30th MAY 1999 
            article from the sun - BOYZONE SPECIAL 
(thanx a lot to Sarah Liptrott for the information) 
THEY have notched up six No1s and become the greatest boy band ever. And this week Boyzone have been talking exclusively to The Sun about their lives at the top. Frontman Ronan Keating spoke of his love for his baby son and the heart-break of his mother's death from cancer 15 months ago at the age of 54. And yesterday Shane Lynch talked about his delight at the pop success of his twin sisters in B*Witched. But what of the other members of Boyzone? Here we take a look behind the senes at the private lives of Stephen Gately, Keith Duffy and Mikey Graham and discover a love of the family, Disney.......and heavy drinking! 

WHILE most millionaire pop stars splash their cash on girls and cars, Boyzone's Stephen Gately is very different. But he has one craving that  he can't conquer - buying up the origenal pictures of Disnay characters. Stephen, 23, has blown tens of thousands on expensive drawings over the years. The bands only bachelor admits: "A lot of pop stars spend their money on wild things and cars - I prefer paintings and I drive a Peugeot 306. But I collect origenal Disney reproductions - I paid £9,000 for one recently. That's my biggest extravagance. I have a 1937 origenal sketch from Snow White and The Seven Dwarves - my house is just like Disneyworld. I'm crazy about that stuff and that's my main addiction and obsession. I've got dozens of the things and their worth thousands and thousands of pounds."Stephen, who lives alone in a £650,000 house outside Dublin says he always knew he would be famous. When he was a povertystricken teenager growing up on the rough streets of dublin, he used to sign autographs for school pals.He says: "I left school to join the group but at 14 I signed autographs for people, saying I'd be famous. I always wanted to get out of the rough areas of Dublin and  the poverty of my childhood. We got by but my mum was a painter-decorater and my mum a housewife. Nobdy pointed me in this direction and I'm proud of myself for going it. 

I've worked for what I've got. I can give my parents everthing that they want and I'm very close to all my family. I don't think I could ever leave Dublin though - I love the atmosphere." But Stephen isn't out every night partying and considers himself a bit of a hermit.He admits: "I just like staying in in foront of the TV and having a glass of wine. I don't really go out much and i don't like nightclubs. I'd prefer to have a pint of Guinness down the pub with a couple of 60-year-olds at the bar. talking about ife. I'm quite a reclusive person and get quite tense and depressed sometimes. I found being in the public eye differicult at first and I've been very lonely. I'm not a wild person at all and I used to just come home and lock myself in. I regualarly have acupuncture to help releieve the pressure and that really helps."The band recnetly played an emotional gig in bomb-hit towm Omagh. And Stephen beleives that although they are all from Dublin their music has crossed the North-South divide.He explains: "We are as big in Northern Ireland as we are in the Republic and we are helping to bridge the gap. We want to do our bit for peace but I'm not sure we'd ever make a political statement in our music. We just write pop music to make people happy and make kids smile. We aren't a controversila band and we don't particularly want to be. We have a nice guy image but we've all got big hearts." 

BOYZONE could be the new Rolling Stones and selling out Wembley in 20 years time, according to Keith Duffy. And he laughs when he thinks of all the terrible boy bands he has seen come and go over the last six years. Keith,24, reels off the list: "Deuce, MN8,EYC, Optimystic.... whatever happened to them? We're so lucky because a lot of bands we started off with are now stacking shelves. I don't know what set us apart from them. We've been lucky. I can see us up on stage when we are fifty, still doing this. We could be the new Rolling Stones. The problem is that we might have to change our name from Boyzone - although it hasn't done the Beach Boys any harm." Surely he cannot beleive that the band will NEVER split up. " Why? Why should we? I can't see any reason why I cannot be on stage with the boys aged 55. We have discussed this and I know there will never be a farewell tour. We enjoy it too much. I'm sure we will persue solo paths for a while but I genuinly beleive that Boyzone will be together forever." Keith lives just outside of Dublin with his wife Lisa and son Jordan, three. He says he would happily go back to work as a labourer if his money ran out. Keith is a renowned heavy drinker but says that booze has never been a problem for him like it was for his pal Robbie Williams. " I used to drink a real lot but I've never had a drink problem, though," he claims. " I would just get involved in stupid drinking games. I have never hidden the fact that we drink alot, or smoke, or have girlfriends and children. We haven't done it by the rules. Girls still love us even though we are married and have girlfriends. We are bigger then ever. I get quite a bit of hassle in Ireland. The Irish can be quite hard on their own and I get a fair bit of abuse. I've had death threats and stuff like that but I don't let it bother me. Most people have accepted us but I've been beaten up in a club, that kind of thing. What people forget is that I'm the same person I was years ago. I'm just lucky enough to have enough money in my pocket to have a good time. But I think people like us because we are very well-mannered... we've got the best manners in pop." 

MIKEY GRAHAM reckons Boyzone have become a household name like Mr Sheen and Kellogg's Corn Flakes. 
"We're the PG Tips of pop - reliable and faniliar," he giggles. "We're the only band beside Oasis and The Beatles to have had three consecutive cart-topping albums. We've had more NO1 singles the u2. People forget that ANd who is to say The Beatles and Oasis are't fans of Boyzone? There are a lot of people who wouldn't publicly say they were fans because of our image.It makes me laugh. I'm sure even Liam Gallagher likes one of our songs! And I don't think there is any real reason why we should split up, although some people would probably like us to. We always thought we couldn't get any bigger but we did." Mikey, 26, who lives near Dublin, hads been in the shadow of Ronan Keating and Stephen Gately since the band were formed six years ago. But his profile is growing. In fact, some fans were so outraged by Mikey's low profile role that they formed a LET MIKEY SING protest group. Now, live, he plays electric guitar and performs one of his own compositions. But ghe's not bitter, though, he admits: I'm becoming more prominent in the band. I have always had the ability but never done it. A lot of people say we can't play our instruments but I've been palying the guitar for 20 years. I've just never used them in the group. It drives me mad when people say we are talentless but I bit the bullet and it's paind off."Mikey has a three-year-old daughter hannah, who lives with ex-lover Sgaron Keane in Dublin. He is dating Boyzone dancer Karen Corradi and say they hope to marry. He reveals: "She's great and I'd like to marry her one day. I want a big Irish family with eight kids. But I have a sensible, grown-up relationship with sharon and see Hannah all the time. Shes my responsibilty and I call her a lot. everything I do revolves around her." 

(thanx a lot to A.N.Porter  Tracee for the information) 
The smoothest sensation to come out of Dublin since Guinness, Boyzone have been described as "Take That with Shamrocks-but they've already outlasted their famous predecessors. No mean achievement for five lads who less than 6 years ago were still holding down part-time jobs to make ends meet when they answered an advert to join a boy band.Keith Duffy, Steve Gately, Mikey Graham, Ronan Keating and Shane Lynch beat off 300 contenders in a series of auditions to become Boyzone.  Aided only by a rough demo tape, they persuaded Polygram Ireland to give them a recording deal. Their debut single in 1994 was a Top 10 hit in Ireland, but their second release, Love me For A Reason, hit the jackpot on both sides of the Irish Sea, selling more that 600,000 copies in the UK. Boyzone have scored hit after hit since then-yet their success story almost ended before it began. 
Just as the band was about to be launched, Shane and Keith cheated death in a terrifying high-speed car crash that sent Shane's Golf GTi somersaulting down a quiet Dublin street.  When the car shuddered to a halt, Shane and Keith found themselves dangling upside down in their Seat-belts.  Amazingly they both escaped with minor whiplash injuries even though the car was a complete write-off.  Ronan, Boyzone's lead singer was also no stranger to speed in his earlier days, though his was self-generated as a potential Olympic runner.  Nicknamed "The Blond Bomber" by the Irish Media, Ronan collected more than 250 medals- mostly gold, in a glittering junior track career.  He had been accepted for a four year scholarship at a top New York college to train for next year's Sydney Olympics when he devastated his coaches by joining Boyzone.  Events since then have proved that the then 16 year old schoolboymade the right decision .  At Boyzone's teen idol peak, Ronan alone was receiving 2000 adoring fan letters a week. 
He suffered having earrings torn from his lobes and sunglasses snatched from his head and had security men around his room to prevent star-struck young women sneaking in.  A series of pleasant but forgettable teenybop hits followed, including four British Number Ones, until last year when the band made a deliberate decision to develop a more mature image. As Ronan said: "In the beginning our fans were driven to our concertsby their fathers.  Now they drive themselves.  It's time we grew up with them" Marriage was one obvious outcome and Shane was the first to break his fans hearts in March last year when he married girl band Eternal's singer Easther Bennett. Two months later, Ronan followed his example by tying the knot with his sweetheart, model Yvonne Connolly, in a secret ceremony in the Caribbean.  Keith Duffy made it a Boyzone wedding hatrick soon after by marrying long-term girlfriend LisaSmith. Their married status hasn't affected Boyzone's popularity and a fruitful collaboration with Lord Lloyd Webber made No Matter What the most popular single of 1998. 
The band's current tour coincides with the release of a Greatest Hits album and could be their last as Ronan, for one, spreads his wings by collaborating with other musicians and moving into management with his own boy band "Westlife" He has also made a success of presenting BBC's Get your Act Together, a showcase, for musical hopefuls hoping to follow in his successful footsteps.  He also has a family to think about now, Yvonne having recently presented him with a baby son, called Jack. Shrewd investments in property (the latest a £700,000 mansion in County Kildare) have already made Ronan a millionaire.  And he's still only 22. 
His ultimate ambition has nothing to do with showbusiness (HUH?) as he wants to become President of the Irish Republic, arguing that if Dana can stand, then so can he.  The future plans of the other Boyzone members are unclear, though Shane Lynch could always join forces with his sisters Keavy and Edele who are stars in their own right as members of the chart topping girl band B*Witched. (Although I think Fab are more Shane-suited-Tracee) 

            SUN ARTICLE - RONAN 
(thanx a lot to Carol for the information) 
A panic - stricken Ronan Keating can often be found leaping out of bed at 4am to check if his baby son Jack is still breathing.After the death of his mother last year, the Boyzone star is terrified of  loosing his son. So he isn't taking any chances.he often wakes up at the mansion outside Dublin which he shares with wife Yvonne and runs to little Jack's cot.Ronan says he is heartbroken that is beloved mum Marie, who lost her cancer batle 15 months ago at 54, never looked into his baby' s eyes. He says Jack reminds him of Marie and he wonders if she is living on inside his baby.Ronan's band is the biggest in Britain and have just celebrated their SIXTH number 1 with 'You needed me'. They are now on a sell-out UK tour.Aboard the tour bus, he constantly wishes he was with two moth old Jack and Yvonne who he married a year ago.Yvonne and Jack stay at the band's hotel beacuse doctors have warned them that the baby's ears could be damaged by the screams of the fans and the band's booming hits.Ronan's voice falters as he admits: ' I'll never get over my mum's death. I've just tried to keep going. It's harder now. When I looks at Jack I can't accept the fact that my mother has never seen him.  I look into his eyes and into my wife's eyes and realise that mum wasn't there to witness the two most important events of my life - getting married and having a baby - and that really hurts. My mother was an exceptional human being and she would have loved nothing more than seeing my first child being born. She adored kids and  they adored her too. I look at Jack and I see some of her in him and it makes me tearful. It's so unfair and she did not see him. I worry about Jack every minute of the day. I'm a nervous wreck and if I hear a little cough or a little cry then I go running to check on him. The reality is, though,that he just needs his nappy changing or feeding or something like that.Fatherhood is absolutely brilliant, though. Jack is on tour with me because it is very important for him to grow up around me.  don't want to be an absent father. I  don't want him to grow up and us to grow apart. My life has changed so much being a husband and being a father. Having a little bundle in my hands has put my life into perspective. There is absolutely no question that I would  give it all up for him. He's got a little smile now and every daythere's  something different - something new to look at. I wouldn't want to miss that. Imagine how I'd feel if I came back off tour and he was a different person. I  just hope i'm a good dad. I suppose I'll hae to ask him in 20 years.' Still only 22, Ronan says his relationship with his own dad Gerard, 57,is fine despite reports they have fallen out. Ronan says: ' It's just that he's not like I am with Jack. I'd like more hugs and kisses but he's not a tactile person.' Amazingly, Boyzone are in their 7th year. They have seen so many boy bands come and go but Ronan, Shane Lynch, Stephen Gately, Mikey Grahm and Keith Duffy have gone from strenght to strength with hits such as Words, No Matter what ,  Different Beat and Where we Belong( Carol........?????).Each month there are rumours that they are going to split and Ronanadmits he  is working on solo projects. But that fat lady ain't singing just yet.He says: ' We are the most successful Boy band of all time. We have been going as long as the Beatles were in the Public eye. I think people forget that. I'm sure we'll split up one day. I've got my solo single in July and I'm looking at an album for next year. But Boyzone will do a fourth studio album. We're happy doing what we're doing. I want to make great pop songs. It  would hurt me massively if my solo record wasn't as big or bigger thn Boyzone. I'm just going to go for it and do my best. I'm not bitter about anyone who snipes about us being a boy band. I'm a happily married man with a healthy child and people are obvioulsy just jealous, I hear so many stories about myself. The best one was that Yvonne caught me in bed with Keith.At least I can laugh about it............although I do quite fancy him!' Ronan says only now are the band starting to reep the awards of their six  year slog. He has just splashed out on a classic 1961 Corvette sports car to  go with his 1966 Mustang and Dodge CHarger. 'It's just like the one out of  Dukes of Hazzard' he says. Ronan adds ' We were so naive when we started be we've learnt how to take  care of ourselves and our business affairs. But we are not the millionaires  people make think we are. We are still paying mortages and stuff like that, although we're comfortably well off. I'm a millionaire on paper but  definitely not in my bank account. I try to get money out of the hoel in the wall if I can. That can be embarrasing when there are people watching saying ' Hey look, he's a superstar and he can't get any money out.' It's all starting to fall into place now financially but I count my blessings all the  time.'Ronan looks back fondly to the early days of Boyzone and says he really enjoyed himself, even though it as tough. He said: 'We toured all aound the Irish nightclubs, working from 6am until midnight. They were mad days and they really helped to makes what we are  today. But deep down we're still the same people we always were.' 

24th MAY 1999 
(thanx a lot to Lucy Witts for the information) 
If you've already picked up your copy of BZ's brand new CD single You Needed Me, then you'll already know that it's their most fancy single release so far! The CD2 version of the single is a very special limited edition (only 60,000 have been produced), created especially for BZfans - a cardboard sleeve containing three double sided souvenir cards, which feature gorgeous pics of all the boys! The single also includes a CD-ROM of the You Needed Me video, and a gallery featuring stills from the video, which can be downloaded to create your own BZ postcard! If you don't have yourself a copy yet, rush to a record store ASAP - it'll keep you entertained for days! 

Congratulations to Marlo, who clocked up a whacking great 106,987 votes to win the Grand Final of Get Your Act Together last month. Dean, Mark, Matthew and Ben won the competition with their song How Do I Know Who You Are?, and as a result, have also scooped a recording contract with BZ's record label Polydor. Host with the most Ro was the first to congratulate the boys… "They were a great band and they have a great future ahead of them," he says. "All the artists were absolutely fantastic and everyone on the show got a chance to get their foot in the door. It's a great opportunity." Keep your eyes peeled for Marlo in a record shop near you soon! 

Well done to Shanno for yet another top high speed performance, during the first round of the Mintex International Championships. Shane, who drives for Ford, was one of 120 crews which took part in the Sunseeker rally in Bournemouth, while BZ were on their holidays! 

Well done to Stephen Gately, who did a fine job of co-presenting top entertainment show Electric Circus last month. Steo joined regular presenter Gail Porter on the programme, which included top celebrity interviews, film reviews and gossip - and he thoroughly enjoyed himself."Gail's lovely," said Stephen. "We've met her lots of times before so it was nice to have an opportunity to work with her, we had a lot of fun!" 

Watch out for a brand new book by top BZ book bloke BP Fallon! Because it tells the story behind Boyzone's greatest hits, it's called Boyzone By Request - just like the album! The book is fully endorsed by the band, features exclusive interviews and previously unseen photographs -and will be on sale inside a book store near you as of 31st May! 

It's on it's way at last! BZ's greatest hits compilation album, By Request will be in a record store near you from the 31st May! The album features a grand total of 19 tracks - including 5 No1 singles, new single You Needed Me - and 4 brand new songs, including BZ US single release All the Time in the World. As you'd expect, the band plan on launching the album with style… The boys will be back home in Ireland, where Sunday 30th May has been officially declared Dublin Day! Boyzone will be hosting an international press conference for countless important media types flying into Dublin specially for the occasion,performing two open air shows at Dublin's RDS Arena during the afternoon and evening - then partying the night away as the big release day approaches!PS Also on sale on 31st May will be BZ's greatest hits longform video, featuring exclusive interviews with the boys, all the videos from all the singles - and some exclusive behind the scenes footage filmed on 
the set of the You Needed Me video. There'll be more news on that right here, next month! 

At last we can announce the date you've been waiting for! BZ's TV spectacular, Boyzone - Just For You will be screened on ITV on Saturday 29th May, when the boys will be hosting a special TV extravaganza live from London! Tune in - or else set your video ASAP… 

Congratulations should go to 18 year old Ian Boyd, who won a recent heat of talent show Stars in Their Eyes with a special impression of Ronan! This is the 2nd time a Ro 'singalike' has appeared on the programme - but whereas the first 'Ronan' contestant chose to perform Father and Son, plasterer Ian impressed the SITE audience with his version of Baby Can I Hold You - the song he sang at karaoke the night he met his girlfriend, Debbie! 

Last year BZ went down a storm at London's fantastic open air concert,95.8 Capital FM's Party in the Park. And the good news is that the Boyzone boys will be back at the Hyde Park again this year, to star in the concert on Sunday July 4th - the day after Shanno's 23rd birthdat! Join him for some celebrating and check out Boyzone performing alongside the likes of WestLife, Texas and The Corrs! 

Huge congratulations to those boys from WestLife, whose debut single Swear it Again has hit the top spots in both the Irish and UK charts since our last issue! At home in Ireland, the track is the best selling debut single ever released - whilst over here in the UK, the song managed to topple the hugely successful Martine McCutcheon off the top spot!  

Tune into BBC Radio One on Monday May 31st and you're bound to hear a BZ tune… In celebration of the release of BZ's By Request Greatest Hits album, Radio One have put together a special Boyzone show, which will be on the air between 4 and 5 o'clock! 

Check out brand new Brit flick Notting Hill, and keep your ears open for Ronan's top tune When You Say Nothing At All. The movie stars Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts, and will be featured at a cinema near you as of 28th May. Ro has just finished filming his very first solo video for the track, which should be released sometime over the summer. 

(thanx a lot to pamela coutts for the information) 
Boyzones lead singer Ronan Keating has never looked more relaxed. Along with wife Yvonne and their eight-week-old son Jack, he has jetted back to Ireland from Boyzone's UK tour to open the dorrs of the family home to OK magazine.  Despite their hectic schedule, the couple are more united than ever and focused 100 per cent on one little person - Jack.  Ronan, Yvonne and Jack live with their four dogs in a six-bedroom house in the heart of County Kildare, their two horses grazing happily in the adjacent paddock. The family is at home for one night only, yet 17 relatives have been invited over for dinner to be cooked by Ireland's top cheif, Conrad Gallagher. 

What was it like holding your baby son for the very first time? 
Ronan:  We bawled our eyes out. 
Yvonne:  The nurses and the doctors were trying to talk to us and we couldnt stop crying.  Ronan was on the bed with me and Jack was wrapped up in a blanket between us and we just held on to each other for so long.  It's what all parent say - but having a baby really is an everyday miracle. 

Did you guess which sex the baby was? 
Yvonne:  Everyone originally said it was a boy up until I was about seven months pregnant. 
Ronan:  Then everyone was nho, no its a girl.  You know, you're low slung so it must be a girl and all these other great theories people have! 

How has Jack's arrival changed your relationship? 
Ronan:  It's brought us closer together, without a shadow of a doubt. 

Yvonne:  From the moment we had Jack in our arms and we sat there in tears, it changed everything.  We could never have got closer but its a different ype of closeness.  We were always great mates and often knew what each other was thinking, and we are a very tight unit.  But when you have a baby, he or she is part of the two of you. 
Ronan:  Jack's the bond between us. 

We last saw you in the Seychelles, when Yvonne was about six months pregnant.  How did it go from there? 
Yvonne:  Everything was brilliant - time was flying and I couldnt wait for the baby to come.  At the time we were renting a house and renovating this one.  We were travelling, but when Christmas came i couldnt travel anymore. Everything started to slow down and the days started to drag. 
Ronan:  I took February  and March off to be with Yvonne.  By the end of February I had the overnight bag packed and the stopwatch at the ready! 

When the big day eventually came, how did it go for the two of you? 
Ronan:  It started in the early hours of March 15, at six minutes to four, when Yvonne heard a bang. 
Yvonne:  i really did hear a bang like a snap of an elastic band or a baloon bursting.  Nobody had ever told me that you can hear your waters burst - but I'm sure that's what I heard.  That's what woke me up. 
Ronan:  Yvonne said "I think my waters are after breaking," and rushed into the toilet.  I thought she just needed to go to the loo, and fell back to sleep again.  She came out of the bathroom, fully dressed and carrying the overnight bag. She said "Ro, are youready?" I'm half asleep thinking "What?", "We're going to the hospital", she says.  I suddenly woke up with a start and threw my trousers on and anything that was hanign around the room.  We jumped into our fastest car - the yellow Peugeot 406 coupe - and threw the bag in and sped off. We went to Mount Carmel Hospital in Dublin, which is about a 25-minute drive from here.  Once we got in the car we were so relaxed.  We were chatting away and I made all the necessary calls to family and friends while we were en route. 
Yvonne:  I was in no pain at the time.  We got to the hospital, got settled in and I changed into my nightit.  As soon as I was settled, the contractions started. 
Ronan:  And by god did they start! It really kicked in then.  it was a long slog.  She went into labour for 13 hours and then Jack was born at 4.45pm. It was the first time in my life that I felt absolutely helpless.  I didnt know what to do or how to help. There was nothing I could do but stand there.  i felt awful telling Yvonne she had to push when she was going tbrough all that pain.  I was wondering if I was doing any good at all. 
Yvonne:  That's not true! He was brilliant and supportive, he was excellent. He held on to my hand, mopped by brow. 

Did you attend all the antenatal classes? 
Ronan:  We flew home everytime we had a class. 

Did you know what kind of birth you wanted: 
Yvonne:  We wanted to do it as naturally as possible. 
Ronan:  None of those water births or anything  - just as normally as possible. 

Ronan, did you cut the cord? 
Ronan:  When Jack came out he wasn't actually breathing which was really, really scary,.  The cord was wrapped around his neck so the doctor cut it. i remember looking down when Yvonne was pushing and seeing the midwife pulling and pulling.  I could see from her face that the midwife was very concerned and I knew there was something wrong.  jack;s shoulder was caught inside Yvonne, on her pelvis.  When he finally came out, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was black and blue and not breathing. 

Did you tell Yvonne? 
Ronan:  No.  There was no way I could tell Yvonne after eveything she'd been thorugh.  It happens to one in every two babie, but when it happens to your child those 30 seconds feel like an hour.  The doctors were brilliant - they put the baby on the table and put a breathing mask on his mouth and he let out his first scream.  it was unbelievable.  The they weighed him - he was 10lb 4oz - and they wrapped him up and put him in our arms. 

Did you have any inclination that he was going to be such a big baby? 
Yvonne:  About two months before I had Jack I went to see the doctor, because I was putting on so much weight.  She asked what I was eating and I then realised I had been eating so much cocolate.  I've always been a chocoholic, but during my pregnancy, especially towards the end, i ate it constantly.  Ronan and the rest of Boyzone did a promotion for cadbury's and they sent us millions and millions of bars of chocolate.  i think you'd have to say that was my ultimate downfall! 
Ronan:  i was worried that my baby was going to be a chocoholic with a big chocolate head on him and wrapped in foil.  Thanks go out to cadburys for getting Yvonne through nine months. 

Did you put on weight anywhere other than the bump? 
Ronan:  In the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the bedroom - in fact everywhere! 
Yvonne:  Everywhere I went I put it on.  I was huge. 

You look to have lost it all now.... 
Yvonne:  No, I havent yet.  Theres still loads to get off.  I've seriously cut down on my chocolate intake, but i do need my daily fix. 

What's changed since Jack's arrival? 
Ronan:  having a baby puts your ife into perspective.  Everything has changed for us.  You start off and your on you own, looking after number one.  The you get married and you've two people to look after.  the you have a child and that just changed everything.  this little baby cannot do anything - he's totally dependant on you.  They expect everything from you. 
Yvonne:  That's the most rewarding thing. 

Do you ever panic about such resposibility? 
Ronan:  Every night when I creep in to see him, I'll stop and listen to make sure I can hear him breathing properly.  i'm a nervous wreck with him - I'm constantly asking what this rash or that spot is! 
Yvonne:  the biggest thing in our lives before was Ro's music and our marriage.  now, if Jack has a good burp up we're out there celebrating! Before, it was exciting if Ro  got a big job or deal - now it's if Jack gets his wind up, so you know its not going to hurt him for two hours. 
Ronan:  Most mothers and father will realte to that - a burp is more important than a job! 

Ronan:  what's it like not being the centre of attention any longer? 
Ronan:  it is slightly strange - but whatever job you'r doing it can also be strange for someone to start asking you about another person who you've creates.  It's magic though, and wonderful.  We love to talk about Jack - in fact we can't stop talking about him. 

How did you celbrate Jack's arrival? 
Ronan:  By raising a glass or two of Jack Daniels!  We had all our friends and family over here and there were a few nights when we wet his head. the christening is going to be the really big celebration. 
Yvonne:  We want to take time off to do the whole thing properly. 
Ronan:  The ceremony will be for close family with the godparents being my brother Gary, who was my Best Man, and Yvonne's sister-in-law, Linda Connolly. 

Is the christening important rfom a religious point of view? 
Ronan:  Basically we want to bring Jack up as best we can.  It is very important because both myself and Yvonne were christened and brought up like that. 
Yvonne:  Obviously when the child grows older he can make his own 
decisions in life, but while he's young we have to make those decisions for him. 

Ronan - do you think you realtionship with Jack will be similar to yours with your own dad? 
Ronan:  I see myself as being very lucky, because I'm in a great position. I can give Jack everything - everything I ever wanted and dreamed of, hopefully without spoiling him.  I'm not saying I didn't get any of it, but it's a nice feeling to be able to do that.  the way I was brought up was perfect and I want to bring my children up the same way. 

So how do you and your dad get on? 
Ronan:  My dad's 56 and a very proud man.  i try to take care of him as best I can and as much as he'll let me.  but it's very important that you don't try to overpower him. 

Since you mum died, have you found your dad leans on you more? 
Ronan:  He's really dug into his work - he's a courier who works across Ireland so he's always away too.  i hardly see him, but we talk on the phone a lot. 

What happened when grandad met grandson for the first time? 
Ronan:  It was magical.  the three generations of grandad, dad and son, together.  Since my man dies we feel that her spirit live on in her grandchildren.  in Ashley-Marie, who's my brother Kieren's daughter, and Jack, we feel it's the second coming.  So it's a special time for us to see mum's spirit in Jack. 

Not having your mum here to see little jack must have been difficult for you. 
Ronan:  It breaks my heart.  I'd give everything for my mam to see Jack and to be here.  She loved her grandchildren so much, Connall and Rory, the two grandchildren she knew, meant everything to her.  I was her baby, so it would have been great for her to see me with my baby.  It's very tough. 

How do you cope with that? 
Ronan:  As best I can.  We all miss her terribly. 
Yvonne:  there are difficult times, such as when it was the first anniversary of her birthday or the day she dies and it's hard on the whole family.  But when Jack was born was the hardest.  it's such a big occasion and I know how happy it would have made her, I think that's why we cried so much. 

What's Yvonne like as a mum, Ronan? 
Ronan:  She's perfect - sh'es brilliant at a very difficult job.  I always knew she would be, from the first time I met her.  When we got married I knew she wopuld be the perfect wife and I don't mean that in a chauvinistic way.  i knew she would be perfect as the mother of my children. 

Do you have the same praise for Ronan as a father, Yvonne? 
Yvonne:  Yes! We were friend for a year and a half before we became a couple, and from the say we got together we talked about family,getting married and having kids.  As soon as we got married we started to try for a baby.  I wouldn't be everybody's perfect wife but for each other we were both what we dreamed of. 

You're in a house surrounded by men now.  Are you sure you're prepared for a life of football and fights? 
Yvonne:  Even the four dogs and the horses are all male!  Thank god I get on with fellas all right. 

Ronan,  do you already have a pair of football boots for Jack? 
Ronan:  you've no idea! I have every toy in the world - stuff that he can't use yet.  I've ordered a special wine for when he's 21 and a crate of jack Daniels special single barrel for when he's 18. 

Do you not worry that this particular luxury will send him off the rails? 
Yvonne:  I don't think thayt in this family he'd be allowed to go that way.  the reason Ro's  so stable is because he was surrounded by a family who wre solid in one sense - but mad in another.  There's no occasion where you act like a star with these people. 

Do you feel you've sacrifices anything by marrying and having a child so young? 
Ronan:  Not at all - we've gained everything. 

We saw you at the movie premiere of Notting Hill.  Does having a nanny help you get out and about? 
Ronan:  Some people don't agree with nannies, others do.  but our nanny looks after Jack when he's asleep at night-time.  We look after him during the day. 
Yvonne:  We said before we had Jack that we would look after him ourselves.  but two weeks after he was born, Ronan was back working and we were on the road.  it's good toi have a second pair of hands and our nanny is proving to be brilliant. 

I read recently that Boyzone were going tehir seperate ways.  is that true? 
Ronan:  I have a solo single coming out on July 19 from Notting Hill soundtrack.  the others are all doing solo projects too.  We feel it will give the band a longer lifespan.  but right now we're still very much together. 

What has been the fans' reaction to your good news? 
Ronan:  They've been fantastic.  We've had hundreds of messages wishing us and Jack all the best. 

Will you do any more TV presenting? 
Ronan:  not at the moment.  but it was fantasitc doing my own show with GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, but Yvonne was in her last six weeks of pregnancy and I didn't really like being away filming.  Every day I commuted from Glasgow to Dublin and I had a private jet on the runway so I could speed off if I got a call saying Yvonne had gone into labour.  It was a nerve-wrecking time.I thrive under pressure, but GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER was pre-recorded so I sort of became lackadaisical and didn't perform as well as I could have done.  So I've decided to concentrate on the singing and songwriting for the time being. 

Ronan, would you ever refuse to go on tour so that you could be with Jack? 
Ronan:  I can't do that because I haev to work.  What am I without it? i can't plumb or garden, this is all I know. 

Yvonne, do you think its different for the mother because she has to change her lifestyle to be with the baby? 
Yvonne:  A lot of people have been asking me if I'm going to go back to modelling.  I'm probably a feminist's worst nightmare, but at the moment I see my job in life as looking after Ro and Jack.  i agree with women who go back to work, but we're so lucky to be able to afford for me not to work and  I don't feel any less a person for not working. 

What's Jack's best characteristic so far? 
Yvonne:  when you have him sussed he changes. 

What hopes do you have for him? 
Ronan:  When I told him i wonder what he'll want to be when he grows up.  Will he be a singer, a football player or an archaeologist?  He has it all in front of him.  we'll encourage him any way he wants to go. 

19th MAY 1999 
            Letter from  
As you already know, we have had the lucky task of producing he first ever Official Boyzone Interview CD. The CD contains a specially recorded interview with the band, and Ronan, Shane, Keith, Mikey and Steven answer some of the many questions that we were e-mailed from all over the world by Boyzone fans. The CD also includes a CD-ROM element, which allows the user to take a 'Boyzone journey' and learn more about the band.Included on the journey is the Boyzone biography, a checklist of all of the Boyzone records that have been released and pictures of all the Steps merchandise, with a special order form. There's also a chance to win a Boyzone goodie-bag!!! Please include this release on your web-site and please find attached the sleeve art in JPEG format (so you can just paste it in easily). This CD is 100% Official, approved by the band and their management. Boyzone were really keen to answer their fan's questions and have been involved in this project right from the very beginning. The Boyzone Interview CD will be available from the shops on May 31st, price £6.99, although anyone who posts the information on their site will get a complementary interview CD. It has the same cover as the By Request album cover, so you don't get confused with any unofficial product.If anyone has problems getting hold of the CD then they can e-mail me for details. It will be available to buy on-line from Best wishes Helen 
14th MAY 1999 
            BZ article in TV Hits 
(thanx a lot to Karen Johnson for the information) 
an interview with Ro and Shane  
R = Ro 
S = Shane 

 Boyzone have been in our lives for the past five years...we've had fun with 'em, but what's it been like for the lads? Shane and Ronan tell all..... 

How's it feel to have made a greatest hits CD? 
R: It's strange! We have to pinch ourselves every now and then. A greatest hits's fantastic! 
S: It's unreal. It means we've come such a long way and that we're ready to move on to the next stage. It's like a new beginning - it's so exciting! 

Why have you included new tracks on it? 
S: Well we orginally had 14 tracks on there and we thought we should give the fans a bit more. We wanted to make sure it was something a bit different. 
R: And you have to put new tracks on as it sells the album, basically. The fans need an incentive to buy it as they'll probably have all the singles already! 

Don't you think it's strange to release a greatest hits this early in your career? 
S: Not at all. We're moving on and this marks a new beginning for us. 
R: A lot of bands do it. We're just getting rid of the past and moving on to the future. What does it hold for us? You never know - we take every day as it comes and don't think too deep about things. You're only as big as your last single. 

Who came up with the title, By Request? 
S: It was our tour manager, to be honest (!?! I thought a fan came up the title because of that competiton on the BZ website?) We were talking about making a TV show called Live By Request, which'd invove viewers ringing in and requesting a song for us to perform. But there was already one called that in America, so we couldn't. Then it just seemed to fit. 

What's your personal favourite? 
S: I really don't have one. Every song brings back different memories of different times and most of them are happy. 
R: Well obviously the latest ones are more interesting than the ones we've done a hundred times. So You Needed Me would be one of my favourites. But sn't It A Wonder? was my first self-penned song so that's a favourite too. 
Is it annoying that Westlife are already at the same stage you were three years after you began? 
S: No, not really. They've come in with a bang and good luck to them - they deserve all of it. 

What's your favourite memory over the last six years? 
R: Erm, phew....that's hard as we've got so many. There have been so many things, like awards shows we've done, our first Number One - so many things. We've been very lucky. 
S: From the band's point of view, it has to be touring. We always have such a laugh! 

Do you still get nervous when you're on stage? 
R: Well, we've been doing it for six years now, so not really.Obviously the first night will be new to us, but we get worried for the show more than anything - the sound and so on. 
S: For the first couple of shows I do get nervous but then you settle into it. The fans don't seem to scream so much now. Do I miss it? Yes sometimes I do as it's a bit of an ego boost and it gets you all hyped up. 

If you could pick an artist to appear on stage with you, who'd it be? 
R: Anyone from George Michael to Elvis Presley, but Elvis would be great. Would we sing one of Boyzone's numbers? Ah, maybe one of his - I think they're a bit better, heh heh. 

What's been your dodgiest outfit? 
R: There've been plenty! I had a pair of leopard skin tights once on tour -not the cleverest thing to do, but it was cool at the time. 
S: Oh dear (laughing). There's definitely been a few. But I think it has to be when we wore these long blue coats that everyone told us would look brilliant on stage - they looked terrible! 

What's happening with you lot in America? 
S: Well, we've decied not to go. Actually, we're going over to do the Rosie O'Donnell Show which we're looking forward to, but we've made the decision not to really do it - it'll be six months out of our lives to promote over there and we're not prepared to sacrifice that. Maybe after we've had a break we'll think differently... 
R: We have to wait and see how it all goes. Obviously it'll take time to come into place, but I'm sure it'll happen. 

Do you feel threatened by the new bands coming up? 
S: No, not at all. I think we've come through that boy band phenomenon and now it's someone else's turn. We're going through a different stage now-Boyzone's now more about music and playing live. 
R: Erm, not really. Am I worried from  manager's point of view?Westlife have had a phenomenal start and we've been very lucky. I don't need to worry about anyone else as the band are very different from anyone around and anyone on the way up. 

Does anyone else have Westlife-type projects on the go? 
S: You must be joking! It's enough for me to look after myself in this business! 
R: I'd like to concentrate on my career too, so when we have time off, I'll be working on a solo album as well as concentrating on Westlife. Not to mention spending time with my family. 

Talking of families, how are you coping with being a dad? 
R: It's grand and he's healthy and strong - no problem. My life's changed a lot, but it's been fantastic. A lot of things come into perspective when you have a child. What? Any more on the cards? (laughing) Oh, who knows what'll happen... 

Do you ever pinch yourself in case you're dreaming? 
R: Yeah - it's hard to believe the level of success we've achieved.We've been very lucky and it's all been fantastic. We're so grateful for where we are! 

Sum up the last six years in one sentence... 
S: That's absolutely impossible! So many great things have happened. All I'll say is it's been brilliant and I feel very lucky to be here. 
R: It's been the most exhilirating rollercoaster ride ever! I hope the next 60 years will be just as good... 

And finally, what's left for Boyzone to achieve? 
R: Oh, there's such a lot. We've got America and the rest of the world.We've got more albums and a bigger level of success to strive for -that's plenty. 

           article from the sun 
(thanx a lot to Roberta Liptrott for the information) 
GET set for the bout of thje year. It may not be Prince Naseem or Lennox Lewis but it will have you on the dge of your seat. In the blue corner are chart-toppers Boyzone and in the ginger, sorry red corner, it's Geri Halliwell.Ronan and Co were asked by their label Polydor if they wanted to delay the release of their new single because it clashed with Geris solo debut.But the lads are spoiling for a fight and insisted on going head-to-head with the ex-spice. The bout starts Monday when bothe records are released. So it's Boyzone's You Needed Me and Geri's Look At Me.Our music industry insider said: "There is definatley going to be a bloodbath. Sunday May 16 is going to be the day of reckoning when the chart positions are revealed. It could be close."I'll be keeping you up to date with the scores round by round as the two sides sweat it out. LET THE BATTLE COMENCE!!! 

10th MAY 1999 
            BZ article inTOTP magazine 
(thanx a lot to Karen Johnson  for the information) 
R = Ro 
S = Steo 
Sh = Shane 
M = Mike 
K = Keith 
What, those sharp-dressed, ballad-singing, sensible family men are actually beer-drinking security risks? Who would have thought?! Ronan Keating, pre interview; April 1999, to TOTP. "Have a sweet. It has a chocolate centre, with a penny inside, which I hope you choke on, uurrg-gurgle-urghhhh. Ha ha ha ha.."Blimey! We know the questions are personal but... Ronan's eyes widen and his face crumples. He laughs. We're talking mirth of titanic proportions... " Sorry, sorry, that was a nasty, nasty statement," he concedes. " I mean,carry on like that and I'll be turning into Steo bleedin' Gately!"Uh-oh. We are gathered here today, pop fans to celebrate six years of Boyzone togetherness, honour their touchy-feely friendship and welcome a Greates Hits album of - count 'em - 18 TOTP-certified premium quality hits. It could have been 19 but Keith demanded So Good be struck off the rack-list, thinking it better entitled Not Very Good. "I think I actually said 'totally crap'," laughs Keith.The bitchy jibes, the less than favourable comments.... could things be amiss in the Boyzone camp? Is the much rumoured split about to become a reality? Have faith, the answer is a definite calm-yer-pants NO. "We haven't seen each other for a while, so we're a bit giddy," says Ro, explaining this all-slagging, all-swearing, best-matey scenario. "We don't worry about what we say to each other any more. We just have a laugh," agrees Mikey. Ro nods."We do act our parts at times, it's true." he says. "We know when to be on guard but sitting here today, this is how we really are," he sniggers, looking up. "God help us all." The fact Boyzone choose to include TOTP in their so-called friendly 'banter' - well, we're honoured, frankly. We think. Anyway, let the chat commence.... 

We're coming along to the tour. What can we expect? 
R: It's gonna be crap. 
M: There's gonna be no one there. 
R: Just us, sitting on five stools 
K: No, couches - cos they're more comfy... 
S: Actually, you know those big heads U2 got made? They're doing the whole tour for us. 
R: And they're mimin'! Phrrrt! 

Be serious! 
R: No, it's gonna be fun. I don't wanna give anything away but, let me just say, if you like the Grease medley on the last tour you'll love this. 
M: People who go will really enjoy themselves. 
R: I hope, I really hope they do. It's another great chapter in BZ's history, another sold-out arena tour and our best yet. There will be one or two different people in the band. 
S: (confused) Wha'?! 
R: Not us Stephen, The band, the muscians. 
K: And I get to go on stage every night, party all night and sleep on the coach every day. 

Will your families tour with you? 
R: Yes, definitely. Whenever possible. 
M: Our partner have come on all our tours. 
Sh: I hope Easther will come if she's not working in LA. It's been hard to be apart for so long, but she's home now and I'm glad. 

What are your favourite tracks on By Request? 
M: Well, all the UK and European singles are on there (Erm apart from So Good which we were discussing earlier!) 
K: They're all great! That's why they're on it! 
Sh: All That I need is my favourite. Out the lot of them, it's the most swingbeat. 
R: The recent stuff is the best. 

If it was a Best Of, and not a Greatest Hits, what else would be on there? 
M: I don't like that question! It's like saying we picked the duff tracks for singles! Cheek! (Erm no...we mean your personal favourites.) 
R: It's a shame there wasn't room for She Moves Through The Fair and Shooting Star... 
M: And Mystical Experience...... (Everyone joins in for a haunting rendition.)'Oyez, it's loike a mystical expeeerienze...' 

Your lifestyles have changed completely. Have you any pre-Boyzone mates left? 
M: None. None, at all. They all left me, hah hah. 
R: There are a few good friends I have at home who have been friends since I was younger. Car salesmen (we smell discounts!), butchers and things. 
M: One of me mates works with autistic children, one makes toys.... 
S: One sells pegs door to door..... 
Sh: (Who's been thinking.) I have four great sound geezers. Most other people I knew did my head in. 

Care to relive any embarrassing days-of-yore dance routines with us? 
S: What embarrassing dance routines? 
Sh: No, but I probably could if I had to. I'm a bit rusty on the old Love Me For A Reason actions, but with a bit of practice... 
K: No way. We haven't done a routine in ages, and I was rubbish at 
dancing even at the beginning. I don't care. I'm happy to make a show of meself and give people a laugh. 

You Needed Me is the final song on By Request. Why did you choose it? 
R: Cos we thought what the album was missing was a nice cover version... 
S: (Perturbed) It's a beautiful old Anne Murray song. 
R: It's a love song; just what every man or woman would like to sing to their partner, innit? 
M: Not sure about the sleeve though. Look how dark mine and Shane's eyebrows are! 

What do BZ still have left to achieve? 
K: More of the same. And the movie... 
S: But we have no idea what's going on there. 
R: Basically, the script came in and we weren't too happy with it. We sent it back to get retouched because it wasn't written in our manner. 

Do you all have pensions, investments and financial plans (remember,your investments can go down as well as up)? 
R: Not enough. 
Sh: I don't really think about business. I'm more interested 
S: I'm just off the phone to my accountant. 
K: Are yeh? Me too. I haven't bought a large tract of forest land yet, no -I can't even afford a tree. (yeah right!) I've bought a few apartments around the world, bits and pieces. I don't count them, no. 

You've grown up in the music industry. Has it driven you mad? 
R: It's a very hard industry but I wouldn't know what else to do. It's in me blood now, I couldn't leave. 
S: Me neither, my best friends are in the business. 
Sh: Well, I hate it, I really do. I think it's full of bull. (Thinks) It always has been. 

Do you wish you'd won some Brit Awards to show for your troubles? 
S: We were never gonna have critics liking us cos we started off as, and still are, a boy band. 
R: But we're happy someone's out there buying the records. Those are the people who matter. 
Sh: Some newspaper journalists are just bitter towards us because from day one we couldn't give a monkey's about people who didn't like us. It would be great to accept loads of Brit awards but... stuff 'em. 

Let's talk houses. What are yours like? 
K: My lounge has big white sofas and my kitchen's very James Dean. with 1950's chrome. 
M: My gorgeous gaff has wooden floors, brickwork and lovely distressed colours on the walls. 
R: Mine's nice and spacious, very homely. 
S: And mine is very warm... (Ronan butts in with... "so turn the central heating down!") with a stream in the garden. 
Sh: I've designed mine so I never have to decorate it, every wall is castle stone and I have wood beams. 
K: I like those Samurai swords you've got Shane. (Shane looks chuffed.)I might rob them. I erm, like your wife as well! 

Do you swap handy household tips? 
Sh: Yeah. We could bore you senseless. 
K: We discuss which trees we're planting. We're eejits now, going on about curtains and security systems. 
S: I've got a £20,000 security system and I wake up to find nine sheep have snuck in and are eating my plants! 
R: They crossed the river, jumped hedges. climbed walls, hid from border guards... 
K: I'm a security risk, I'm not allowed keys cos I lose them. There's a bandit somewhere in South America who's found one, going 'If only I lived in Dublin, I could rob Keet Duffy's house." 

Which home improvements are you proud off? 
M: Ronan and I have built recording studio's. 
S: I haven't cos I can use theirs. Why should I bother paying? 
R: We all have big fridges filled with beer. No actually I don't any more cos I have it on draught from two beer taps in the bar. The fridge is for mixers. What else? (Thinks) I love my pool. It's much bigger than the one's in most hotels. 
Sh: I have a big pond. 
S: Jeez. Well, at least you can paddle. 

Do you still get a hard time for being in BZ? 
R: No. I think people have decided to like me now I'm married. People shake my hand. 
S: I get hassle.... 
M: ...from flippin' sheep?! 
S: Will yez shut up about sheep?! 
R: What about when they tried to knock him down in that car? And that one said 'C'mon lads, let's throw rocks! Stephen's really baaaaaad!' 

Young whipper-snapper boy bands in 1999. Are they any good? 
Sh: Well, we're a boy band so, yeah. I hope so. You can tell us we're the Bee Gees if you like - as long as I get to be Barry - but there's no point in kidding ourselves, the perception of us won't change. I saw A1 supporting Steps and they looked really inexperienced, and I remember what that feels like. You think you know what you're doing but really you haven't a clue. 
K: We just blagged it better! 
R: There's a good band called Westlife just out.... (Everyone else:Zzzzzzz...) 

What could TOTP do to help celebrate your greatest hits album, By Request? 
S: I want to be on the front cover. How come I haven't been on the cover of TOTP for ages? (Note: except like now!) 
M: Sheesh. Put me on the front cover of DIY Monthly. I'll be happy. 
S: I wanna be on the cover! 
R: (Playing small imaginary violin in mock sympathy.) dee dee deehhh, question. 

Finally, what's been the highlight of the last six years? 
M: I've never been happier than I am now. I've got the lads and I've found the things I've needed in life (ie, his laydee, Karen) 
R: I have the lads, my wife and baby. 
Sh: The best things for me is the boys. We have a brilliant relationship. In the beginning we didn't understand each other, but now we do. 
K: We've become more mature by living in each other's pockets around the world. We actually do still like each other. (Puts on a terribly camp lisp.)An awful lot acthually, the way we've been going lately. 
Sh: It getth very lonely on tour you know. 
K: We have to comfort each other....phrrrrrrrrt! 

(thanx a lot to Lucy Witts <>  for the information) 
After BZ's fantastic performance snogging Dawn French live on TV in aid of Comic Relief, Stephen sent a record company helper off to find him an Absolutely Fabulous video so he could ask Jennifer Saunders to sign it for him! Not only that, but the starspotting one also ran into Rowan Atkinson at a Comic Relief Radio Two interview earlier in the afternoon, when the pair had a right old gossip about Blackadder - which is one of Stephen's all time favourite TV shows! Congratulations to all those who helped to make this year's Comic Relief Campaign one of the most successful ever - raising the very grand total of £25,163,637.30 to date(over £6 million more that at the same stage after Red Nose Day 1997), which will end up helping projects in the UK and Africa... Big congratulations should also go to Mikey, for belting out some fantastic lead vocals at Comic Relief (and at Live and Kicking) when Ro was taking time off while waiting to become a Daddy!! 
Congratulations to Ro and Yvonne at last, on the birth of their baby boy Jack on March 15th! The new trio, who pass on their thanks for all the good wishes and gifts you've sent in, are now busy settling down to family life - and who knows, Jack (who weighed in at a hefty 10lb 4oz) might well follow in his Daddy's footsteps and end up a pop star of the future..! 
Stephen's Watership Down dreams are all set to come true, as he's been asked at last to record a brand new version of the theme tune from the infamous bunny movie when it's re-released later this year. In case you don't remember it from the first time around, the song's called Bright Eyes and Stephen can't wait to get started on it... "I've been waiting for the track for a long, long time - and now that everything's been confirmed I'm so excited. I can't wait for everyone to hear the final result!" And we've just heard that Stephen will also be recording a voice over for one of the movie's bunny characters - so he's all set to end up a film star too!! 
1999 is the National Year of Reading, and Boyzone are proud to be supporting ASDA's Big Read - a special campaign bringing together libraries, shoppers and ASDA colleagues from all 227 of their stores,encouraging children to develop vital literacy skills and learn to love reading. The Big Read, to which BZ have given their official seal of approval, will kick off at a library and ASDA store near you from 27th May and run until the 6th June, when special performance and storytelling events will be happening nationwide. Check your local press for details! 
When WestLife launched their debut single Swear it Again at a special showcase in Dublin last month, their co-manager Ro took the opportunity to show off some special headgear... Ronan arrived at the celebrity do aboard his Harley Davidson motor cycle sorting a very striking shamrock crash helmet. to see the WestLife boys perform for their friends,family and top music biz types at Dublin's Red Box music venue! 
Chaos broke out in the Keating household the day when none other than operatic megastar Pavarotti called Ronan last month. Pav phoned Ro and invited Boyzone to appear at his special War Child charity concert in Italy in June - except Ro reckoned it was one of his mates winding him up! In the end Pav had to be persuaded to sing down the phone in order to convince Ro he really was the Pavarotti - and thankfully, as a result, the boys will be joining the man himself on stage in Modena on June 1st.. We'll bring you more news after the event! 
Not only did BZ's single When The Going Gets Tough work wonders in raising huge piles of cash for Comic Relief, but the track - which is Boyzone's fifth UK No1 - has also won the accolade of being the best selling Comic Relief single ever! 
BZ joined the likes of George Michael, Elton John and Mel B when they showed their support for the charity Help A London Child at it's posh awards lunch at London's Dorchester Hotel. And a top afternoon it turned out to be - not only because Stephen met Kate Winslet... "Titanic is one of my favourite films, so it was cool to meet her - she was lovely!"...but Boyzone also managed to walk off with an award for being Capital FM listeners' Favourite International Act!! 
Be prepared to make a special trip to a record store near you very soon.. BZ's brand new single - a track called You Needed Me - will be on sale May 10th!! 

1st MAY 1999 
             News Of The World  
(thanx a lot to Maria  for the information) 
Every secondary school pupil is being urged to observe a minute's silence tommorrow to help children suffering the horros of war.Among stars suporting the Save the Children Fund progect are Boyzone's Ronan Keating, Robbie Williams, the Spice Girls, Sir Cliff Ricard, Graeme Le Saux,and Joanna Lumley.  Ronan said yesterday: "The real tragedy of war is the effect upon children,often separated from families, homeles, traumatised, hungry, cold, sick or wounded."Save the Children say that in ten years two million kids have die in wars.The charity is collecting 300,000 signatures to raise awareness. Workers from Save the Children are currently helping youn victims of the Balkans crisis. 

              article in  Sun 
(thanx a lot to Sarah Liptrott  for the information) 
RONAN KEATING last  night told of his delight after WestLife, the boyband he manages, hit NO1 with their debut single Swear It Again.Talking Exclusively to me from the jet taking him to America for a Boyzone promotional tour, Ronan raised a glass of champagne and said "It's the best feeling in the world. It's better even then boyzone having their first number one. It's a great accomplishment for me and co manager Louis Walsh.The boys came from having nothing and have achieved so much. The journey has been long and hard but they've done it. I'm so proud of them. They've got a great future. I know how they must be feeling - I remember our first No1.Nothing compares to it."  WestLife- Nicky Byrne, Shane Filan, Bryan McFadden and Mark Feehily -celebrated their success at a London Hotel.Nicky said: "We're still pinching ourselves - it's a brilliant feeling. But we couldn't have done it without Ronan."WELL DONE WESTLIFE NOT JUST FOR THE NUMBER ONE BUT FOR SUPPORTING SAVE THE CHILDREN PROJECT AND OBSERVING THE SILENCE WITH A SCHOOL IN BRITAIN. 

             Ronan: no more Mr Nice-guy! 
(thanx a lot to Joerg Niklas  for the information) 
Ronan Keating is proving a fully qualified hard-nosed businessman in his dealings as manager of this week's number one band, Westlife. He has revealed that he has a 'gentleman's agreement' with the boys that they will not get married or have children for the next five years.However, Ronan reassured GMTV that he wasn't about to throw out his 'nice-guy' image in the wake of his new managerial responsibilities: 'We have a gentleman's agreement, I'm not that bad.'Despite the 'boy next door' image of Ronan's own band Boyzone, the singer married last year and recently became a father. In fact, other members of the band, Shane Lynch and Keith Duffy, have both tied the knot and Mikey Graham has a daughter with his long-term girlfriend.Ronan is clearly aware of the pressures that family commitments put on a band and is keen to keep his career as a manager free of headaches.