Aerith's Life story..............

Aerith Gainsborough or Aeris Gainsborough is the delightful character in FFVII (7) who sells flowers from a basket in the slums. Although mocked and spat at, she always has her beautiful looks........ she is the only ancient in the world.... except for sephiroth(sis and bro or boyfriend & girlfriend???!!!!i think NOT!!!!) .. and evil man who wants her on his team of distruction for power.!!!!! For all u people who dont  know what the terrible thing that happens to her is--- les put it straight u gotts to know--- she has an eye.....oops..(this is supposed to be G rated, isnt it?) no,just kiddn', her eye doesnt "pop" out, she refuses to join seph's team of evil, anf for that she's slayed in her own church, while praying to make matters worse....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sephiroth slays her.... its so sad the movie!!! *sigh***

Aeris and her new friend, Cloud (the main man), have this thing for eachother, but Tifa, Cloud's old friend, is the only thing that stands between them, damn u CloudsyTifa, uh..neva mind... and Tifa is very "skimpy" and Aeris is definetly NOT!!! She is not .. ACK, SCREAM, HELP sortta girl, she's still quite powerful,  with her rods and staffs...

Um, if usa little kid, (9-0) dont read this, k? its sortta nasty and its unbeleivably cruel......
Aeris has a step-mom (why the hell doesnt she live with her????!) but her mom was killed--NO! not killed, murdered, tortured until she couldnt take it no more........ShinRa captured her, and his madscientist, Hojo, expiremented on her so much she died, now that is torture...she was probably chained up and he did awful things to her....*snifsnif** oh dear.... thas just cruel, and why Aeris mom? WHY?! ....*snifsigh** sory.......................

She has a church where i think she lives, and she prays there an awful lot.......