increasing collection of Terrorvision Stuff. Perhaps you have something I want. Perhaps I have something you want. Take a look at what I've got - make me an offer, you never know.
the first TV albumthe second TV albumthe third TV albumthe fourth TV album

From their humble beginnings as the Spoilt Bratz, these 4 young men have wowed audiences up and down the country and places further afield. Check out their impressive gig history.(coming soon)
Read all about me: who I am, what I do, what else I like: Links Page
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For a limited time only: My photos from Glasgow Garage 19/04/99

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Site Id : 21 Member : FallenAngel@hugkiss.com

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