Welkomme to the End

igsley - 09/21/00 22:59:16
My URL:AOL: German Chat
My Email:PrimitiveMiasma@hotmail.com
State: Germany
Sock size: 7?
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: doesnt matter..preferably though neither
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: Zwei tausend fünfzehn hundert Zwanzig sechs..., das das letzte Mal ich zählte.
Religious Affiliation: Arian Eyed Harbor......?
Homephone: Do you REALLY want to call me?

My i.v. drip tastes like vegemite and noodles laced with lysol and ammonia...

Adrienne - 01/03/00 21:47:30
My Email:nineVolts4Igsley
State: TN
Sock size: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: 9,627,936,541,753,873 shoelaces and .0069 rocks


Orion - 11/04/99 07:39:32
My Email:ssj_gonad@hotmail.com
State: Texas
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: That's unnatural
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: You mean, like today or in general?
Religious Affiliation: Pantheist
Homephone: um, bunch o Discordian holy numbers...

What happened IVn? I thought you worshipped Rev. Bud as a religion... mwahaha! Well, whatever, cool page. Signed, the Headless Horseman

Rev. Bud the Relentless - 11/02/99 05:40:36
My Email:revbud@disinfo.net
State: TX
Sock size: 84d
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: non-ribbed polyurethane
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: 7654
Religious Affiliation: Can't remember
Homephone: 254-968-2728

Hey, It's me. The Bud. I'm here. It's fun.

S. Michael Davis - 09/09/99 17:32:08
My Email:duoinunum@hotmail.com
State: Utah
Sock size: Medium
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: ribbed, usually
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: 23
Religious Affiliation: Discordian
Homephone: I don't have one.

Hail Eris. All hail Discordia. I'm happy to sign your guestbook, 'cause it means that more of the Discordians on the WWW will learn that there is a 5th Erisian Cabal of the Disorder of Thelema based in Bountiful, UT. Nemo is the Episkopos founding.

michelle - 07/26/99 03:48:05
My URL:http://no
My Email:d0rkface@aol.com
State: altered
Sock size: 23 ;P
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: doesnt mattah
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: stop tryin to be weird
Religious Affiliation: none at the moment..maybe discordianism..maybe
Homephone: 577-0753..u should know that

well..i figured i'd sign this motha. don't move. i'll give you a dollar. and ange will have sex with cari with you watching. haha..come on! if that won't win you over i don't know what well, hmmm anyway...i'm out of shiot to say. bye hun~ michelle

Darrin "h.c." Heimbuck - 04/10/99 20:43:15
My Email:dheimbuck@hotmail.com
State: Arizona
Sock size: 10-13
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: non- ribbed, for my comfort
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: 4 rocks, 5 shoelaces
Religious Affiliation: I don't belong to an organized religion, I'm already discordian.
Homephone: 602-915-3216 why? like you'd call me.


Pixie - 02/03/99 02:14:46
State: Texas
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: Definetly ribbed
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: ????
Religious Affiliation: Athiest

Well IvN, looks like nobody loves you anymore. I was just in here to see if anyone did.

Kristen Moore - 11/29/98 22:10:37
State: Texas
Sock size: no need to know
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: whatever the guy likes
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: rocks: 78; shoelaces: ????
Religious Affiliation: nothing
Homephone: (817)232-4755


Styx(hehe) - 11/27/98 23:27:36
State: unenlightened
Sock size: WHO THE FUCK CARES!!!!
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: Ed really knows what I like
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: What does it matter?
Religious Affiliation: atheism
Homephone: FUCK YOU!!!!!

Well, well, well. You, um, have an interesting site (not entirely true). You can just see me jumping for joy, can't you??!!!

Jasmine - 11/25/98 23:54:42
My URL:haha, i'm here again!
My Email:^i^ <
State: Texas
Religious Affiliation: YOUR MOM
Homephone: (303) 699-8886 call and say "screw you jimmy"

I wanna go see the queers! But no, I can't cause I'm a queer and i can't drive and I'm a queer. Go to hell. IVN, write a song about me...I gave you a crunchy thing with "meat" in it. Only if you want to. BOYS ARE MEEEAAANNN!! Queers are cool. i'm a ueer...hmmm. ah..oh...SORRY!! I'm Done!

Jasmine - 11/25/98 23:51:23
haha, i'm here again!
My Email:^i^ <
State: Texas
Religious Affiliation: YOUR MOM
Homephone: (303) 699-8886 call and say "screw you jimmy"

I wanna go see the queers! But no, I can't cause I'm a queer and i can't drive and I'm a queer. Go to hell. IVN, write a song about me...I gave you a crunchy thing with "meat" in it. Only if you want to. BOYS ARE MEEEAAANNN!! Queers are cool. i'm a ueer...hmmm. ah..oh...SORRY!! I'm Done!

Jasmine - 11/10/98 15:05:59
My Email:
State: Texas
Sock size: nunya business
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: geez...
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: I honestly have 4 rocks and 15 shoelaces
Religious Affiliation: sorry, i don't understand this
Homephone: iVn knows

I looked at your webpage. It's cool. I really do like those smurfs, but I already told you that on the phone. But now everyone can read it and know that i really do like the smurfs. Mack is hot. Drugs are bad. Don't do drugs. Okay Inv! DON'T DO TH M!!! Mack is hot. Is Dirk, Drew? I should be at school right now. I'm such a terrible person. I'm hungry. i gosta bounce. Peace. Jas

Lord Mundungus Dingleberry Loveduffle Chugnut thee Confuzed - 11/02/98 21:02:38
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Underground/4052
My Email:mnqc6rsc@stud.man.ac.uk
State: England,UK
Sock size: 7-10's
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: Ribbed most certainly
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: 23,5?
Religious Affiliation: Discordian!!!(Ontological Anarchist)
Homephone: 5-23

Erm.. not too much here yet. I *LURVE* your bad smurfs- coz my band are called Smurf Tribe- check us out, neighbour. Hail Eris! =><= All hail Discordia!

andrew kcam - 10/25/98 02:43:32
My Email:please
State: confusion
Sock size: 13.8
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: no preference
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: approximately 3
Religious Affiliation: dirkism
Homephone: homeless

IVn is a crazy guy this is a crazy page i must leave now before i go crazy

¿Dan? - 10/21/98 19:55:29
My URL:http://come.to/pxlx
My Email:wickerbiscuit@hotmail.com
State: Neither
Sock size: No
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: What about frogs?
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: 1,217 at last count
Religious Affiliation: IVnism

Come to my homepage!

¿Dan? - 10/21/98 19:48:38
My URL:http://come.to/pxlx
My Email:wickerbiscuit@hotmail.com
State: Disillusioned (ha ha!)
Sock size: Anything from 2 - 20
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: Luminescent, ribbing don't matter
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: 1,217 at last count
Religious Affiliation: It just so happens that I AM God.
Homephone: Like symbol/cymbal? or home phone #?

Damn, dirk, you're good at this shit. I love you. I love IVn too. My heart will go on. Good Page! Waiting to stop peeing in my pants, as always, Dan

10/13/98 01:23:49
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Jonathan Lafferty - 09/17/98 12:19:36
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sunsetstrip/underground/6005/
My Email:jonathanlafferty@hotmail.com
State: WV
Sock size: 'bout the size of my foot, really.
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: studded--for her pleasure
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: blue
Religious Affiliation: Elemental Witchcraft
Homephone: muhuha-ha-haaaaaa

Just checkin' up on your page. Doin' real nice, Eddy!

Ed and Yune - 08/19/98 00:07:28
My URL:http://already there
My Email:huh'
State: diffusion

Hey were at Dillards in the N.E. Mall in this great city of N Richland Hills. So come by here and pay homage to our great free advertisers. We'll be here for the next half hour or so. See all ya'll later!!!!

Mesmer69 - 07/30/98 05:22:30
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Underground/3999/
My Email:Mesmer69@hotmail.com
State: messed up
Sock size: what the f#(k???
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: ribbed and lubricated please
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: who cares???
Religious Affiliation: My own, bitch!
Homephone: 1-800-yea-f#(king-right like i'm gonna give it to anyone on the net

I stumbled on this page by accident, so i guess it was my fault for polluting my own mind, but since i am kinda your hompage neighbor or something i figured what the hell? man you people are messed up more thn i am.....that's pretty bad....i don't know wh t this sock and rock adn shoelace shit is about, but it's allg ood i guess.....well that's about all i have to say about that, write me back if you feel like it i guess....nice page man..

Rev. Archbishop Saint Toad la Murde du Mort Ala Mode III - 07/29/98 17:55:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/sainttoad
My Email:sainttoad@rocketmail.com
State: It is said that in the dreaded Yik-Yak (where people go, but never come back) is a crevice with black smoke expelling from it...
Sock size: see above
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: ribbed, of course
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: 23
Religious Affiliation: Children of the Cosmic Clown (a.k.a. Cattle for Wotan, Temple of NoSlack, Our Lady of the Perpetual Heck, We Like Pie, Eris is a Funky Bitch, Keepers of the Sacred Etc.)
Homephone: 1-800-YO-MOMMA


His fermented buffalo milk shall mingle with her fermented buffalo milk...

Those who deny his mark shall live their death in pure, unadulterated HECK


Jonathan Lafferty - 07/06/98 14:02:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sunsetstrip/underground/6005/
My Email:jonathanlafferty@hotmail.com
State: state of Hell-bent rage.
Sock size: the socks on my feet are size 10 but the one I keep in my underoos is a size 13.
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: Ribbed, baby!
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: I wish I knew...I wish I knew...
Religious Affiliation: elemental witchcraft
Homephone: HAHAHAHA!

To join my webring, just click this picture to follow the link and follow the directions on the page. By the way, thanx for signing my guestbook. Hail Bob!

jonathan lafferty - 07/02/98 20:02:33
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sunsetstrip/underground/6005/
My Email:jonathanlafferty@hotmail.com
State: mental state?--neurotic!
Sock size: socks have sizes?
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: ribbed
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: hard to say...
Religious Affiliation: elemental witchcraft
Homephone: yeah right, you spoon!

Nice page but could use some work! visit mine (and sign the guestbook, of course)--just click the pic!


strych9 - 05/18/98 19:05:37
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sunsetstrip/arena/3592
My Email:strych9@linknet.net
State: L.a.
Sock size: 24000000
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: ribbed
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: why
Religious Affiliation: none
Homephone: sorry

I would like to hear what you have to offer in you r music. I am also in a band (HeavyMetal. I put our homepage on there so check us out as well. We don't have any sound clips either but I would like to see some on your site.

Michelle - 05/04/98 01:36:34
My Email:Miss5World
State: The great state or Tejas
Sock size: -19
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: Ribbed- for my pleasure
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: currently 127 rocks and 2 and a half shoelaces
Religious Affiliation: Church Of Stupid
Homephone: yeah...right

nice page...pretty funny <3 Michelle (elyana & gloria's friend)

Laura - 04/12/98 03:36:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/jerky/
My Email:neurotic@gurlmail.com
State: Ontario
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: ribbed
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: no rocks, and only 1 shoelace
Religious Affiliation: Relgion blows goats in 7 directions, and 8 on Sundays.
Homephone: Nice try.

Cool page you got so far. Check out mine if you get the chance or sumthing.

Jimmy Two-Times - 03/03/98 01:56:42
My Email:
State: New York

Here we go: Vanity, Statutory Rape, 12 Gauge, Jump With Enthusiasm, Rambo, Dollar, Julie, Bruno, Twagic Wabbit... I think that's it. And for KC, bring a map with you the next time you try to make it to one of our band practices. :) And you know, you cou d always move closer to us.

Jimmy Two-Times - 02/20/98 20:33:45
My URL:I'm gonna' go get the papers, get the papers.
My Email:jqochs@flash.net
State: New York
Sock size: Humpft
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: Humpft, humpft
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: Errrr.
Religious Affiliation: Whatever you want me to be IVn.

IVn, IVn, IVn. It's been a while. I suppose I could just email you with some bullshit like this but I'm really bored. You finally changed your page a bit; good. So, Ness is a bitch, Dirk's goin' out with Katherine, Heather's gettin' on my nerves, and e can't stay in New York overnight anymore (or we just can't bring anyone with us). Well, that's too bad. Just in case anyone was wondering (right) here are some song names of TWN that are almost perfected: Jump With Enthusiasm (Jewee) 12 Gauge Statutory Rape (very personal to me, non) Julie (Hoo-lee-ay) Vanity If there are more, I can't remember them. You guys should meet Dirk's mom. She kicks so much ass it's not even funny. I mean, shit! She is the head of the family. Fuck Desecrate and their Maf. This is my true Maf. Course, all we need now are some A mani suits and some steel and we'll be all set to cruise around Italian restaurants. Hi Julie, Megan, Ness, Lavra, Heather, and last but certainly not least... TERAH.

Reverendess k.c. pugh - 02/19/98 01:04:42
My Email:Khu37@aol.com
State: somewhere in the realms of Ivn's breifs
Sock size: 36DD-oh, wait, that's my bra size
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: ask Ivn, it's his butthole that is affected
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: 100232522204652132
Religious Affiliation: Followers of Ivn Iwanski
Homephone: KENSORED

Ivn- how dare you say that you do not have a female singer for your band. You have me. I just can't make it to any of your practices. Maybe if you moved your practices here to convenience me. Call me after you receive this so that we can set-up our weekly ass cleaning. Remember, it's your turn and you need to buy more vaseline. I'll bring the strap-on. Love and Loathe Reverendess k.c. pugh I love Reverend Bud the Relentless He is my main man-Ivn is my main wo-man

whatever you wish, Ivn honey - 02/19/98 00:58:54

Gawd - 02/17/98 00:22:04
State: of Despair
Sock size: 99ft
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: ribbed*
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: however many i want
Religious Affiliation: everything
Homephone: 555-pray

Regarding "Q.ofweek": Cloning is good only if it is not used for medical purposes unless you just clone one hand or heart or lung not the whole human without a brain.

Gesuz GH Kryst - 01/17/98 00:50:10

Your page has enlightened me on the values of American society. Gawd likes your page he has it bookmarked in the Holytrestion Aplontiph. He hasn't stopped by yet you know he's kinda busy running this galaxy(he also goes golfing with the other gods at the Epocryinoklyn fairways). Hope to see you some time soon. (Sorry don't have tyme to fill out the rest)

PunkGirl - 01/15/98 04:25:10
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Underground/4638
My Email:PunkGirl@earthling.net
State: Washington
Sock size: why do you care?
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: look above
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: look above again
Religious Affiliation: druidism/ACKism
Homephone: don't remember

wow this is so exciting.i'm in a band, too.but it sucks so what.you can email because the only other person who does is my friend Ada.

Dirk - 01/12/98 01:11:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/thirdworldnation
My Email:dirk420@hempseed.com
State: of mind
Sock size: very large
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: i like plastic wrap
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: 17,000
Religious Affiliation: Sagetism
Homephone: 1-900-wet~~~~

hahaha OI! this is Dirk, a bounty hunter who has searched the universe for Ed. I've been looking for Ed, so I can beat his head, until he's dead! Now that I've found his webpage it's only a matter of time before I trace it back to him!

IVn - 01/06/98 02:25:25
My URL:you should know by now
My Email:ivn@oocities.com
State: Texas
Sock size: 7.5
Ribbed or Non-ribbed: ribbed
Number of rocks and shoelaces in your possession: 23 each
Religious Affiliation: discordian
Homephone: yeah right

just testing it out so everyone feel free to leave some stuff now. I would kindly appreciate it. THANX.

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