17th  december 1998 
 *   Boyzone have won 6 Smash Hits awards : Best Band on Planet Pop,  Best Single ,Best Video ,Sexiest Male (Ronan) 
 ,Prince of Pop (Ronan), Best Dressed male (Ronan) 
13th  december 1998 
 *   (from teletext)  
Ronan advises on millenium celebration. Boyzone heart-throb Ronan Keating has taken a seat on Ireland's Millenium Commission, to advise the Government on how to celebrate the year 2000.The 21-year-old frontman of the top-selling boy band, who last week expressed aspirations for the Irish precidency,said he was delighted to contribute.He said : "It's just fantastic. It will be a celebration. We don't want to look at the past... It's about what Ireland can be in the next 1,000 years."  

*    from the TOTP website  
 Boyzone opened the show this week, with a great performance of their No. 2 single, I Love The Way You Love Me. Despite being the dream boys of girl fans everywhere, it seemed like only Jayne Middlemiss was interested in talking to the Ronan and co. backstage. Everyone else had eyes for Madonna and little Lourdes only. Talking of babies, Ronan was proudly showing off his pregnant missus backstage, and she even wandered around amongst the fans in the studio when Boyzone were performing. Now that's devotion ! She's got a bit of catching up to do with Posh and Scary Spice yet though - there was barely a bump in sight. Oh well, at least she's got a firm reign on her hubby, what with him swanning around with all those Miss World beauties in the Seychelles last week !  

9th  december 1998 

*   article from the latest issue of OK! Magazine  
An in depth interview in the Seychelles - RONAN KEATING. Surrounded by  
beautiful women, the Boyzone star only has eyes for his wife Yvonne... Boyzone frontman Ronan Keating, the host of the recent, revamped Miss World competition, was the envy of men around the globe. Surrounded by 87 of the world's most beautiful women in the stunning tropical surroundings of the Seychelles, Ronan was a very, very lucky man. The competition was won my Miss Israel, Linor Abargil, but for 21-year-old Ronan, there's only one women in the world - his stunning model wife Yvonne who's expecting their first child in March. Between his duties as the host of Miss World, the handsome blond singer made time to enjoy the white beaches and amazing scenery of Mahe Island in the Indian Ocean islands of the Seychelles with his wife. The couple, who married in a secret ceremony on the Caribbean island of Nevis last April, looked like they were still enjoying their honeymoon as they whispered private jokes and walked hand-in-hand through the clear waters off the beaches of Mahe. And Ronan and Yvonne, 24, invited OK! along to share their paradise holiday, revealing their plans for parenthood and the future.  
At 21, do you feel old enough to be married and a father, Ronan?  
I joined Boyzone when I was 16, and I've travelled around the world three or four times, meeting lots of different people. I feel like I've done what a lot of other people don't do until they're 30 or 40 years of age. The next step for me was to marry the woman I love and who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  
And from the smiles on your faces, you're obviously enjoying married life...  
Ronan: Oh you know, cheap car insurance, reduced mortgage - I recommend it! [laughs]. No, I love the secure feeling of being at home together, lying on the couch, holding each other and knowing that we're going to spend the rest of our lives together.  
And you planned children from day one?  
Ronan: We want to have kids young so we can relate to them. We don't want to be 50 when the kids are 20. And we'd like to have a big family - please God. I come from a large family, and although Yvonne just has one brother, she wants a big family too. Anyway, why not? Look at the opportunities we can give our children - what could be better?  
Yvonne: We want to be around when we have grandchildren, too.  
Ronan, how will you fit fatherhood into your hectic schedule?  
Yvonne: From not until Christmas, Ronan's only working off and on for a few days in America, but we can cope with that. Then he's taking a lot of time off in January and February. He's also having time off from the band during March when the baby's due.  
Ronan: I think everybody knows I'm going to be around when our baby's born and to be with Yvonne when she's pregnant. It's our baby we're having - someone who will be with us for the rest of our lives. I want to be there from the first day.  
Where does your future with Boyzone fit in?  
Ronan: It's going to be very, very hard - tough in fact. But hopefully, as the baby grows up, he or she and Yvonne will be able to travel with me and the band. If they can't come away with me then I'll go home - but we'll work around it somehow by me working at home so it shouldn't come to a choice between my family and my career.  
So Keating Jnr will have quite an unusual childhood, then?  
Ronan: As much as I want my son or daughter to have a stable background and schooling and things like that, I also want him or her to travel around the world and learn to be streetwise. While there was nothing wrong with my childhood, I never left Ireland until I joined the band at 16.  I'd just like my child to try the food of the world and to meet different people from different cultures. Because it's a wonderful world out there.  
Yvonne: My upbringing was pretty much the same as Ronan's, but even more sheltered because I'm from the country, not from Dublin. I was brought up riding horses and going to horse shows and things like that - a simple country life!  
Is financial security important to you?  
Ronan: No. That's not the main thing we can offer them. We love kids and want to give them the world.  
Yvonne: We love having our nieces and nephews around to the house. A few weeks ago, we came home and we only had one night together but we called around our brothers and sisters and got them to drop off their kids so we could babysit them. They thought we were mad! But we love to give them little parties, and we're the two biggest kids in the middle of it all.  
What about the tales of children from rich rock 'n' roll families who have been overindulged and ended up unhappy?  
Ronan: Obviously it's hard for kids if they're at school and living in the shadow of their parents all the time. But all you can do is bring them up in the best way possible, like me mam and dad did for me. Hopefully, then they'll turn out to be good kids. But you can't do more than that.  
Yvonne: I think it's down to the parents, whether they are rich or poor, to make sure their kids have the right values. If they're brought up properly, no matter how much money you do or don't have, things should be all right.  
Ronan: And our families will make sure our children keep their feet on the ground.  
Who's going to be the bossy parent out of the pair of you?  
Yvonne: We're both very strict! With our nephews and nieces, we don't let them get away with anything. We worship the ground they walk and love them very much, but if they are rude or don't do what they're told, then they are really scared of us.  
Ronan: There's just nothing worse than bad mannered kids!  
Have you talked about names yet?  
Ronan: Yes. If it's a little girl, she'll be called Marie after my mam, who passed away earlier this year, or Jack after Yvonne's grandfather - and not because I love Jack Daniels!  
Will the baby be christened?  
Ronan: Oh yeah, of course. We wouldn't miss any of that - it's a good excuse for a party!  
Would you recommend a career in the music industry to your child?  
Ronan: I always said I wouldn't, but if they wanted to, you can't stop them.  
Yvonne: I think it would depend on the personality of the child. If they were ike Ro, were out going and made for the business, and you knew it wouldn't go to their head, then you can give them all the encouragement they need.  
Yvonne, you're the older woman. Does that mean you look after Ronan?  
Yvonne: No way! He looks after me. I travelled on my own to the Seychelles and everything went wrong because he wasn't there looking after me. I lost my tickets and everything. I'll never go anywhere without him again!  
Ronan: She's the baby. I wish she'd look after me sometimes! Mind you, Yvonne does know what I'm doing before I do!  
And are you very involved in Ronan's career with Boyzone?  
Yvonne: It's difficult for Ronan. Because there's so many things going on, someone needs to keep track - so he can concentrate on his work.  
Would you be the one who told him  to slow down if work was wearing him out?  
Yvonne: Yeah. To a certain extent.  
Ronan: I need someone to do that, because I'd work, work ,work. I'd work myself to death if I wasn't careful. Yvonne would ring up my manager Louis [Walsh] if need be and tell him to stop booking me for stuff. But Louis knows himself when I'm getting tired and I will get a break. However, this is my life - I don't know how to do anything else. I love it.  
Yvonne: I know where I stand. I'm Ro's wife and Louis is his manager, and - so far - I've never had to phone him up.  
How do you keep in touch when apart?  
Ronan: Mobile phones - even though I hate the things. I love working and getting into what I'm doing, and I can't stand it when it rings constantly anywhere I am in the world. It's great in the Seychelles, because it doesn't work - I love it! But when we're apart, we're constantly on the phone  
to each other. I think it's very important to keep in touch. We tell each other everything - where we are, who we're with, what we're up to - everything. There's nothing worse than coming home and having to tell Yvonne  
everything that's being going on, and then forgetting the little stories. Someone else will come up to her and tell her something that has happened, and she'll say: "Why didn't you tell me that!" I've got a friend who told that, whatever you do when you're apart, keep communicating - it's the most important thing.  
Yvonne: We're best pals. It's not because I have to ring my husband. I want to call him up and tell him things that are happening or just to say: "Hi, I'm bored, let's have a chat."  
Ronan: And if you have an argument, you have to sort it out there and then. If you love each other that much, then you have to overcome any misunderstanding.  
Ronan, you've been here in the Seychelles to present the Miss World contest. Are you carving out a career as a presenter?  
No, not at all. I'm a singer-songwriter first and foremost and a presenter second. I've done a lot of hosting, but that's not me full-time; it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life - that's music.  
There's a rumour that you're running for President of the Republic of Ireland?  
Ronan: Well - you never know. If Dana can do it, so can I. I'd love to give it a go. I think I could be a good ambassador for the country. At the end of the day, the government are not the people who push the button - they're representatives of their country.  
Yvonne: I think he has the love of the country and the people that you need to enter politics.  
What about your own personal ambitions, Yvonne?  
Well, at the moment I'm just concentrating on becoming a mum. But maybe, after I've had the baby, I'll go back to modelling.  
Yvonne, how did you get into modelling?  
I left a college course and went to work as a receptionist in a Dublin beauty salon for a couple of months. Then an agent for a models' agency came in and suggested I try out as a model. I did, and we just took it from there. I used to do a bit of everything, catwalk, catalogues and editorial.  
Did you travel a lot in that line of work?  
No - I wasn't one of these girls who would spend months in London. I used to just go on short trips out of Dublin for shoots - I wouldn't have wanted a job  
that took me away from home too much.  
And you and Ronan still love Dublin?  
Yvonne: Oh yeah - we'd never leave Ireland. Only if we had to leave for a short while would we consider living anywhere else.  
Ronan: I travel around the world and there's still nothing like coming back to ireland. It's coming back to the food and the way of life there - I wouldn't give it up for anything. I'd rather go to Kerry on holiday than come down here to the Seychelles - I just love Ireland.  
You moved into a new place near Dublin when you got married...  
Ronan: We did, yes. We were in between houses and were renting a beautiful place while out new home was being renovated. We moved in during the  
summer. t's 15 minutes from the airport and 15 minutes from the city - a perfect, prime location. That's where we'll be bringing up the baby.  
And how are the two of you planning to spend your first Christmas together?  
Ronan: All our families are going to our house for the day! It'll be a riot.  
And will Yvonne do all the cooking?  
Yvonne: Yes - as long as someone else does the washing up!  
Ronan: We want to set the tradition that Yvonne will be in the kitchen cooking while the lads will be slobbed out in the living room enjoying a drink! Only joking!  
Yvonne: All of Ro's family will be there, and a lot are coming over from America. Hopefully we can find somewhere for them all to sleep! Luckily there's a couple of brother who don't mind sleeping on the couch! 

7th  december 1998 

*   BOYZONE  WAS ON NUMBER 6 ON UK SINGLE CHARTS  WITH I love the way u love me on its 2nd wk at 6 dec 1998 

*   Here's an interview with Steve in the Dec issue of LIME ( a Singaporean mag). 
LIME: Hi, we're calling from LIME in Singapore! 
STEVE: Hello! Is this Stella? Hi! I remember you from my last trip to Singapore! How are you doing? 
LIME: Great! How are you and the boys? 
STEVE: Wonderful! We're in a hotel in London. I'm lying on my bed right now and talking to you! 
LIME: Things have been supper for Boyzone lately. On the scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you right now? 
STEVE: I'd say I'm at 9. Everything has been going on so well. I have no worries, my family is fine and I've got a lovely new house. (Contented sigh) Yeah, my life is good at the moment. 
LIME: Where's your new pad? 
STEVE: It's about 20 minutes outside Dublin. I've actually had it for a year already but I only moved in two months ago. I'm in the countryside so I'm quite far away from the othe lads. 
LIME: What have you lot been up to lately? 
STEVE: We were on tour in the UK recently. It went really well. We had a live band and lots of dancers! I've also been in the studio recording some new songs, which we may save for our new album. Or maybe we'll release them 
as B-sides. 
LIME: Listen, we know Ronan is going to be a daddy soon. Has he asked you to be the godpa of his baby? 
STEVE: No, he hasn't. I think he'll ask one of his family. I'm already the godfather of my sister's two-year baby boy. His name is Jordon! 
LIME: Boyzone recently performed "Words" with the Bee Gees. Was that fun? 
STEVE: We've actually met them a couple of times but to actually perform with them on stage is such an incredible feeling. They're such a big band and so well-known all over the world! They're so successful, they have songs in movies, they've written for so many artists and here we are on stage with them! Wow! 
LIME: You guys are releasing your third CD Where We Belong with three new songs specially for the American market. Say, isn't this your second attempt at breaking there? How do you feel about other UK bands like Spice Girls, Five and All Saints successfully making a dent in the US charts? 
STEVE: Actually, this is really our first time at breaking into America. The last time, we were trying to break into the Latin American market. To the other bands who have made it, I'm happy for them. Congratulations! There is no jealously or anything. That's the way it is with Boyzone! 
LIME: Boyzone have had four UK No 1's, Are you bored with your success already? 
STEVE: How can you ever get bored in a business like this? There's too much to do, too much happening always! It's incredible how well "No Matter 
What" did. I've always wanted to work with Andrea Lloyd Webber for a long time. When i was introduced to him, he asked if i liked the song. I said yes and we recorded it! I love his musicals like Cats and Phantom of the Opera. Phantom is just amazing- I'm going to see it next week! Someday, maybe I'll try my hand at doing a musical, too! 
LIME: U2, Sinead O'Connor and Boyzone put Ireland on the musical map and paved the way for new bands like B*Witched, The Corrs and OTT. Are you proud of Boyzone's contribution? 
STEVE: Definitely! Irsih music is doing so well now! Everybody wants to listen to it! It's good we've opened the doors for a lot of Irish pop groups. In a way, we're ambassadors for Ireland. People are always amazed at how well a small country like Ireland can produce a successful band ike us! 
LIME: It's official, you have more UK No 1's that fellow countrymen U2! You're more successful that them, then... 
STEVE: Of course not! U2 have so many hits in the States and all over the world! They may not have bestselling singles but their albums sell really well! But of course, it's a good feeling for Boyzone to have four No 1's! 
LIME: You guys worked with U2 on their new single "The Sweetest Thing" 
and also starred in the music video. Are both bands really chummy? 
STEVE: We know the guys, they're really nice and brilliant! When they approached us and asked if we would like to be in their video, it was an honour for us! 
LIME: U2 drummer Larry Mullen said that Boyzone was asked because "you gotta have somebody in the video to keep all the girls happy!" Is that true? 
STEVE: I don't think he meant it that way. Maybe he was misquoted. We're good friends! 

*   The Mirror 
Furious Webber : I'm suing  
Composer Andrew Lloyd Webber is suing record giant Polygram, claiming they ruined his chances of a record breaking single. He says his number one hit No Matter What, sung by Boyzone was on course to become the biggest selling single from a musical of all time and the biggest selling single of the year. But the peer thinks that was ruined when the record label slashed the price to 1p below the minimum price necessary for the single to be registered in the charts. Lord Webber is convinced they wanted it out to make way for Boyzone's latest number two hit I Love The Way You Love Me. Music insiders were stunned when Polydor - Polygrams musical wing - ordered the cut without consulting the composer. Last night Lord Webber fumed: "I have had it up to here with Polygram. They have destroyed the opportunity of creating the biggest single ever from a musical." 

6th  december 1998 

Their leader is 21 but acts 51 and they all live a rock-and-roll lifestyle. How long can a boy band keep adolescence at bay, asks BARBARA ELLEN. 
You know you're getting old when you look out at an entire stadium audience and realize that u could have given birth to every one of them. This is Boyzone at the National Exhibition Centre, (NEC Arena) the Birmingham stop of their 18-date British tour. It took the band just  three weeks to sell out this tour and rather less than that for their fans screams to give me raging tinnitus. RONAN! RO-O-ONAAAN! I'm standing in the photographer's pit., preparing to watch the show. In the front row, a 10-year-old reeking of impulse body spray, screeches with bloodcurdling intensity direct into my ear. To her right, another diminutive femme fatale, all clogged mascara and dental wire, is waving a home-made banner, raeding: Steve U R 4 Me.A small teddy bear wearing ginghambloomers bounces off my shoulder. Not an every day occurrence, admittedly, but one of the perils of standing in the photographer's pit at a Boyzone show is that you are contantly being pelted with cuddly toys meant for the band. This bombardment starts slowly a gentle rain of pastal-hued rabbits and teddies, gradually escalating into a monsoon-style downpour. By the end of the show, I feel like Tippi Hedren in a soft toy remake of The Birds.Suddenly all is pandemonium, as, with a hefty squirt of dry ice, the five members of Boyzone, Ronan, Steve, Shane, Mikey and Keith maketheir surprise descent from the heavens. Britain's biggest boy band (post-Take That) are perched upon a silver platform that is slowly lowered down into their intriguing Mad Max meets Playaway stage set.Once safely on terra firma, Boyzone stand motionless for a moment, allowing us to drink in the wonder of their identical sharpblack suits (Reservoir Puppies, anybody?). Then, presumably at some secret signal, they bound, as one, to the front of the stage, and launch into, "Must Have Been High" just one of the many hits from their five year career.A career which, as Boyzone never fail to remind people, has thus far spawned three number one albums and 12 hit singles. Earlier in the day, the main boy in the zone, Ronan Keating, defined success as: All the people in anaudience singing my words back at me. I look around at the crowd, who are inturn gazing besotedly at the five Irish beauties on stage, or, failing that, their winking, grinning images on the giant screens, In the way the crowd's mouth are moving and the way my ears are ringing, is anythingto go by, Keating should judge Birmingham an unqualified success. Which is good news, because another thing Keating said to me before the concert was: I'm not good with failure. I don't like losing. I never did, even when I was young. When I was young. A telling Keating comment. After five years in Boyzone, he is still just 21 years old.  It is a few hours before showtime and I have just loaned Keating a pen, so he can scribble down notes at the side of the stage. To most people, the loan of a pen might be perceived as a modest act of kindness. but then most people aren't boyzone, the politest band in the history of popular muisc. At a moderate estimate, Keating says three pleases to get the pen, two thank yous when I hand it to him, and seven more when he gives it back. It is a bit unnerving, but along with his creamy, unthreatening voice and cookie-cutter good looks (a baby Ewan McGregor with Sting's haircut), Keating's courteous, rather earnest manner's is proabbly the main reason most teenage girls adore him.With a flurry of excusemes, Keating races off to get some food from the crew canteen, though not before making a special point of pulling back the dividing curtain so I can go through first. I stand in thevast backstage area, waiting for him to return so we can shut ourselves in the tour bus and have a chat.   Outside, the more diehard zoners are keeping a constant vigil. Every time the stage door opens, an eerie soprano roar goes up, just in case it is raunchy Ronan, sauch Steve, shady Shane, matey Mikey, or crazy Keith. It transpires that before band members can be deemed fit for public consumption, they have to visit a bewildering array of departments including make-up, costume and massage. However when the photographer and I ask if we can sit in those exciting transformations, we are firmly rebuffed. Boyzone's right to privacy must take precedence over the media's right not to be boredwitless backstage at one of their concerts. Which is all vey well up to the point- but would it kill them to let us see them getting their hair styled? My attempts to join Ronan in the following morning's round of golf (he is a keen golfer) are similarly doomed to failure. No, Ronan doesn't need a caddy, thank you and anyway his family will be there his father, brothers and sister and new wife, Yvonne (a few months pregnant with their first child) though not, sadly, his mother, who died of breast cancer at the beginning of the year.  Keating comes from a tightknit Dublin family and he was particularly close to his mother. She was his biggest fan, his touchstone, his inspiration. My best pal, he calls her when I speak to him. He freely admits that her death has left him devastated. The very worst thingthat could happen to me was losing my mother. After that everything's very small. Bearing that in mind, it begs the question: Why is Keating doing this tour in the first place? To be honest, I think I should have taken some time off, he agrees wearily. Maybe six months. But if I stopped doing what I love, I would probably turn into an alcoholic. I'm not saying I know I would, but i'm afraid I would. Because if you start sitting back and taking in all that kind of stuff, it just messes with your head and i'm not going to let that happen to mylifeand Anyway he waves a hand dismissively. Who's to say it would have sorted my head out? My mom sat me on the edge of the bed just before she died and told me she wanted me to carry on working, doing what I loved and she was right. This was the right thing to do, the right thing for me to do.We are sitting on the tour bus, surrounded by small hills of cuddly toys (Steve, the secong most high-profile member of Boyzone after Keating, later explains that the vast majority of these gifts are donanted to children's charities and hospitals). Keating has a plate infront of him piled high with mash, cabbage and chicken. "Very plain, very boring, very me." He picks at it sporadically throughout the nterview, explaining how he prefers food like oysters and lobsters,but needs the "extra energy." "The truth is, i'm physically and mentally worn out. I do actually worry that I might burn out one day. Too many people have said that to me . You know, 'Watch Yourself' and that's George Michael and Elton John talking, so you obviously listen to what they have to say."Keating's fatigue start making sense when u take into account how long Boyzone have been doing. They formed in 1993 when manager Louis Walsh, who had previously looked after, Eurovision song contest winner Johnny Logan, placed an add in a Dublin newspaper. Walsh's objective- for Boyzone to become the Irish Take That was finally realised in 1994,when heir first UK release, 'Love Me For A Reason' sailed into the charts. The rest is history, Five Years, 12 top five singles, three number one albums and one Ivor Novello song writing award's worth of history. Keating gives me this information three times. He even tells the Birmingham audience later. I kid you not. He stands on stage, dronning on about Boyzone's commercial clout to a bunch of preteens, who wouldn't know a midweek forecast if it bit them on their pedal pushers. My guess is that Keating is a little defensive about the Boyzone perception as being a "bit naff." For a band keen to appeal to a "wider" (read older, more discerning) audience, they have certainly made some rum decisions in their time. There was the collaboration with Andrew Lloyd Webber on the single, "No Matter What" ; Keating's hosting of the Eurovision song contest (though to be fair, he also did the MTV awards) ; and Steve's solo stint singing the theme tune for the Disney Movie Hercules. Even their show which is enjoyable for the most part, includes the execrable Grease Medley that gave me nightmares for days afterwards. Oasis, Boyzone most definitely are not,. "We don't want credibility," says Keating, "All we want is a bit of respect." Keating, the member of Boyzone most likely to go on to have a solo career, also claims not to be unduly bothered about the short careers spans of boy bands (the fruit files of pop). "We've already been around far longer than people expected and from the day we joined Boyzone, we all knew that it wasn't going to last forever."Throughout the conversation, Keating frequently comes across like a very young man who has dedicated his life to perfecting animpersonation of a very old man. When he talks of his industry mates -Gary Barlow,the spice girls and U2- he keeps the anecdotes extremely brief (forexample, "I sometimes go for a pint with Larry from U2." Oh Yes? "Hmmmm.") In a nutshell Keating is very controlled for one so young. "Control is very imporatnt for me." he concedes. "Always has been. When I was palying football, I liked to be in control of the team, to know what was going on. When I did running, it was up to me to make sure that I did the right training, to win the race. Now, I need to know that I can be in control of this career. But that's crazy!" He breaks off for a rare laugh. "beacuse this is the one career you can never be in control of." The one time when Keating could be judged to have lost control was early on in Boyzone's career, when he inadvertently let slip to the press that, owing to his strong mutual influence and his Catholocism, he intended to remain a virgin until he married. One old girl friend subsequently sold a story to the press, claiming that Keating was a  liar. He denied this and by judging by the way he blushes and squirms in his seat when he talks about sex to me, I would say that he is telling the truth. "No, no" he mutters, suddenly very bashful. "That wasn't true I was a virgin until I married. I never want far with women. That was never my cup of tea. No, not at all."  After Birmingham, I see Ronan Keating once more. We're at Wembley Arena. He and the rest of the Boyzone are there to play a concert that evening. There is also a live internet Q & A set-up for the afternoon. The internet thing, the reason i'm here, is boring as hell (even Boyzone, the politest, most professional band in the history of pop, look suicidal). But i'm glad I went. When I first walk into the arena, spot Keating. He doesn' see me. He is too busy giving his wife Yvonne big bear hugs and chasing her around the hall. Some have commented that Keating rushed into the marriage far too soon, after his mother's death (touchingly, he believes that his mother "gave" him Yvonne) and certainly it does seem a bit strange that in the course of a few months, he has gone from pop's most famous virgin, to being a husband and now a father-to-be. ("Due in March, we can't wait.")But that's the thing about boy-bands- they grow up. They outlive their usefulness as the boy next door for the little girls stuck indoors. The little girls get bored with them and want real boyfriends, with none of the sports, sweat and joy riding taken out and the boy bands themselves probably get to the point where they want out, too. How would you like to spend every working day being polite but firm with eight-year-old girls who want to slip you their phone numbers?But the thing about Keating and his wife at Wembley and the reason I was glad I was there to witness it, was that it was the first time I saw him looking genuinely relaxed and happy and something else too. It took me a while to work it out, but finally it dawned on me. For the first time since I'd met him, Keating looked young. 

5th  december 1998 

*   Steve's gossip column from this month's TOTP magazine: 
Hello there, and very festive greetings to one and all! I'm writing this month's gossip in me Mum's front room and i tell ya it's getting wintry outside so I'm snuggled up with a cup of coffee and a plateful of fig rolls. I'm comfy and cosy and ooh... I'm just in the mood to chat! 
We headed for the sunshine of the Seychelles this month when we performed at the Miss World ceremony. We had a fabulous time - one day of work, and three days relaxing ont he beach - and the best bit was watching Ronan present the swimwear section. He didn't know where to look! 
I've written three new songs which I recorded in Sweden. I don't know what I'll do with 'If only you were here' and 'As Yet untitled' (ahem), but 'Where Do We Go' ( yep it's different to 'Where did you go' - confusing huh?) will probably go to my mates in Westside. 
D'you know what? I met Madonna! It was at a show in Paris, the name of which I can't pronounce. I went to pass here on the staircase but instead I plucked up courage to stop and say 'Howareyeh, Madge?' and we had a little chat. Nice lady. 
What else? Well, I've been out buying loads of candles this month, cos I did an at-home-with interview for 'OK Magazine' - and I heard they don't bother to send round the photographer unless you've got plenty of atmospherice candles! You should have seen the place the day before though- I had forty workmen in trying to finish the decorating before they arrived to take pictures! 
Actually, I'd better be off and pack my bags for our promo trip to New York. We're releaseing a US single called 'All the time in the world' (it'll be on our greatest Hits album) - and fingers crossed, there'll be a few minutes spare in our schedule to see Bloomingdale's Fairy lights and Central Park in the snow! You know me - I can't wait! 
I hope Santa's good to you! God Bless Stephen 

*   Boyzone features in the new Smash Hits magazine:  
A dozen things that Boyzone would never do...  
1. Shane would never get a sensible haircut.  
2. Ronan wouldn't say anything about the future without using the words "Please, God."  
3. Stephen would be unlikely to confess secretly to hating Disney films.  
4. It's doubtful that Mikey would state, "Woeking My Way Back To You? Brilliant song!"  
5. Few of the Boyz would say, "Booze? Bleurgh! Never touch the stuff!"  
6. They'd never tell old rockers like U2 to get stuffed when asked to appear in their video.  
7. Ronan would be unlikely to say, "You can take your advice and stick  it up your bum, Mr Gary So-Called Barlow."  
8. And the Boyz wouldn't remark, "Father Ted? I didn't laugh once!"  
9. Would they ever declare, "Our next single's going to be a mega-fast Hi-NRG stomperama"? We doubt it...  
10.And Shane would probably never utter the statement, "Drive? No, I'll  just get the number 19 bus there."  
11.Nor would he comment, "Foreign food? Yum!"  
12.Finally, they'd never say, "Marriage is an institution - and who wants to be in an institution?" 

4th  december 1998 

*   An article appeared in the Sun (UK) and Suday World (Ireland) over the last couple of days about Ro's dad living the life of an recluse (after walking out of the house Ro bought for his parents last year as there are too many memories of Ro's mum there) in a small rented flat. Apparantly there's also a rift between father and son (no pun intended!) since Ro revealed in an interview to Hot Press mag that his mum meant the world to him while his father was a bit cold as he never showed any emotion towards the kids. His dad Gerry wasn't part of the fund raising event that took place in Dublin over the weekend for the MKCAF.  

TOTP - Shane interview  
What I did at the weekend by Shane Lynch !  
Ever wondered where you might find Shane on his days off ? Try looking in muddy fields for starters… What's the first thing you do when you get up on a Saturday ? Well I get up at about 10 cos that's a nice time - not too early. Then I look out the back window and check my fish are still swimming happily in the fish pond. I breed Koi fish and I'm into them in a big way. Koi  very expensive so it plays on my mind all the time. I do lots of water tests to make sure the temperature's just right for them." Do you take care of odd jobs around the garden ? Oh yeah. There's so much to be done in me garden. I like planting . It's very therapeutic." Are you an outdoors type ? "I enjoy moto cross. It's great bombing around the countryside in huge, four-wheel drive trucks. Sometimes I'll take a gang of mates along but quite often I'll head of on my own. I go quite a lot and it's quite good exercise to be honest." Exercise ?! "Oh yeah ! It takes the life out of yo. I'll go out in the morning and drive all day." Ever go on healthy ten mile hikes in the beautiful Irish countryside ? "The only walking I do is when I go shooting rabbits. I head out through the fields and forests. It's very relaxing and it makes me feel good. I love it." On rainy days do you spend hours watching daytime tv ? "I catch a bit of Jerry Springer and I sometimes watch wildlife programmes on the Discovery Channel too. I'm very interested in animals, but I shoot rabbits so I don't know if I could call myself an animal lover ! " How do you and Easther relax on your days off ? "When Easther and I get together, which isn't very often, we never seem to get round to doing much relaxing. We always have so many things going on. I'm not into going out much but I always seem to have things to do - like feeding my fish. They take up a lot of time actually !" Bet you spend hours tinkering on your cars too ! "Actually, nearly all my spare time is spent working on vehicles, from tractors to bikes. I've got 2 off-road bikes and 9 cars so there's always plenty to be done and I love bombing around in my truck." What's your ideal evening activity on a day off ? "I quite like sitting in a field having a few drinks with the boys. There are a few fields round my way you know. It's a big area. Easther doesn't drink. Usually I'm in the house with Easther though, just chilling, although it does depend on the kind of evening." Do you ever venture into town ? "I like going to the movies. I don't like true stories though - they're soppy - and I hate romantic films. Action movies, horror films or comedies are my thing. I'd never go to the movies with anyone but Easther. She'd kick the hell out of me if I went without her. " Do you have any favourite restaurants in Dublin ? "I don't like going to restaurants because I eat out most days of my life when I'm on the road with the boys. I much prefer cooking a meal at home. It's quite difficult going out in public. I'd quite like to go bowling more often although I'm not actually very good at it so maybe it's just as well !" Do you still go out partying ? "No, no. I'm not into parties or nightclubs. I've been there, done that. In fact I did all of that when I was 14 years old. Call me boring but all you do in a nightclub is fight. There's no such thing as having a good night out any more. People are too rowdy." Do you ring your mates for a chat ? "Nooo ! I hate phones ! I hate them with a passion ! I make sure I keep conversations as short as possible. Chatting to people on the phone is so impersonal. I much prefer talking face to face." Surely you phone your mum on a regular basis ? "No, not particularly. She usually ends up phoning me every other week just because I never remember to call her. She just calls up to check I'm OK and to find out what I'm up to and when I'm popping round. I don't mind though. I love me mum like any son does. She's always saying, 'Are you eating your food ? Are you getting enough rest ?'" Do you even confide in her ? "No. Even if I had a big problem I wouldn't tell her. I'm a very secretive person and I prefer to keep everything to myself. I'm not a drama queen in the sense that I don't tell everybody everything. And I don't like hearing other people's problems either. I keep myself to myself." So, when are you next visiting the family home ? "Who knows ?! It could be six months before I see me mum. On the other hand I'm sure I'll be popping by in the next fortnight. I'm a good son really !"  

1st december 1998 

An e-mail from a fan -  Maria from Portugal . 
 In the Sunday People Newspaper comes an artcle about Ro and Yv!  It say's: 
 BOYZONE RONAN SELLS BABY FOR £300,000 Boyzone heart-throb Ronan Keating has struck a £300,000 deal to show off his new baby- just two weeks after demanding privacy. Ronan, 21, and stunning wife Yvonne are expecting their first child in April.The star- who hosted Thursday's Miss World contest, where Boyzone sang their new No 1 hit I Love The Way You Love Me for the first time, said recently:"I want to enjoy all the experiences of fatherhood in private- it's importante to me. Yvonne and I are private people and we respect those who allow us to have privacy." it has been revealed that he has come to an agreement with celeb magazine OK!Before the child is even born, the couple will do an in-depth interview about the baby in an exotic location in Indian Ocean.And after the birth the Keatings will pose for an exclusive familly photo-shoot at their home.It bring's a picture of Ro and Yv  in EMA.\ 

*    Boyzone Column 
Hi Ronan here, 
Today I'll be signing copies of Anything But Balls in the Eason's bookstore on Dublin's O'Connell Street. As I revealed in this column last week, it was compiled by my sister Linda and a cancer fund-raiser Wilo Ward. It features interviews with 70 soccer stars from around the world, each answering 10 questions.It's a great read, but by buying it you will be also helping a very worthy cause, as all the cash will go to the Marie Keating Cancer Awareness Fund. As you know, I am leading a campaign to put three mobile cancer units on the road in Ireland so that people can go and have checks. See you in Eason's today. 
I had a brilliant time this week in the sunny Seychelles with the other Boyz when we took part in this year's Miss World contest. It was great to get away to the sun in the middle of winter, particularly as it involved working with all those gorgeous girls. But don't go getting any wrong ideas. Yvonne was with me and she also had a ball.this year's Miss World was a really classy event and Boyzone were delighted to be involved in it. The Seychelles audience of mainly locals were on their best behaviour. No one threw a large bag of flour on my head as they did with American comedian and actor Bob Hope in 1970.Every day we got the chance to go swimming in the hotel pool and soak up the sunshine.Mind you, the other Boyz had a real holiday because I had a lot to do being the co-host of the pageant. Ireland was represented in the event by the gorgeous Vivienne Doyle. Despite losing out, Vivienne was thrilled when her pal Miss Israel, Linor Abargil, won the event.Boyzone also performed together on the night, singing our new song I Love The Way You Love Me. We're looking forward to the British charts coming in today, as I'm told it's going to be another Number One hit, having pre-sales of 500,000 copies 

*    BOYZONE  WAS ON NUMBER 2 ON UK SINGLE CHARTS  WITH I love the way u love me AT 29 NOV 98 
Boyzone chart setback to Christmas No.1 ambition 
Boyzone’s I Love The Way You Love Me yesterday(Sunday) failed to end Cher’s five-week reign at number one with Believe following what is believed to be an unprecedented marketing move by Polydor.The company has   lowered the dealer price of their previous single,No Matter What, to £1.78, a penny lower  than the minimum  allowed for chart  qualification, in a bid to “maximise the potential” of the new   single, according to Polydor and Wild Card marketing manager Jason Iley.The move marks a new direction for record companies to try to remove a long-running single from the chart in order to develop the potential of a new track. Until  now, the usual practice has been to delete. 
UK Singles Chart Commentary from James Masterton : 
So no Number One for them this time round but at the end of one what is far and away the most commercially succesful year of their career so far it is only fitting that Boyzone should find themselves near the top end of the chart. Of course the followup to the million-selling No Matter What was always going to be a slightly lesser record and this ballad, sensitively written and sung impressively by Ronan Keating, is by no means a classic but as a romantic seasonal disc it does everything asked of it and further pushes Boyzone into the realm of adult contemporary music whilst at the same time retaining the pop appeal that has served them so well since their debut. With three Top 3 hits, two Number One singles and one million-seller to their name this year there is no disputing the fact that Boyzone at present are almost unstoppable. 

*   an article form the Sunday Independent (Ireland) 29/11 
In the chicken and egg matter of charisma and fame, it is probably safe to say that his former derives from his latter. If he wasn't who he is, you probably wouldn't notice the impish 21 year old. But he is who he is, and he dominates the photographic studio on the South Circular Road. There seem to be more people crammed in here than is strictly necessary. Most of them are women who seem a bit giddy.It's not that he isn't good looking. Sporting his new Ewan McGregor shag, and with his translucent, almost luminously white skin and his piercing eye's, he's a rather striking-looking kid. But you really get the full effect of him only when you realise that he is Ronan Keating. He could be in mid-sentence and suddenly he flicks from being just the good-looking kid. With a word, a look, everything can flick into the bizarre parallel universe where you suddenly realise this is an icon, one of the biggest pop stars, maybe not in the world, but in Europe at least.And then he's just a kid again, a 21 year old who is mourning his mother while celebrating a year in which he got married, conceived a child, lost his virginity and enjoyed huge international success. He admits that Boyzone are only "half-way" towards the transition from teeny bop sensations to the lucrative and infinitely more stable adult market, but  for Ronan Keating it has truly been the year his voice broke.It would be easy to take the mickey. There's the infamous name dropping for one. The day we meet he is just back from the MTV Awards in Milan. It was a good night. Ronan had presented an award to Madonna with a little help from the designers Dolce e Gabanna. (The presentation was real cute, Ronan seeming to stand back, endearingly shy and overawed-looking, as the others moved in for Madonna kisses.) Madonna called up for a chat beforehand and George Michael came to pay his respects as well.In the course of our chat, Ronan also mentions his friendship with Elton John and the fact that he goes for pints with U2 (mainly Bono and Larry). Hell, wouldn't you name drop too if you  were this ordinary kid with such an extraordinary life?There is also the infamous preciousness. A recent, rather bitchy profile in an English paper characterised him as "21 going on 51". And he does seem cautious beyond his  years.When he's asked by one of the many females milling around to "put your signature on these", he looks looks around, frowning: "What's this for?" It turns out to be just autographs on scraps of paper for someone's nieces. So he signs his life away again.Ronan admits that he is a rock of sense, but points out, reasonably, that he of all people has to be in control of his life."She couldn't have a clue what our life is like" he says of the English journalist. "No-one outside the business can understand what our life is like." Suddenly, it sounds like it could be very lonely indeed being Ronan Keating. 

But of course it's not. There are his friends in the band. (Yes. All still good friends, I'm afraid.)And there's his wife, the model Yvonne Connelly Keating, who accompanies him today. Ronan and his missus married earlier this year after a whirlwind five monthcourtship. They had known each other for a couple of years in a non-romantic capacity. Ronan says he fell for her first and eventually blurted it out one night. He said that he believes Yvonne was given to him by his mother.Ronan and his missus married earlier this year after a whirlwind five month courtship. They had known each other for a couple of years in a non-romantic capacity. Ronan says he fell for her first and eventually blurted it out one night. He said that he believes Yvonne was given to him by his mother.Yvonne is unremarkable too. Dressed down and buzzing around the peripheries, she doesn't seem to demand and command the attention most models might. Friendly and chatty, she seems like a nice kid too.For Ronan, marriage is everything he expected, just brilliant. And what was it he was expecting? "The security of knowing that person is there for you all the time." And a chance, presumably, to lose the most speculated-upon virginity in Ireland. Yvonne and Ronan are getting to spend plenty of time together. She travels with him as much as possible, though that will be difficult now that she is expecting their baby. By theway, he didn't ask her- as was suggested in some quarters - to stop modeling sexy clothes."I don't know where that came from," he says. "Yvonne never did that kind of modeling anyway."When I marvel at the idea of being married with imminent child at 21, he points out that although people get married older these days, there is nothing inherently strange aboutbeing married younger. Both his parents were married by the time they were his age. And most people haven't been a  pop star for five years by the time they hit 21.Yes, it is indeed five years since Louis Walsh created Boyzone and foisted them on an unsuspecting world. It was in '93 that the original ad appeared in the paper and '94 when Boyzone had their first big hit in Britain with Love Me For A Reason. Watching Ronan flick back and forth between ordinary guy and huge star before my very eyes, I'm reminded of the first time I met him. It was a bank holiday in '93 and I traveled from Cork to Dublin to interview what I was assured was going to be the biggest thing ever. It was a fresh faced Boyzone I met that day, possibly with a different line-up. What I  do remember was the star of the band: Stephen Gately.Louis Walsh, who hovered in the background interjecting and correcting, went on at great length about his star. The cameras just love Stephen, he has the best voice and so on. He also told me that three of the lads could sing and two of them weren't so hot but made up for it with their dancing. We can only speculate as to who's which. What we know is that somewhere along the way Ronan usurped Gately as the star of the show. Some have greatness thrust upon them.Boyzone have come a long way from the early cover versions. They've won an Ivor Novello award for songwritting, enjoyed a dozen top 10 singles and three number one albums. How many people do you know who can claim a greatest hits compilation at 21?Despite the constant rumours of Boyzone's demise, Ronan is adamant that there is much more for them to do. They still need to break America, for which they have set aside time next year. They've earmarked a few  weeks in January to record a fourth studio album before more touring. Somewhere in between all this, Ronan, who has said he would probably become an alcoholic or something if he didn't keep working, will take time out for his new child and solo album. 

He is looking at three film scripts at the moment. Can he act? He's not sure but he'll give it a 
try. He's also managing a new boyband with his own manager Louis Walsh. He also takes a 
fairly active interest in the business affairs of Boyzone. In the business he's in, you need to 
watch where the money is going.For all that, Ronan says he isn't a millionaire - "maybe on paper". He has a mortgage on his new house and a lovely car that he got free from Peugeot. Cars, along with good food and fine wines are his major indulgence. He and Keith had a sit up in Paris the previous week,had a few beers and talked cars. Cute.If he hasn't made the money you might expect, Ronan has gained a respect in his business that no-one could have predicted. The boy who used to be know for his griping about the lack of respect he got, particularly in his own country, is now quite happy with the kudos he gathers from the likes of Elton, George and his old mates U2. This is clearly very important to him, "We'll never have credibility," he says "but we want to have respect."Respect also translates into longevity in that all-important adult market. This adultisation of Boyzone - the half-completed project involving collaboration with the likes of Andrew Lloyd Webber, and slower songs - has been an unprecedented success. Ronan claims that much of Boyzone's live audience are now twenty - and thirtysomethings, attracted no doubt by the bland lite soul the lads have been peddling recently.While many will credit Boyzone's success to Louis Walsh, Ronan is obviously a key figure in it. It's hard not to be impressed by his professional approach. While he says he is a singer / songwriter for whom music is the love of his life, he is clearly an astute practitioner of the more prosaic elements of showbiz as well. There is a serious, controlled core to Ronan Keating. He knows about markets, audiences, career plans and all those things that probably matter most in a successful pop group. There are thousands of better songwriters and millions of better singers than Ronan Keating out there. But he is the one who sits on top of the heap now, contemplating the next step in what seems a methodical plan to take over the world.The serious air could also be related to his mother's death from breast cancer earlier this year. He is clearly lost without her, but in true Ronan Keating fashion he is not sitting around feeling sorry for himself. He took minimal time off after her death. He says that she sat him down on the edge of her bed before she died and told him too keep doing what he loved. It wasn't a specific plan to cope by working his way through the mourning period. It just happened that way.The can-do approach to dealing loss is also evident in today's photo shoo, which Ronan is doing to promote Anything But Balls, a colourful and humorous insight into the lives of some football greats. The book will help raise £150,000 to buy three mobile cancer units and £150,000 per annum to keep them on the road. Ronan feels that if his mother's cancer had been detected earlier she would still be alive. "I sat down with the family and we decided we wanted to do this," he says "and it's keeping me really focused at the moment." Willo Ward, who compiled the book, says Ronan was"super", helping by ringing around football clubs to gather material and helping in the promotion of the book.And so we find ourselves here on the South Circular Road, Ronan working to help others get luckier than his mother did, and perhaps helping himself to cope with her death too.Ronan goes so far and no further in our interview. What I really wanted was to try an understand what his life is like, what it's like to be 21, having the wildest ride ever, missing your mother, meeting Madonna. All I found out is that, "life is great. New house, new wife, it's just brilliant." He never really explained to me what it's like to be Ronan Keating. But then, he probably knew I wouldn't understand. 

29th november 1998 

*   Boyzone Column 
Hi Ronan here, 
Next Saturday night I'll be appearing on Kenny Live to tell you about a new  book. It's called Anything But Balls and it's complied by my sister Linda and a lady called Wilo Ward.So what's it all about ? Well, it features interviews with 70 soccer stars from around the world, each answering 10 questions. They're the sort of things fans fans like to know about their favourite stars, so it should make a good read.The thing is, by buying a copy of this book, you will be helping a very worthy cause. All the funds raised through the sale of Anything But  will go to the Marie Keating Cancer Awareness Fund. By now, you know what that's all about - we want to put three mobile units on the road so that people can go and have checks. If cancer is caught in time, it can be cured and we don't want to see other families going through the same heartache we experienced when Mam died.Our new single I Love The Way You Love Me, hits the shops tomorrow and we're delighted that it's heading for Number One.CD single one also features a brand new song, Waiting For You, and a specially remixed version of Let The Message Run Free, which appeared in our Pepsi advert.CD single two features I Love The Way You Love Me and live versions of our new Grease medley from our new show and No Matter What, both of which were recorded at our Wembley concert.The single has already gone Gold in the UK, BEFORE it goes on release,with advance sales of 500,000. We can't believe how five years down the road everything is just getting bigger and bigger for Boyzone. Most people predicted that things would be slowing down for Boyzone at this stage of our career, but we're busier than ever and success is growing all the time. Our album has gone Gold in Germany in it's first week of release there and the single, No Matter What, is number three -  our biggest hit so far in that territory.I've just sent off a song to Cher, as she said she would love to record with me. If it works out, that will be a huge thrill because she's a legend in the business.Stephen is delighted with himself because he has just got the lead track in the TV series Watership Down.My group Westside got a fantastic reaction on the Late Late Show last weekend. Everyone is really impressed with their performance - at least they won't be constantly embarrassed by their first appearance on Gaybo's show !They're appearing on the Kelly Show next Friday night and will be also starring on this year's Smash Hits Roadshow. We're asking all our fanso vote them the best new act because I really do believe that they're brilliant.Yvonne's new baby !Yvonne has a new baby - no, our big event hasn't arrived prematurely.It's a gorgeous Peugeot 206 - I've turned her into a car fanatic like myself. 

*     Article in Todays Daily Star  
Boyzone's Keith is planning a double celebration this week.  The Irish outfit are set to score yet another No1 Hit single with "I love the way you love me".And he;s also found his long-lost Uncle as a surprise for his Mum's 50th. Duffy, who hired ex-SAS men to trace him says: "I'm over the moon" 

*     Sunday express 
"Caring for others will help me keep my mother's meory alive." 
Ronan Keating is just 21. At an age when most young men are considering what to do with their lives, he has experienced a lot. "I was lucky,"he shrugs."I never thought I'd be doing what I'm doing and being as successful as I am. I landed on my feet and for that I'm grateful."As the frontman of pop group Boyzone he has chalked up 12 top three selling singles- including four No.1s - since being thrust into the limelight at the age of 16.In the last couple of years he has started a side career as a TV presenter and the young lad from a humble Irish background represented his country, as he puts it, by hosting the Eurovision Song Contest when it was held in Dublin last year. He has also presented Top of the pops on BBC1 and the MTV awards.This week he is in the Seychelles to host Miss World and after Christmas will start filming a new talent show for the BBC, Get your act together. On the music front, as well as an up and coming Irish mini tour with Boyzone, he has recorded a song for the film Notting Hill, the sequel to Four weddings and a Funeral, and is co-managing a band, Westside, who release their first single early next year, In his spare time he is working on a film script with a friend.On the personal side he has had his ups and downs, In the past nine months he has wed his childhood sweetheart, buried his mother and isawaiting the birth of his first child in March.Despite all this he exudes an air of calm responsibility that is unusual in one so experienced and yet so young - a stability probably fostered by the brotherhood of Boyzone and the strength of his own large family."Ronan Keating is a household name now and I'm honoured by that," he says, " but I'm aware that although I don't want to set myself up as a role model, people do watch what I do. " The future of youth is mmportant to me, being a youth myself. I'm very worried about the drug situation. I've always been very anti-drugs and I think by saying that  can advise the young that it's not good to do them and help keep people on th straight and narrow." Ronan is very aware of the fact that youngsters look to him and is concerned that others in that position are not so careful. He was avirgin until he married and has never touched drugs.Ronan is a Catholic, although he prefers to persue his faith independently rather than kowtow to what he feels is "over political" Rome. The strength of his religioous beliefs is evidenced by the fact that heonly allows his model wife Yvonne Connolly to pose "tastefully"and now regrets the skimpily clad photos of his younger days. "We kind of learned to be thoughtful about what we say about things and how we behave. At the end of the day , when you've got children watching you, you have to be careful. Whatever you do behind closed doors or when you're having a beer and hanging out with your friends, that's fair enough, but not in the public eye.""If you're Irish, people talk about the troubles a lot but we steer away from politicla problems. For a band like Boyzone to start talking about things like that can be very dangerous. Although we have crossed over to an older audience now, a lot of our fans are young kids and it's very important  we don't try to tell them anything or put something into their heads that we believe, when we don't know if it's right or wrong."He might not want to jump up and start talking about things but he does feel an immense responsibility to "put something back" and help others.He visits schools, youth clubs and hospitals whenever he can, supports worldwide charities and this week, with the rest of the band, opened a wing at Great Ormond street Hospital.He and his family have set up the Marie Keating Cancer Awareness Fund in his mother's memory and are raising money to put three mobile testing units on the road.The band are also involved with Children in Need and Childline in Ireland charities and Ronan has been closely watching former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell's work with the UN. It's the kind of role he's toying with for himself in the future. "I have to take my hat off to Geri. It's a tough job for any young person and I think she's doing really well. I'd love to do it too, if I knew enough about the area I was working in."Maybe I'll run for president of Ireland one of these days, you know.If Dana can do it , then I can do it," he says with a laugh. his decision to put himself forward in this way is largely inspired by the warmth, care and love given to him by his mother Marie, whose deat from cancer in February at the age of 51 is still a great source of pain to him, so much so that his blue eyes fill with tears as he talks of her."She was my best friend and as time goes by it's not getting easier to be without her. I keep my head up and work away and that's what keeps me going. I still feel she is close to me, every step of the way. Every move I make she's with me. I still talk to her and go down to the grave a lot to spend time with her."Ronan adds: "I was graced with her presence for 21 years of my life and anyone who met her, who had the honour ro meet her, would say she was a  wondeful woman. Words cannot express what she was to me; her warmth,her caring, her love, her laughter, her joy, her tears, her smiles -everything she did. I can't even beging to say. I miss her terribly.""I hope I can take from her and move on; give back some of what she  to me through helping others. That's very important - I think that's why we're here, really.To enjoy our lives the best we can and pass the message on.""If I can be to people just a little of what she was to me, in some way I will feel that my life has been worthwhile." 

 *     Run - in Keating 
BZ star blows top at seat mix-up BZ's Ronan Keating ruined last night's all girl celebrations at the MTV Europe Music Awards after throwing a wobbly at failing to get a seat for the show. The normally mild mannered star exploded with rage when he and pregnant wife Yvonne tried to watch the ceremony in Milan FilaForum in which All Saints, the Spice Girls, Madonna and Natalie Imbruglia hogged most of the trophies. He branded the show a circus and demanded aids get his car now after the couple found the path to their seats blocked by pop fans and music business hangers-on. Normally a celeb of his calibre would have been allowed to breeze from the VIP area backstage into the arena to glimpse the show.But nobody would make way for them and Ronan clearly worried about his wife had no choice but to turn on his heels and head back to the VIP area.The star stormed backstage at the Hard Rock Cafe and then threw a temper tantrum in front of assembled VIP's. With only minutes to go untill Ronan was due to go on stage to present madonna with her best female singer award the situation suddenly turned serious.As Ronan repeatedly called for his car one of the hard rock staff offered to supply him with a security guard to find him a seat. "No just forget it" Ronan snapped. "Just lets get the car and get out of here." Then another aide terrified the star would storm out of the event sensibly summoned one of MTV's top executives to pacify the star.Only then could Ronan be guaranteed access to the awards. As he regained his composure Ronan checked with Yvonne to see if she still wanted to see the show and when she nodded the pair followed the MTV boss back into the show."It was a farce" an insider revealed later. "Ronan was furious and anyone who saw the chaos would have understood why he got so angry."It wasn't a case of a celebrity throwing a fit to get attention. It was simply bad organisation. It was an embarrassing moment for the organisers but it all worked out OK in the end and Ronan soon forgot about it." 

28th november 1998 

*  From: ( 
Subject: Boyzone News 
The new Boyzone singles!Released 23.11.98 
CD1 includes the BRAND NEW TRACKS Waiting for You and Let the Message Run Free 
CD2 is a VERY SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION tour poster format with New Exclusive tour 
photos, this CD also includes versions of No Matter What (Live) and the boyz Grease Medley (Live). For all of you who weren't able to see the Boyz live this time the Grease Medley was one of the highlights of their show! 
There is also a Cassette available which includes the brand new track Waiting For You. 
New Tour Dates: 
The Boyz have announced tour dates for next year. These dates will be up on the site on Monday 30th November and for all of your who have not had much luck through the telephone you will be able to buy tickets for the shows via the boyz site in the Calendar area. 
New Areas/Competitions on the Boyz Site 
The Boyz site will be featuring an exclusive competition in the Postcards area of the site in the next couple of weeks so keep an eye out. A couple of new areas will be also be appearing!Lastly everybody if you haven't realised by now signing up to the Boyz online mailing list gives you exclusive competitions, prizes, tickets etc., and we will be running many events next year - SO if your NOT on it - GET on it!! 
Cheers for now 

*     Star newspaper  
Peace has broken out between Boyzone boss Louis Walsh and Kenny Live  
producer Colm O'Callaghan. A war of words had existed between the pair of pop pundits ever since 'Callaghan lashed Boyzone's interval act number at the Eurovision Song Contest a year ago. And since then Boyzone haven't appeared on any of the RTE shows produced by O'Callaghan - such as Popscene. But they have now settled their differences - for the sake of charity. Ronan Keating, B*Witched and Linda Martin will appear on Kenny Live this Saturday. "Louis wouldn't send any of his bands on to any of the programmes I was producing", O'Callaghan told The Star. "But we met three weeks ago, and we got on like a house on fire." But Ronan won't be performing. Instead he will be publicising a football book, Anything But Balls, in memory of his mum Marie, who died of cancer.  

*     An interesting mail from Aileen Teope about boyzone in manila : 
( thanx aileen for your contribution to boyzone galaxy ) 
Hello!  My name is Aileen from Manila, Philippines.  This is the first time I read the article of Boyzone's visit in Manila last June 12, 1998. To tell you frankly, I was not able to watch the interview from Startalk show but I want to share this experience I had during their visit.  From the article written about the Startalk show, honestly, that thing is normal in their show.  That's one of their come-ons to audiences.  You know one the hosts, the sexy one is a movie star who does daring and bold roles in the movies.  But honestly, that's there is to it. Perhaps, that was the first Boyzone met hosts like that but don't put anything on it.  It's only part of the show.  No more no less.  
June 12, 1998  
From the time their airplane landed on our soil, I'm monitoring all their movements.  Over the radio RX93.1, one the popular radio stations in Manila.  When the DJs contacted them while they were still  going to their hotel, they were able to talk to Mikey on their cellphone.  It's a little bit choppy but I'm sure Mikey and the rest of the guys were happy to be in Manila for the 3rd time.  At exactly 6:30 p.m., the group went to the radio station RX93.1 and did a short concert and promote their latest album, Where We Belong.  Straight from the airport, they only rested for just a few hours in the hotel and headed straight to that radio station.  I was not there but from what the DJs said, there were several funs outside the station waiting for them.  
June 13, 1998  
From morning till noon, they visited several radio stations and promoted their new album.  The song All That I Need reached the no. 1 position in most of the radio stations here. At noon time, they went to one of the most popular TV shows in the Philippines where they received several awards.  Their album A Different Beat received a double platinum award and their album Where We Belong is a certified platinum when they got here.  I guess that's already an achievements for the guys.  
At 1:00 p.m., I went to SM Department Store, one of the largest malls in Manila and waited for Boyzone to come.  There were several people in the area where the Boyzone will do the album signing.  I waited for four hours just to make a glimpse of this band.  At exactly 5:00 p.m., they came out and the five guys seated on stage and did some signing. They distributed numbers to all who bought copy of their CD or cassette for their signing.  Would you believe that I got no. 604 and to my amazement, before it reaches my no., all of them stand up and left the stage without saying goodbye to all their fans and people  who came to see them; who lined up for 3 or more hours for them to sign the CD or cassette they bought.  What a time to waste!  Even the DJ hosting the show did not know what happened.  He is still talking to the fans to line up so they can be attended to smoothly when he saw that the guys left the stage.  I heard some comments of the people who went there that what they did can tarnish their image in Manila.  I left together with my sister feeling the frustration that I was not able to see them face to face.  It was so hot at the place because of their fans and people who want to see them.  That night, I saw them on one of the TV show and they really looked tired at that time because it was already past midnight.  
Jun 14, 1998  
I saw them once again on TV in one of the noon time shows and they really looked haggard because it was already taped last July 13.  They had their conference at the Hard Rock Cafe at 1:00 p.m..  I did not go there anymore so I did not know what has transpired there.  Late in the afternoon, they flew to Hongkong for another promotion. I hope that the foregoing clarifies.  It is not as bad as that but I hope that next time they come to our country, they will be more approachable and accommodating.  I do understand that they are really tired but they owe their fans a lot.  To where they are now, they owe it to their loyal fans and supporters. Bye!  
God bless!  

*     Steve's Gossip column for November in TOTP magazine: 
"Jeez it's been a hectic month what with the tour and everything else that's been going on! It was great to see so many of you there, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! Anyway, this is what I've been upto this month... 
SPENDING CASH!: You know me, in between tour dates I manage to fit in a bit of shopping! When we were in Glasgow I bought an original Warner Brothers picture of Daffy Duck which is so cool! We all popped into the Gucci store as well and picked up a couple of items! 
SEEING THE PAST FLASHING BEFORE MY EYES!: One of our support acts is Westside, who Ronan is managing, and they're fantastic! They've got great voices and they're going to do so well! They really remind me of us when we started out. I look at them on stage and think, 'My God that's us five years ago!' It's incredible! 
GETTING EMBARRASSED!: My Mum and Dad came to see the final show in Manchester - aargh! I get really excited when they come to watch me and as long as I don't see them in the audience I'm fine! If I can see them, I'm like, 'Oh my God my Mum's dancing!' 
ACTING WEIRD!: This sounds really weird, but it was really funny at the time. I had a conversation with our guitarist Tim, about eye drops and now every night before I go on stage, I fling my arms in the air and yell, 'RAW EYES!' He just wets himself laughing at me!  (Yes you're right, that does sound a tad weird Stevo.) 
GOING TO THE PICTURES!: We all went to see 'The Truman show' and I thought it was great. It really makes you think, it could be any of us up there. Y'know, The Stevo show or The Ronan show! I love that- just sitting down in the cinema with the hugest bucket of salted popcorn. Yum! 
PARTYING:! I can't wait for the end of tour party! It's going to be at this enormous house about an hour outside Manchester (where we play our last show). We're going to hang out, have a few drinks and play loads of games like Bingo with loads of stuff for prizes! We're going to stay up all night and then order breakfast! It's going to be great!" 
God Bless 

*     Boyzone or mum's own ? 
Stephen Gately's on the look for an upfront girlfriend with brown eyes. But he warned - he's a bit of mummy's boy ! 
Boyzone star Stephen Gately has a secret guardian angel who watches over him and helps guide his career. The boyish-looking member of the band, who receives more fan mail than lead singer Ronan, reveals: "I'm psychic. I've known since I went to see a clairvoyant a few years ago. I've even used it a few times for positive reasons. But I don't like to say too much about it. I also have a guardian spirit who tells me things that are going to happen and who's helped me make the right decisions in life." Stephen gets nervous of delving too far into the spiritual world and insists: "I'd never do anything that was dangerous. I don't think playing around with things like Ouija boards is a good idea." And he's a bit of a scaredy-cat when it comes to spooky stuff. "My mum's bedroom scares me because there's a ghost in it," he says. "I'm afraid of ghosts. And I'm scared of dying. You're never too young to think about death. You have to go sometime and it could well be tomorrow." Yeah, right, that's cheery. 
Steve, 22, admits to being a mummy's boy. Despite boasting cheeky good-looks that send girls weak at the knees, he says his mum, Margaret, is the only woman in his life right now. "She's like a best friend," he says. "I love being at home for long periods of time as I get to catch up on all the family gossip and what's going on in the neighbourhood." 
His humble background has made him appreciate his success and kept him level-headed. "I grew up in a rough area of Dublin. There's a lot of poverty and that makes you humble. You learn to value other things in life more if you haven't got much money," he explains. Not that his family would tolerate any star ego' stuff from him, anyway. "When I go home, I'm just like I've always been. My mum, dad, brothers and sisters wouldn't stand for it if I suddenly got an ego. I have to pull my weight around the house or I get told off. My mum kills me if I don't make my bed ! I also iron my own clothes. That keeps me down-to-earth. I'll always be like that. When I'm in a hotel room on my own I fold all the towels and put them away and make the bed and I leave little notes for the maids saying: "Thanks very much!"" 
Stephen would far rather spend money on his family than himself. "I've been able to give a lot back because of what has happened," he says. "I don't really spend much on myself but I love buying things for my mum and dad and family, friends and godparents, because I like to see them happy. I buy quite a few outfits and suits for my young nephew." 
He has dreams of buying his family a big, swanky house but he doubts that they'd ever want to move from the one they've got. "I've always wanted to buy a house in the best part of Dublin. It would probably be south of the city, which is a beautiful area and very posh ! It's 20 minutes from town in the car and it's really amazing. It's right on a hill looking over the beach and the ocean. It's always been my ambition to live there. The trouble is, my family wouldn't move because they're quite happy where they are. They're used to it." 
Stephen genuinely seems to be nice and considerate with his feet firmly on the ground. Ask him, with a nod and a wink, if he lives a glitzy pop star's life, and he replies: "Outside of work I don't. We get to stay in hotels in different countries when we're on tour and do TV interviews, but other than that, I'm not the type of guy who hangs out in the trendiest clubs and mixes with all the right celebrities. The only giveaway is that I like buying designer clothes. That's the flashiest I ever get !" 
And he adds that all the Boyzone lads are normal and level-headed. "None of us has an ego. We never brag," he says. "And we're not vain about our looks like some pop stars. I take care of myself but I don't look in the mirror and pose. I don't consciously try to improve myself either. I never go to the gym, for instance. I've been dancing for about 7 years so that's how I keep myself in shape. I've also been teaching dance for 2 years." 
Next month Boyzone release their new single, I Love the Way You Love Me, from the Where We Belong album. And love is clearly in the air for the boys. Shane married Easther Bennett of Eternal in March and Ronan tied the knot with Irish model Yvonne Connolly a month later. And she's expecting their first baby in March. Keith is married and a father, but Stephen doesn't even have a girlfriend at the moment. "I can't remember the last time I snogged anyone!" he admits. "I keep thinking about what kind of girls I'd like to meet but I don't really get the chance to do that in this job. It's my decision because I want to help make Boyzone bigger and better and if I had a girlfriend, maybe I'd spend time with her instead of making records." 
But what type of girl would catch his eye? "I've always liked girls who have bags of personality and who are upfront," he says. "Someone who's very honest and acts completely natural. There's a pattern in my love life - I've always dated girls who are a bit older than me. I feel I have more in common with them. Oh yes, and I tend to go for girls with brown eyes!" 
Would he make a good boyfriend ? "I think so. I'm sure I'd be a laugh and a bit wild. I'm also the type who is very devoted. I'd have to be with my girlfriend the whole day long. I'd wine and dine her properly too. You have to go out of your way to make your girlfriend feel really special." Form an orderly queue, girls ! 
Fact File 
Girls just want to take care of Stephen. I think they like me because I'm short and they say I'm cute," he says. "I'm 22. Ronan's the youngest in the band at 21 but all the girls think I am." He loves being the centre of attention in a crowd but hates small gatherings. "I'm very confident on stage because I love being out there in front of a crowd. The only time I'm really shy is when there's just a handful of people around and I don't know any of them." He's a sensitive soul. "I let things upset me really badly. I sulk a lot too ! Especially when the rest of the lads put me down. They're only messing around but I take it too seriously. I get hurt by some of the things they say." He can act, too. "At the age of 10 I just knew I wanted to act and I started doing little bits at school. Then I went to drama school. I directed a play at 16 about teenagers growing up in Dublin. It was staged for 4 nights at a local theatre." Stephen really enjoys his kip and reckons the worst thing about being a pop star is sometimes having to get up early in the morning. 

26th november 1998 

*     Below is what a fan  got in an email from Priority booking.  
"Boyzone are going on sale on Saturday 28 November for their 1999 concert tour and will be playing The Brighton Centre on 4 May, Telewest Arena on 12 May,Wembley Arena on 17 May and Manchester Evening News Arena on the 21 May.Tickets for Wembley are £18.50 (plus service charge)all other venues are £17.50 (plus service charge)." 

*     Upcoming Dates 
23/11 : I Love The Way You Love Me is out 
23/11 : UK-Tourdates will be announced 
26/11 : Ro will present Miss World today, Seychelles 
28/11 : Tickets for UK tour go on sale 
1/12 : USA promotion trip for 6 days 
7/12 : Royal Variety Performance, London 
9/12 : Kinder Welten Das, Germany 
13/12 : Steve will present the Smash Hits Poll Winners Party 
27/12-30/12 : Irish Tour Dates 
23/01 : The Childline-concert in The Point, Dublin, hosted by Steve and 
Denise Van Outen 

*     The new single, I Love The Way You Love Me, will be out on the 23rd of November. CD1 includes the brand new track "Waiting for You" and "Let The Message Run Free" (from the Pepsi advert)CD2 is a limited edition tour poster format with new exclusive tour photos also includes "No Matter What" (live) and Boyzone's "Grease Medley" (live) The cassette includes the brand new track "Waiting for You" 

*     Ronan wants you  
Boyzone's Mr.. Keating will be hosting a new talent show called GetYour Act Together on TV next Feb. At the moment he's looking for anyongover 16 who might be the next pop whopper. If your big bro, sis orfriend writes songs and fancies going on TV, get them to send a tape to:Get Your Act Together,PO Box 21364,London.WC1B 3PT. 

*     At home with Boyzone - TV Hits 
The Boyzone lads are always off trekking all over the place, but here's what life's like for them back home…. 
The Garden : 
Shane : "I really love me garden. I've got a pond with some really cool fish in it. The garden takes a lot of looking after, but I don't mind,I enjoy it !" 
Home Shopping 
Steve : "I've bought a cool television from Harrods - it's chrome with a flat screen and it's really amazing !" 
Shane : "I've just got a new chainsaw, for doing odd jobs in the garden, y'know !" 
Ro : "Me and Yvonne have just bought 3 new sofas for the house. They're really nice big comfy ones and we've got loads of multicoloured cushions to go on them." 
Car Trouble 
Keith : "At the moment I've got a Corvette and a BMW convertible." 
Mikey : "I've got a Ford Explorer Jeep, a 1992 BMW and I'm about to get another car for Sharon, but she can't decide what she wants !" 
Ro : "I love my cars ! I've got 3 cars and a bike. Well, 2 cars, a bike and a truck - well, a very large jeep ! Plus I've got another car coming in from New York soon - it's an old BMW." 
Coronation Street or Eastenders 
Shane : "Eastenders, definitely. I don't see it that often, but I really like it." 
Steve : "I don't really watch either, but if I had to choose it'd be Eastenders - it's a lot younger and more fun." 
Ro : "The only magazines I get regularly are Dazed and Confused, because I know their photographer, Rankin, and he always sends it to me, and Music Week (a music industry mag) - that's a real necessity to keep up with the news !" 
Beauty Products 
Stephen : "I take care of myself. I eat sensibly and look after my skin. I even use moisturiser - La Prairie (v. posh, expensive cream !)." 
Shane : "I did use La Prairie, but it didn't agree with my skin. Now I'm a Clarins man - I simply moisturise after I shave !" 
Mikey : "I'm very domesticated, actually. I have to be really, especially woth a kid around - I'm always doing the ironing !" 
Keith : "I only do things like the ironing if I absolutely have to ! I learnt how to when I was younger and I had to iron a shirt for my Friday night out - that's the only reason! But Lisa's very good - she normally irons my shirts for me while I'm away ! I take them to the launderette then she picks them up and irons them !" 
Ro : "We got loads of duvets for wedding gifts. We also got a lot of crystal glass, which was great ! We did very well, actually - everybody was too afraid to get us anything nasty ! 
Being poorly 
Shane : "My wife looks after me when I'm ill. I love being looked after and pampered ! 
Ro : "When I'm ill I love daytime telly - things like Going for Gold,and cooking programmes - the lot !" 
Shane : "I never remembered friends' birthdays - I can't be bothered,it's too much hassle." 
Stephen : "I'm quite good as my family drop subtle hints. I'm very good with numbers - I don't need a filofax or anything." 
Mikey : "I always have the best will at heart, but I'm really rubbish at organising anything like that. Sharon's more the person who does stuff like that. I don't know why I'm like that, but my dad's the same - he leaves it up to my mum. It gets me into trouble sometimes, I can tell you !" 
Ro : "Ooh, I'm terrible. I forgot my sister's birthday the other day -I felt so bad. I'd forget my own if I didn't have people around to remind me !" 
Stephen : "I hate clubs and very rarely go clubbing. I prefer sitting in a pub full of 70-year-olds with a pint of fizzy pop !" 
Shane : "If I go to a club I prefer to just turn up and pay. It's better that way cos then they don't know you're coming and can't tell anyone !" 
Mikey : "When I was younger we'd always be getting thrown out of clubs. Fights would always break out and they'd chuck everyone out !" 
Shane : "God, I always used to end up fighting after one too many drinks !" 
Keith : "I was never really one to get into fights, but the people I was friends with sometimes were." 
Ro : "I don't go to clubs that often, I hate them - I'd rather sit in a pub." 
Lads' night out 
Shane : "The last lads' night out I had was about 3 weeks ago - it was great ! We started drinking at 5pm and it went on til 5am - we had a right laugh !" 
Stephen : "I don't have that many mates back home in Ireland. I've made  of friends in England, but I haven't been out with them for ages." 
Ro : "To be honest, I haven't been on one in a long while, what with the tour and everything. Actually, that was probably the last time -you've got to have a couple of beers on the road…." 

*     Steve - the Peter Pan of pop - L&K 
When Boyzone reached the earth-shattering climax of their recent UK tour, L&K was waiting in the wings for a chinwag with Stephen. "Hiya L&K !" he hollered. "Wotcha doing skulking around here ? Come along to my dressing room for a cuppa cha and a chat !" Oh go on then, you cheeky chap… 
So how's the tour been then, Stephen ? 
"It's been really great ! Obviously it's been very hard work. We've been doing tons of interviews every day, as well, which has made it even more manic. I'm feeling pretty tired, but that's ok !" 

So, have you become bezzy mates with any of the support acts ? 
"Well, I know them all but I'm not exactly best friends with them.They're all nice people but I won't be ringing them up next week to say Let's go out for dinner'. Mind you, I know Hinda Hicks very well -she's lovely ! Oh and I know Westside too." 

So do you pop into each others' dressing rooms to borrow stuff ? 
"Nah ! (Looks horrified) I'd never do that ! We all tend to keep out of each others way before going on stage cos it can be really distracting otherwise." 

Do you feel like an old giffer compared to all these sprightly new 
popstrels bobbing up all over the shop ? 
"Not at all ! (sounding indignant). They're doing what we were doing about 5 years ago, just wanting to make it in the music biz and be successful - and a lot of them are! A lot of them have done well, and good luck to 'em !" 

So can you see yourself wobbling about on stage with a zimmer frame 
when you're all wrinkly ? 
"Who knows ? I can't predict the future and I don't think anybody else can. We'll just have to wait and see I guess. I know that at some point I'll want a solo career, but at the moment I'm just really enjoying being in Boyzone." 

Might you try a spot of thesping ? 
"Yeah, I'd like to try everything. Of course I'll always sing, but I hope I can have a go at acting too. Yeah, why not ?!" 

Do you still get a buzz performing live ? 
"Oh yeah ! Every time I'm on stage I get a good feeling. A lot of the energy you get while performing is from the audience, and Boyzone's audiences are always brilliant." 

Are you all jittery before you hit the stage ? 
"I get more excited than nervous. We've been doing this for a long time now, so I'm kinda used to it. Sometimes I forget song lyrics or something, like last night I made a couple of mistakes, but you just have to laugh - it's not a major disaster or anything !" 

After all this hard work will you be treating yourself to a relaxing holiday ? 
"No (sighs). I've got one day off and then I'm off to Sweden with the lads. I'm gonna feel a bit wrecked, but you gotta keep going !" 

Brrrr ! How are you coping with this chilly weather and the dark and doomy winter nights ? 
"I'm definitely a winter person, its my fave time of year. I like staying in, walking in the rain, even going out of the cinema when it's dark and cold. I love getting into me 'jamas, putting the heating on  and watching tv with a hot drink. Yup, I love winter !" 

What's your fave hearty winter food ? 
Erm… chicken broth with brown bread! I make it myself - no really, its not out of a tin ! I enjoy cooking very much, come round L&K and I'll cook you a steaming bowl of Stephen's spesh chicken soup ! 



Ro made an appearance in the gorgeous Cosmopolitan 100 Men We Love chart last month, crashing in at No.10 - just behind movie star Tom Hanks and famous footie champ Michael Owen! And why do Cosmo readers love Ro so much? Cos "he's the boy-band star who's all man", of course! 

Ronan joined Clive Anderson for his prestigious chat show All Talk recently, and impressed a very grown up audience with tales of crazy fans, song writing skills - and the way he never throws TVs out ofwindows! Mr Anderson, on the other hand, appeared mightily impressed that those BZ boys have managed to achieve so much, so young. We're expecting his subscription to BZ magazine any day now (well maybe!) 

Tune in to BBC1 on Friday November 20th, and check out a huge host of stars helping out the top children's charity with its annual celebrity packed TV event… Boyzone are back again this year, and they'll be joining the likes of Eastenders' Martine McCutcheon and Big Breakfast  Johnny and Denise in an attempt to beat last years fantastic total of £20.9 million, raised to help kids all round the UK! Make sure you switch on and see if you can help out too! 

BZ had a right old chin-wag live on the internet before one of their Wembley shows last month, when they spent a couple of hours chatting to the grand total of 4925 people who managed to get online and say hello… Surf the BZ website this month, and check out some very exclusive behind the scenes pics of this historic Boyzone event! 

While hanging out backstage before making a special appearance on top TV show Des O'Connor Tonight, the boys were honoured by a special royal visit to their dressing room! Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson was also a guest on the programme, and dropped in to see the boys with daughters Beatrice and Eugenie - who are both huge BZ fans! Whilst the girls had copies of BZ Magazine signed for themselves and two of their  friends, the Duchess praised the boys on their success - telling them how BZ's album is a huge favourite on their car stereo, keepingBeatrice and Eugenie entertained on their way to school every morning! The band joined Des later for a gorgeous live performance of ILTWYLM -and they felt right at home on set, since the boys performed from was exactly the same as the giant sized orange one which appeared duringtheir recent Where We Belong tour! 

As if you haven't had enough excitement recently, BZ are about to announce a brand new set of tour dates for next year! The boys will be back on the road during the first half of 1999, and tickets for these shows will go on sale on Saturday 28th November at 9am. All dates will be announced approximately a week before the on sale date - so keep your eyes on the press! In the meantime, PLEASE DO NOT CALL US here at the BZ Mag for details cos at the moment, we have no further information. Soz! 

 Since we last went to press, No Matter What has managed to clock up a record breaking one million sales in the UK alone - which means it's now the UK's 3rd bestselling single of the year so far, behind Celine Dion and Run DMC! 

Lovely Bono was so impressed with BZ's recent appearance in U2's video for the sweetest thing, he's just presented each of the boys with aspecial silver ring to say thank you! What a love… 

Superstar singing diva Cher has made the shock announcement that she wants to record a track with BZ! The boys are so chuffed that she's asked, but as yet no plans have been made as to whether the special musical union can take place. We'll let you know! 

Lucky old BZ will be spending 5 days in the glamorous location of the Indian Ocean's Seychelles later this month, when they jet over to add a special dose of Bloke Power to this year's Miss World contest. The boys will be performing live on the show - which Ronan will be hostinG  alongside a celebrity packed panel of judges including racing driver Jacques Villeneuve and rugby star Jonah Lomu. Check out the actionwhen the contest is broadcast on Channel 5 on November 26th and repeated on November 29th! 

To those lovely boys from Westside who, following the huge success of their recent BZ support slot, have signed a top record deal! Kian,Shane, Nicky, Mark and Bryan - who are being helped along their way to popstardom by Ronan and BZ manager Louis - are obviously delighted,and looking forward to the release of their debut single next April.They'll also be joining the BZ boys again during their forthcoming Irish tour dates - so keep your eyes peeled for them! 

 Top Of The Pops Lottery With Ronan And Keith!  
Ro: In boxes in the attic. They're just basic childhood toys - cars,Action Men, Dinky Toys, I have millions of them. They're not worth any money though. Mind you, they only cost a couple of bob new!  

Ro: Should I be honest here? yes? Well, I fart a lot! That's probably my most irritating thing, I've got a lot of wind! Yvonne's learning to deal with it now.  

Ro: ( A trifle hurt ) Erm, thanks very much! You put that question in so I'd pick it, didn't you? Harrumph! To be honest, I don't know what's happening with it. I'm in the middle of, erm, ( thinks )I don't know. I think I'm gonna grow it really, really long. How long? Ah, come on now missus, long enough!  

Ro: I have racks of them. All of Tom Cruise's movies and Brad Pitt's,all the Star Trek movies, James Bond, Star Wars... They're all still in their boxes, but I'll have a nice cabinet for them soon so I can look through them and go oooh... F, G, H...! Yes they are going to be arranged alphabetically. I have nothing else to do when I'm at home other than sort out videotapes!  

Keith: As a group they suit the clothes we're wearing. Plus if you have a work clothes budget to spend, you might as well order a pair of Gucci sandals at #400 so you don't have to buy them yourself for your holidays!When you're travelling getting socks and underwear washed is difficult,so,erm, wearing sandals gets rid of the socks problem.  
Ro: And he's not talking about the underwear!  

Shane: ( walking past ) Pah! I don't think Easther looks like me! ( To Ronan ) But I think your bird looks like you.  
Ro: No! ( Thinks ) Well, a lot of people do say we look like brother and sister. But I don't think so!  

Keith: It was 15 page actually!  
Ro: And actually we didn't get paid a penny. I swear to God! They paid for the Irish reception but we didn't end up with any extra money in our pockets. I did not make a cent.  
Keith: Anyway, they didn't do our wedding. The curse of Hello! only counts if they pay and arrange your wedding. Lisa and I got married and sent them the photos afterwards.  

Ro: We do talk about that sometimes. I say ' Oh, I wish I had a nine -to -five job, but we would never have our lifestyle or house if it wasn't for this job. As much as I say ' God, I'd love to be at home, ' I'd probably be climbing the walls with boredom after three weeks. I wouldn't be able to survive without the music industry. Besides, Yvonne never asks me to do anything different.  

Ro: I would love to be able to play the piano, more than anything. If I could but that ability in a shop I would pay any amount of money for it just to know how to play well. I have a piano at home too, a grand piano,and I've tried writing on it but I'm just tinkling away. I wanna be able to play everything!  

Ro: You what? Are you meant to? I've never heard of that. Anyway our wedding cake was something lovely like banoffi pie and everybody scoffed it, whether we wanted it kept or not!  

Keith: Erm, let me think...  
Ro: The Party In The Park rehearsals. But it wasn't that important.  
Keith: Was I not there?  
Ro: No, you missed your plane. But it didn't matter cos you knew what you were doing anyway. We do know our sings, after all.  
Keith: Oh yes. Right.  

Ro: I've been offered a few TV shows and I've done stuff in Ireland -sung for the President, fronted the parade... I dunno, I love music, I love what I do, but I wouldn't like to be in the whole politics side of it. But never say never. Ask me in five years. No 30 years!

"Well here we are in jolly Lisbon, Portugal - where the boys seem very popular! After checking in to the BZ hotel at lunchtime it's off to the local radio station for an audience with Boyzone. Poor Ronan's got 'flu, so he's tucked up in bed back home. But the others answer the Portuguese fans' questions without any problems. Stephen even manages to calm the disappointment of no Ronan with a special accapella version of Shooting Star. Shane tells the audience all about the many summer holidays he spent in Portugal as a child. His family have a villa here - in fact, his mum and dad are there while the boys are in Lisbon, but unfortunately it's too far away for him to travel and visit. When Keith is asked which film he would like to have a part in, he manages to come up with a very cheeky response - whilst poor Mikey has to jostle with a difficult political question Back at the hotel it's back to work again with a Meet and Greet and quick TV interview on some steps outside the hotel - before, you've guessed it, McDonalds for tea! Later in the evening BZ are off to the Portuguese version of the National Lottery Live, where the boys are joined on the bill by the Corrs and girly 80s pop sensations Bananarama! The boys have a long chat with fellow Dubliners the Corrs - and even the girls from Bananarama say hello! At the TV studio, BZ have no dressing room, so hang out in catering and have a spot of dinner instead - served by a very mad Spanish waiter! But there's no singing for their supper tonight though, because without Ronan - as Keith points out - Boyzone aren't complete. Eventually, however after much sobbing and wailing by the multitude of BZ fans in the TV studio audience, Stephen saves the day with his Shooting Star rendition. But in the drama poor Stephen forgets the words, and needs help from the rest of the boys to remember the 1st and 2nd lines - but he gets there in the end with no more hitches. And the audience are delighted - while the rest of the boys are in hysterics!   
Lots of press interviews in the morning are followed by a signing session in the main square of Lisbon, which turns into complete chaos! Like all Boyzone signings, the queue of fans stretches right around the square causing lots of bemused interest amongst the locals - who are busy trying to have a quiet coffee in the sun outside the surrounding cafes round and about the square. Inside BZ sign away for 2 hours managing to keep over 1500 fans happy by autographing their many bits of paper, posters and CD covers. After tucking into a huge buffet lunch, there are more press interviews to do before the boys head off to cinema and a trip round the local shops. Everybody goes to see Armageddon, fully armed with popcorn and cola. Armageddon is definitely a Bloke Power-full action film but there are lots of tear-jerking moments in it too - and Keith ends up completely surprised about just how brilliant it is! After the pictures, the boys take a break from shopping in the mall for a seafood snack, where Shane tucks into his favourite Portuguese speciality of mini snails in their shells. Afterwards the boys head off to the harbour and settle down for their evening meal at a cafi next to the marina. They order steak, which strangely enough is served cold, along with a hot stone slab so we can cook it ourselves - but even so the food still takes 2 hours to arrive, much to Mikey's amusement!Sitting outside the cafi, there's a very holiday kind of atmosphere going on. But everyone decides to go to bed early, since an early morning journey to Belgium is looming next day - will Ronan be well enough to join them them 
An article from the current issue of Boyzone magazine  
Ro was in a v. good mood as the video crew began shooting, cos he'd just got his hands on a brand new shiny golf club - specially engraved with his name! That'll be handy if he has a sudden attack of amnesia on the golfing green, then The BZ winibago was busy buzzing with activity all day - with atmospheric background noises provided by Jordan Duffy's Teletubbies video! But after a while the constant cries of 'eh-oh' got a bit too much, so the Teletubbies tape got switched to Barney instead But even Barney was forced to take a break eventually, leaving the TV free for BZ to commence their compulsory video shoot computer game Grand Prix. Poor Duster had a particularly disastrous lap when the car he was trying to race turned out to be Shanno's!Once the set was complete to begin filming, the curious boys clustered round the video's huge hot air balloon for a nose, the way boys do but they got the fright of their lives when the bloke inside suddenly charged up the balloon's flame, which made a right old scary noise! When the boys filmed their first scene alongside the video's extras,Sally the producer very kindly invited everybody else on set to join in too - but well known BZ book bloke (and obviously not camera shy)BP Fallon was the only one to take her up on her offer. But unfortunately you won't get the chance to check him out, because sadly that particular scene ended up being cut from the video's final edit Ro was lucky he didn't end up being banned from the set when he ran off with one of the crewmembers' walkie talkies. He wound up poor producer Sally a treat by using it to buzz her attention every two seconds while the poor woman was trying to organise the video in a professional fashion - then hiding behind a pillar so she'd have no idea who the cheeky rascal was. Tsk.Never boys to change the habit of a lifetime, they decided to order McDonalds for lunch. Ro took charge of collecting orders, before a very helpful video crew runner raced off with the list in hand to collect it!Since the boys were wearing very shiny white suits for the video, when they filmed a set of shots sitting on a flight of  dusty stone steps, the crew very kindly provided plastic sheets for them to sit on - to keep the suits clean and prevent Alex the stylist from hyperventilating! After the stone steps scene, all went very quiet on the BZ front, and for a while nobody could work out where they'd gone As it turned out,they'd discovered a room at the top of the steps which was very very dark and so perfect for playing hide and seek in - but they emerged out again eventually, giggling like pesky schoolboys! The video was filmed inside a derelict building called the Roundhouse, in London's Camden. The listed building (which is, not surprisingly, completely round), has been out of use for a long time - but Oasis had an album launch there once, apparently! After lunch, Ro ran off for a quiet 5 mins to read his grown up interview that we mentioned last issue, in glossy bloke's mag FHM Most exciting event of the whole day was the Holland v Brazil World Cup game, and fortunately its kick off was perfectly timed to coincide with BZ's dinner break! Bloke Power was definitely in full force -with Keith, Mikey, Shane, Mark P and Barrie Knight fighting for a front row seat on the comfy winibago sofa. Oh dear Poor Keith was eventually summoned away to record a piece of footage for the No Matter What CD-ROM - but needed a lot of persuasion since he was terrified of missing any football action. And as a result, when eventually he was dragged out the door, the boys left behind let out a very loud yell of GOAL! - just to wind him up. Bless. The BZ winibago was packed to the brim, and developed a very warm and cosy kind of atmosphere after tea time, when official BZ tour helpers Sarah and Dawn dropped round from their office up the road for coffee and chat - and also entertained everyone with their dodgy BZ tour photos! Not being the biggest football fan in the world ever, while the other boys were watching the Holland v Brazil match, Stephen was poring over a copy of fancy film mag Empire. Being a bt of a film buff himself, he turned all Barry Norman and reeled off his own personal reviews of the latest cinema releases - and also took a moment to get all enthusiastic about how fantastic the soundtrack for City of Angels is!Mr Jim Steinman, (a Whistle Down the Wind VIP) arrived midway through the packed out winibago chaos to check out the video's progress.Stephen did the honours and took the probably slightly overwhelmed Mr Steinman off to the set for a guided tour As the evening drew on, and the pace of filming slowed down to a snail's pace, a chocolate seeking mission was definitely on the agenda. The choc shopping list was a long one, with Stephen's Crunchie, Keith's Turkish Delight, and Shanno's Cadbury's Whole Nut at the top of the list!Just before BZ's 14th video shoot was finally in the can, and Ro and Stephen were filming some shots on their own, the remaining boys were feeling so sleepy and exhausted, the 3 of them had collapsed in a big heap, and were completely absorbed with a David Attenborough wildlife programme on the winibago TV. Bless.Just so you know, No Matter What is all set to appear on the forthcoming special artist version of the Whistle Down the Wind album - which will also feature tracks from Meatloaf, Tina Arena Sounds of Blackness, Boy George and Tom Jones!As we go to press, Stephen Gately has only just had time to check out the musical. He went along to see it with Ro while the boys were in London promoting the new single - and, as you'd expect, thought it was brilliant. Steve also very helpfully informed us that No Matter What appears as background music the whole way through the show, is sung in a very beautiful fashion by a group of children - and has lots of extra verses!
When BZ made a live appearance on the Pepsi Chart Show earlier this month, they helped kick off its brand new series with style  
1. Stephen Gately dishing out his mini size but very strong Polo Mints to everybody who crossed his path!  
2. Shane and Keith hanging out of their car to shout hello to Brandy (of The Boy is Mine fame) as she arrived - and invited her along for a BZ dinner! (Unfortunately she couldn't make it though, as she had to rush off and rehearse)  
3. Going out for a very speedy dinner between rehearsals and recording at a Chinese restaurant nearby - where the boys were kept entertained by a crazy waiter with a completely mad hair do!  
4. Keith Duffy finding ice pops at the bottom of the freezer in BZ's dressing room and dishing them out for everyone  
5. Ro wishing Dr. Fox lots of luck for his first show as Pepsi ChartTV presenter!  
6. Stephen asking Brandy to sign a photo for his lickle brother Tony -and showing it to absolutely everyone in v. proud fashion afterwards!  
7. Performing Must Have Been High completely live for the first time on TV - and sounding completely fantastic!  
8. Shane re-christening Brandy and Monica Mandy and Bronica for the entire evening  
9. Keith taking over the question asking during a special extra interview for Portuguese TV filmed at the end of the show, when translation problems set in and led to mild BZ hysteria  
10. The cameras that followed BZ everywhere throughout the evening in aid of a BZ/Pepsi Chart documentary special, which should be screened on Channel 5 at some point in the future - we'll let you know as soon as we know when! 
Property section of september  Irish Times  
Boyzone's lead singer Ronan Keating is selling his six-bedroom house at Straffan, Co. Kildare. The modern granite-built house, on six acres,will be auctioned on September 22nd by Ross McParland. The guide price is $425,000.The house was built in 1996 and Keating bought it last year for his mother.After her death, Ronan and his wife, Yvonne, moved in but the couple now feel that the large house has more space than they need.The main reception room in the house is of double height and has a beamed ceiling and a large gallery area, which has room for a grand piano. Off the main room is a large eat-in kitchen fitted with oak units and unusually, a matt black Stanley range. Beyond that again is a family room with double doors opening to the front of the house.The six bedrooms are arranged on tow levels, the nicest being the one at the far end of the house at ground level. As well as being particularly spacious, it has a large square-shaped bay window.All the bedrooms are large doubles and two of them have en suites and walk-in wardrobes. New owners will probably turn one of the downstairs bedrooms into an  extra reception room.The house is very bright with most rooms having windows that look out on both the front and back of the six acres. All the floors have been sanded and varnished but fans of the singer planning to visit for a sneak preview of his lifestyle will be disappointed since the house has been cleared of all furniture and possession.There is a long driveway to the house and a large patio area in front but the land immediately surrounding the house requires some landscaping.Indeed, overall, the house itself feels slightly unfinished and unlived-in.So where is Ronan going? Ross McParland is on the look-out for a smaller house  for the couple in Kildare or within easy reach of the airport.Ideally, it has to be ready to walk into, relatively private and with stabling for a couple of horses.
 The Sunday Times, 30th August  
A suitable boy - Boyzone's Ronan Keating on fashion, fans and fatherhood.Ronan Keating, Boyzone's blond, blue-eyed frontman, has suddenly grown up, got married, a,d is about to be father.Since he probably be needing a mortgate, we've dressed him up in autumn's pinstripes. Interview by Liz Jones.Photographs by Brock.Ronan Keating realized that I am not exactly the Jeremy Paxman of The Sunday Times when the first thing I said to him was :"I think you're much better looking than Brad Pitt." And indeed he is : the pale blue, slanted eyes, the buttery hair,the fabulous bone structure, the rounded tummy peeking through his black mesh Gucci shirt. Okay, so married life is obviously agreeing with him so well that he ahs put on a stone, but that never put us off Keanu Reeves, did it ?Keating is so tired he is losing his voice, but later that day, he has to perform Andrew Lloyd-Webber's composition No Matter What live on Top of the Pops. With Andy on piano. After my comment about his Bradness, Keating moans that if he weren't so good-looking, he would be taken a little more seriously. "Their are lots of guys out there in their twenties and thirties who are closet Boyzone fans. If I looked like Liam or Noel, people wouldn't think I was so squeaky-clean," he says, regarding his angelic features in the dressing-room mirror with a mixture of annoyance and awe. "We never denied we drank or smoked. I'm the last person in the bar. I'm the first to go to the bar, too."But working with the composer of Cats and Evita, even if he has given Keating and Boyzone their fourth No. 1, isn't quite as credible as stealing car stereos.Of the Gallagher brothers were on stage with Lloyd-Webber they would probably beat him up.The most famous virgin in pop (he is deeply religious and assures me he didn't have sex before he got married) has recently had to grow up fast. He lost his 51-year-old mother, Marie, to breast cancer in February. Two weeks later, his grandmother died, then his 16-year-old cousin, Laurinda, died from meningitis. In April he eloped with his Irish girlfriend, Yvonne Connolly, a 24-year-old model, to the Caribbean island of Nevis. They had known eachothers as teenagers, but only met up again two years ago."Of course my family was upset, but they totally understood why we did it. I wanted to get away - we didn't tell anybody, not our family, nobody. It was absolutely fantastic. Versace did all the clothes." When teen pop stars get married, they can soon see their hit records dry up. "To be honest, I was a bit worried, but the fans are happy that something good has happened in my life. We are expecting a baby, and I believe life goes on. We hope it's going to be a little girl."Home is now a beautiful goldfish bowl in the countryside outside Dublin. "The fans all know where we live, so we're going to move soon. The house is much too big for us, anyway. We have a little studio, and horses, five dogs and a cow."Keating had an idyllic childhood, but he wasn't very good at homework. "I climbed trees, cycled my bike - I was a big Wham! fan. If I wasn't doing this I wouldn't be able to earn a living. I can't put a nail in a wall."When he was only 16, Keating answered an advertisement to form a group - along with Stephen Gately, Mikey Graham,Shane Lynch and Keith Duffy-  that set out to rival Take That, but which has outlasted and easily outsold them : each of their 12 singles has reached the top three. But Keating knows nothing lasts for ever. "Everybody thought H=Gary Barlow was going to be huge, so of course I'm scared. And worried about what will happen to the other guys, too."Boyzone, who this month release their first US single and start a European tour, are about to embark on the biggest challenge of their career : transcending the teen market, known in the business as "doing a Robbie". Readers of Big!magazine, whose pages are populated by pin-ups with names such as Kavana and esse, aren't impressed. One young lad from Kettering wrote : "It seems all Boyzone care about is getting married and having kids. I thought Ronan was 41,not 21." When I helpfully read this snipped out to Keating, he blows thoughtfully on his cup of tea. Theses magazine are now so trivial that any pop star who happens to know what a middle eight is would seem hopelessly out of place."You don't have to know every detail of someone's life to like their music," says Keating. "You didn't want to know every little thing about David Cassidy, did you ?" No." I suppose he is right. Teenage girls today have too much inside knowledge of their idols. I guite enjoy knowing now that Cassidy, despite the bad skin and feather cut, had a voracious appetite for groupies, but aged 11 I liked to imagine he was just sitting in his psychedelic minibus waiting to date me.Boyzone's new album, Where We Belong, is actually very good. When Keating sings Tracy Chapman's Baby Can I Hold You ? in a sexy Irish burr, I could almost take Cassidy's How Can I Be Sure ? off the turntable.It's very hip to be a pop singer from Ireland - Sinéad Lohan, the Corrs and B*Witched are all not ashamed to do a littlesnatch of Riverdance. "I think we opened the door," says Keating. "We've always been proud of being Irish. I wouldn't live anywhere else."At that moment I berate him as he is to wrap those peggy little teeth around a bacon sandwich. "Haven't you any sympathy for the Tamworth Two ?" I yell. He looks puzzled and says he doesn't talk about politics.His only passion seems to be fashion. "I spend 80% of my income on clothes. I just got back from New York and Ispent a fortune in the Gucci store - my credit card was full. I want to be like David Beckham. I want to be the next Gucciman. Tell Tom Ford I'll do a campaign. Oh, and hi, Donatella. The wedding pictures looked great."
FROM DOTMUSIC REVIEW    BOYZONE: Where We Belong (Polydor 5573982).  
A confident title reflects the more confident songwriting abilities of  singer Ronan Keating,who has worked with leading producers on the third album to move the band further away from their boyband beginnings. Focusing on the themes of love, friendship and personal growth, there are some epic pop songs on the 17-track Where We Belong which will have Boyzone fans raving.The Irish fivesome will not be touring until October, but their current profile is high and the single And I, due in in July, showcases the act's newfound maturity - and then there was that recent surprise number one, All That I Need,last month. The last album, A Different Beat, sold more than 2m copies,and despite what their detractors would have you believe this is a much stronger album which deserves to be huge.   
                    Rating:4 stars 
Sunday World - 30th august '98  
Boyzone superstar Shane Lynch has broken his silence to reveal for the first time the intimate details of his romance and marraige to Easther Bennett of all-girl-group Eternal.In a new hardback book, Boyzone Our World, writted by the Sunday World's showbiz correspondant Eddie Rowley, Shanee tells how the couple first met at a charity fashion show in Dublin, and Easther turned him down when he invited her out to dinner.Eternal were among the guests at the star-studded event that included supermodels like, Naomi Campbell and Eva Hertzigova. Boyzone were also on the catwalk that night and Shane realised that he was deeply attracted to Easther.  Their eyes met and there was an instant spark.He says: "I think that's the first time we kind of clicked. I had met Easther a few times before that, but we only said hellos and goodbyes."Their romance, however, got off to a shaky start when Shane decided to ask Easther for a date...and she refused! "That day I actuallt asked her out to dinner and she said 'no'. She turned me down simply because she thought I was joking. I learned this later when we finally got together and you tell each other how you felt. Easther said that from the very start she was absolutely crazy about me, but she said 'no' because she thought I was winding her up and that I wasn't serious. But after that we exchanged phone numbers and she was on tour in the UK and I happened to be around at the time in Birmingham, and they were performing in Birmingham and they came down to the hotel and we played cards and became really good friends. Thenn one day when I was on tour Boyzone I  asked her out, I asked her to date me as they say, and she had no objections whatsoever and it wen t from there. I knew she was the one for me and vice versa and I asked her to marry me. I got down on one knee and I asked her to be my wife."The stunning couple's fairytale wedding on Sunday, March 8th, was held in te magnificent 550 yr old Leez Priory and was strictly controlled to ensure that it was a private affair. Journalists and photographers were kept at bay by a top-notch  security team led by Boyzone's chief of security Barrie Knight and guests were asked not to bring cameras or video recorders.Shane revealed: "It was our wedding and our day and we wanted to keep it as private as possible. I din't even admit I was dating Eastheruntil I actually got married. To be honest, I feel it's nobody's business but ours. I'm happy to say the wedding was eveerything I could have hoped for, it was really special. We did the whole thing according to the rules, traditionally as they say, where you get engaged and the next year you get married and that's the way we planned things and that's exactly how it went. The wedding ceremony was absolutely beautiful. I can't speak for anybody else where marraige is concerned,but it's something I could never explain to anyone. It's such a special day and if you want to feel that, you have to get married yourself. When two people are completely in love and you go through that motion where you can't get any closer other than being married, well that's the most amazinng experience you will ever have. I was surrounded by a lot of people, a lot of friends and family, but you' re on such a high, you don't notice all the people around you. Everyone could have been there, but there may as well not have been there. It's you an dyour wife's day and you don't bother about anybody else. The wedding ceremony itself was far from ordinary and traditional. I was dressed in red, a long jacket and Easther's style was Indian, she had all rings, chains and bracelet, nose chain to her ear, all very Indian annd she was sldo in red. She was the most beautiful woman I ever saw in my whole life in that day, absolutely amazing."After taking their offical vows before a registrar, Shane and Easther's marriage was blessed by her mother, who is a pastor. The couple spent a,week long honeymoon in South Africa.The happy couple now live in a five bedroomed Ennglish mansion set in 20 acres of land. Shane admits that he's a houseproud hubby who loves gardening and tending to his fish ponds. "I'm into my ponds," he reveals. "I have lots of water works around me. I'm big into my fish,at the moment, fish and gardening, and all of that, it's now a bigger passion than bikes. I need something to relax with and I think fish are the most amazing thing ever. I have a 15foot aquarium in my house."Shane's life has changed dramatically as he finds himself juggling life as a young married man with that of a busy pop star. But, in keeping with the laid back nature of the guy, he's taking it all in his stride."I know Easther is always there for me and she's always in my heart andin my mind. Of course, I would like her there in body too, but lovegoes beyond all of that and you can get over that once you know the situation in your relationship and I know I am completely secure in that. There are no problems. I am completely proud of Easther and Ijust love her to bits. She's not my girlfrriend anymoore, she's  mywife, that's something I am very proud of." 
 Boyzone, Our World will be available in shops from next weekend.You can order your copy by direct amil service for #9.99 sterling, withfree postagge & packing.All you have to do is phone the TSB Credit Card Hotline (English number) 0044- 1206 255800
Hi there everyone, 
As Leigh-Ann & Rachel gave their "opinion" (I guess they don't want to follow the rules, hope the Administrator noticed that) on how we must behave towards Yvonne, I have to write and give you NEWS of what happened during the filmings of "No Matter What" video. Myself & my friends were there to see the boys and Yvonne was there aswell, so far no problem but all of a sudden we see them both coming out and Ronan was crying YES you heard it he was crying. We soon realised that it was because of her that Ronan was crying that way. Yvonne began to yell at him and the poor babe didn' t know what do, he then started talking and she "pretended" to be crying aswell, just making an act. Soon we found out through security people there that all staff was very annoyed inside because Yvonne was complaining as she wanted Ronan' s attention AND wantedhim to LEAVE the filmings of the video and GO HOME. Now how do you think we all reacted when we knew about that? That bunch of walking bones not only made Ronan cry but also wanted him to quit work to take her home. We could slap her when we saw Ronan crying that way, all of us were really fed up, we have supported Ronan for years, and never seen him like that.Making an "act" like that when Ronan IS working demanding hisattention, what the heck does she think she' s doing??? If she carries on like that BZ will be finished in no time.Plus Ronan was always so nice towards fans until Yvonne came along,many fans have been reporting that so you know what I mean. With Gabrielle his (ex-girlfriend) he still gave every fan attention, he was adorable and so was Gabby, but with Yvonne he never cares about the fans anymore when she' s around, it' s like he gets hipnotised or something like that, he only sees her there.I dunno what kind of evil powers that woman has over him.Yvonne doesn' t like Ronan fans, but if you' re a Steo/Mickey/Keith or Shane fan that you' re okay. She can tell who is Ronan' s fan and who's not.We don' t really mind that he' s married at all, but seeing her behaviour there in the video recordings we were just so furious at her, Leigh Anne and whoever else that feels that has the right to give orders on how we should think about Yvonne, just don' t waste your time, everyone has different opinions and from what we saw and keep seeing we have ours. We' re not obsessed we just want to have some minutes with all of them, but with Yvonne always around all over the promotion the boys do is really difficult to talk to Ronan because he keeps rushingin & out with her. Unlike when she' s not around, then he takes time for the fans, so we have a reason to dislike her. She can stay home and we couldn' t care less but keeping Ronan away from his fans it' s too much. Ronan says on TV etc... he likes to see fans showing his support by being in airports etc... and he really does show that when Yvonne is not there, but when she' s there (which lately has been ALWAYS) he rushes so much that none of us has any chance to at least say hi properly. I don' t see Lisa/Easther/Sharon following the others around like Yvonne, it's like she has nothing else to do. Top Model yeah right!!Nothing else to add, please don' t take this post as a reason to starta topic out of this I just wanted to let you know what happened during the No Matter What video recordings and explain why many fans don' t like Yvonne and tell her off to her face if necessary.
Boyzone Column from Sunday World - August 23rd 1998 
Hi Ronan here,  
Yvonne and myself are now proud parents....No, our little bundle of joy hasn't arrived yet. We're the doting owners of two little puppies - all thanks to our friend, Eurovision winner Linda Martin. Linda is a big animal lover, as you know. She is forever coming to the aid of strays and all kinds of creatures who are in distress and need care. In between her busy schedule as a  singer - she's off to perform in Dubai next month - Linda devotes all her spare time to raising funds for the Dublin Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals DSPCA). The DSPCA has been in danger of closing due to lack of cash, so during the month of October they'll be launching a big fund-raising campaign in association with Whiskas and Pedigree Chum. Linda has been helping to promote the cash drive by getting celebrities to talk about their favourite animals. When Yvonne and myself met her recently, Linda had two gorgeous puppies and three kittens with her. Yvonne fell in love with the two little dogs and just coldn't go home without them, so now our family is growing. So what happened to the kittens? Well, they have also found new homes with two of our friends. The DSPCA fund-raising drive is being supported by a host of personalities including my old pal Brian Kennedy, Ardal O'Hanlon, Lily Savage, Packie Bonner, Pat Kenny, Ronnie Drew and Gerry Ryan. People will be put collecting on the streets for this cause from October 4th to 11th and we would like you to be generous in your support. All the cash raised will go to the SPCA branches around the country, not just Dublin. Boyzone fans can also help in other ways, by organising school fund-raising events and so on. If you would like to get involved, you contact IRENE SHIRLEY of the DSPCA for further information. Tel (01) 4935502 or (01) 4935504 
Boyzone Column - 
Hi Stephen here,  
This week we got up to all kinds of high jinks with the girls from All Saints when we met up on tour in Europe. We were bothon a big gig in Denmark and we hung out together for a couple of days. All Sainnts are great fun and we've become really good friends with them. It was nice to see them again because we hadn't met up for a good while. There was a lot of slagging going on. We were kidding them the lyrics of their songs and they were doing the same to us. They were taking off myself and Ronan's voices and we took on their songs and slagged them. we were making up different words to their songs and they were doing the same to ours. It rained and rained and rained while we were in Denmark. On top of that, Ronan lost his voice during the first song the day we were performing at the concert. We also had a gig the following night in Sweden, which I did on my own because it wouldn't have been fair to disappoint the 20,000 fans. It was not the first time that I have performed on my own - I sang No Matter What at Andrew LLoyd Webber's party early this year. But it is the first time that I went out on my own in front of 20,000 fans. It was great, I enjoyed it. Ronan had to take a break to give his voice a rest and, thankfully, it was back in good shape for our performance on Top Of The Pops last Friday night. Thanks again to all the fans for making No Matter What such an incredible success for Boyzone. We are stunned by the massive sales and the fact that it's the fastest selling single of the year. This is really a history-making single for Boyzone as we are the first act in chart history tto reach the Top 5 with our first 12 singles,eclipsing the record of Kylie Minogue. Andrew Lloyd Webber is so thrilled with it's success that he joined us on TOTP's when we performed it there on Friday. we spent last Wednesday in London doing a new photo shoot and, hopefully, you'll be seeing those pictures appearing in magazines during the weeks ahead. It was a really lovely, sunny day for the shoot, which was done outdoors. There are shots of us on a beach, playing football, beside a windmill and at a big massive house. We're  off to America today to start work on building the band's career in that territory where we plan to release a new single called All The Time In The World. Meanwhile, a new version of our current album Where We Belong is set to go on release tomorrow week featuring our current number one No Matter What and another new track, I Love The Way You Love Me. 
*  Boyzone Column - Sunday Aug 9th 
Hi Stephen here, 
This is a reallly exciting weekend in the history of Boyzone - because it looks like we're going to make history today by becoming the ONLY irish band ever to have four Number One hits in the UK.No Matter What is our fourth chart-topping single, following Words, A Different Beat and All That I Need. A big thank you to all our Irish fans for making us Number One at home yesterday.I finally got the chance to see the new Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Whistle Down The Wind and it just blew me away. As you know, I was very disappointed when I was forced to miss the premier a few weeks ago due to illness. But the wait was well worth it. It's just a wonderful show and, of course, it has the hit song, No Matter What in it. On a personal level, that was very moving when the cast sang it. They actually sing it a couple of times during the show. Whistle Down The Wind is based on an old movie staring Haley Mills.It's about a guy who escapes from prision. He ends up injured and a group of kids find him. They ask him "What's your name?" and his surprised reaction is "Jesus Christ!", so they think he's Jesus Christ and then try to protect him from their parents. It's a really brilliant show the way it unfolds. Andrew is also delighted himself with Boyzone's cover of the song No Matter What. He's really excited about the fact it's going to be a Number One hit. Andrew wrote the song with a guy called Jim Steinman,who previously worked with Meat Loaf on the Bat Out Of Hell album. We can hardly believe the pre-sales ourlselves and there will be big celebrations here in the Boyzone camp this weekend Saturday we're off to America to seriously start work on  building up the band in that territory. It's going to be really strange because we're not know over there, so it'll be just like all staring over again.But it'll be a bit of a  buzz as well because it's a new challenge. We ntend to release different singles over there. They'll be more R 'n' B style, which is more poplar over there. There's alot of work in our schedule right up to Christmas. We'll spend a couple of weeks there onthis trip, then it's home to rehearse for our British tour, then it'sback to the States for October and November and home to our concerts in Ireland.
*  Evening Herald 7 August 1998 - LIFE  IN  THE  BABYZONE 
Ronan and Yvonne Keating have told the Herald that if they have a baby girl, she will be called Marie, after his mum.The Boyzone frontman's beloved mother lost her battle with breast cancer earlier this year. Of course the name Marie is a significant one for the Connolly family aswell - Yvonne's and her mum's second name is Marie.Howwever, the model revealed she doesn't care if her firstborn is a girl or a boy as long as it's healthy and happy and she can have it ASAP!"I can't wait to be a mum, I want my baby now," the estatic mum-to-be told me. "I'm not daunted by the prospect of being a mum at all. I want to be a mum NOW!! But I suppose it is just as well that I've got the nine months to prepare! I'm due in March, so at least I won't have to worry about getting Ronan the perfect birthday present ever again," she laughed.Dad-to-be, Ronan, appeared even more besotted than usual with his stunning wife but he had only a few words to say on the subject. "We can't wait to be parents. I am so happy, I love Yvonne to bits and she's the best thing that ever happened to me, that's all I have to say," he laughed.However, baby Keating won't be growing up in the mansion that the Boyzone superstar recently bought and extensively refurbished inStraffan - Ireland's new 'golden' couple are selling up and moving out."Everyone in the family is getting on with their own lives," Yvonne explained."Initally there were plenty of people there and it was lively but itjust seems too big now with just Ronan and myself rattling around it.Even with the baby, it would still seem far too big. So, even thoughwe're staying in the area, we're selling up in favour of something morecompact and with more privacy. I grew up down the road so I've got alot of family there and it seems that more and more of the Keating family are moving into the Straffan area - so basically it's home.Linda, Ronan's sister, has moved into Prosperous and Kieran and his family are looking at moving nearby as well."So, with a famous model for mum and a superstar for a  dad, is baby Keating set to live the rock 'n' roll lifestyle with a creche at every backstage party? Absoloutly not!, she says.Myself and Ronan don't live the rock 'n' roll lifestyle so our baby'snot going to be exposed to it," says Yvonne.
Boyzone star Ronan Keating last night spoke of his huge joy as he looks forward to becoming a dad. A thrilled Ronan, speaking exclusively to the Sunday World said: "I am absoloutely delighted. This is really the icing on the cake for us and we couldn't be happier. We always wanted to have a family and now our dream has come true. We are over the moon." The couple, who tied the knot in a hush-hush ceremony on a Caribbean sland in April, found out in a south Dublin hospital this week that they are expecting a baby in March. The proud father-to-be, who hasn't stopped smiling since he heard that he is to become a dad, revealed his baby joy to Boyzone manager Louis Walsh this week. The long-time band manager said: "This will be the absoloute icing on the cake for them.  as far as I am concerend it's whatever makes them happy - and this definitely will."  baby will bring the Boyzone baby count to three. Keith Duffy and blonde wife Lisa have a two year old son, Jordan, and Mikey Graham and Sharon have a daughter Hannah. -millionaire Ronan and beautiful Yvonne knew when they got married that they both wanted children. When asked in a recent interview with Hello! magazine if they planned to start a family soon Ronan replied: We'll take every step as it comes and enjoy it and see  what happens."  the interview Yvonne said: "We both want a family but we don't know when we will get around to it." Stunning Yvonne now looks set to give up her glamerous modelling . She revealed earlier this year if a baby came along she'd pack in her job. She has already cut back on her modelling schedule so she can spend as much time as possible with her rock star husband. Blissfully happy Yvonne and Ronan live in a huge mansion in Kildare, and are now planning to decorate a nursery for the new arrival. The couple had hoped to keep the news quiet and only told their close family, band members and the band's management. But the news leaked out, and the couple think they might have been spotted at the hospital. The couple are currently living in the K-Club in Kildare while their dream home near Celbridge is being refurbished. Fronnt man Ronan will be cracking open a few bottles of champagne with family and friends this holiday weekend
"BOYZONE have spoken for the first time about their decision not to sing in memory of Diana and Dodi. Harrods boss Mohamed Al Fayed  invited the irish pop idols to make the single during a chat on the day they opened t he top store's summer sale. But singer Keith Duffy admits the group were surprised by Al Fayed's request and modestly reckons that anything Boyzone recorded was unlikely to be better than Elton John's emotional tribute song Candle In The Wind. The Boyz Keith, Ronan Keating, Mikey Graham, Steven Gately and Shane Lynch  told Rave that turning down the song was one of the most difficult decisions they have ever had to make. "Basically we were put on the spot," says Ronan. "To be honest we would all love, sometime down the line, to get involved with something for Dodi and Diana, but the timing wasn't right." Keith, who recently married long-time lover Lisa Smith at a secret ceremony in Las Vegas, says the song request came totally out of the blue. "Mr Al Fayed made it clear he wanted us to do the track," he says. "But why get a band like us to do it? "Elton John had done a fantastic job with Candle In The Wind." Although Boyzone decided to knock back Mr Al Fayed's request, they say it has made them more determined to help the Cancer Awareness charity set up by Ronan. The millionaire heart-throb, who wed model Yvonne Connolly this year, established the fund following the death of his mum Marie in February. "We need to get the mobile units on the road again to give out more information on the disease," says Keith. "That's just one of many charity projects the band need to help. We'll work out what we can do to help Diana's charity too. It's just  to take time." Boyzone's schedule is as hectic as ever. The group are set to fly out to Latin America next month for more promotional work. And next Monday, they are set to release their new single No Matter What, which is performed in Andrew Lloyd Webber's current West End musical Whistle Down The Wind. The song is being hotly tipped to give Boyzone another No1 chart hit to add to their string of smashes which includes Words, Picture Of You and All That I Need. Wedded bliss: Boyzone bridegrooms Ronan, Keith and Shane reckon their high profile weddings during the past year have helped to make the band MORE popular than ever. Getting married may have upset some of the lads' eeny-bopper fans, but Keith says the group now have a much bigger audience from young kids to older mums and dads. "Everyone thinks boy bands only appeal to youngsters, but look at us now," he says. "We've got a fan base that includes the old, young, straight and gay in fact all types of people." The newlywed adds: "Nearly all of us are in serious relationships now, so we want to spend more time with our families. "But that doesn't mean the end of the band. We all come from hard-working backgrounds and we are not going to give that up."