A compendium
of music lists containing
artists, albums, and songs loosely connected
by obscure themes...

Table of Contents:

I. Women in Metal
My personal tribute to the many fabulous female musicians in heavy metal. Updated 9/17/02

II. The Arthurian Music List
Contemporary music related to Arthurian myths and legends. Updated 9/4/02

III. The Viking Music List
Contemporary music related to Viking myths and culture. Updated 9/4/02

IV. Metal Mondegreens
Misheard lyrics of heavy metal songs. Updated 1/29/03

V. Skyclad Puns
A list of puns in Skyclad lyrics, song and album titles, etc.

VI. Heavy Metal Vegetarians
A list of heavy metal musicians who abstain from eating meat. Updated 5/20/02

Other Features:

Pumpkin Man
A video parody of Skyclad's "Pagan Man" created by my brother Sam.

Links Updated 4/5/02

While this site undergoes
constant updates and revisions,
feel free to e-mail me at metalkeir@yahoo.com