Though Signal To Noise is no more, this page is being overhauled to provide an insightful archive for all things related. Please check back often, as additions will be made on an ongoing basis. Furthermore, the guys want to thank you for making the six-year life of Signal To Noise a totally fantastic experience. Thanks for clapping your hands, singing out loud, tolerating our ridiculous & self-effacing stage antics, buying our music & t-shirts, offering your opinions, spreading the word...and most importantly, caring about what we do. It isn't over yet folks...not by a longshot! Want proof? Check out our links section (***UPDATED 4/20/04***) & visit the various sites devoted to the projects in which the guys are currently involved. They'll love you for it!

PS: Be sure to check out our photos section for a "visual timeline" of the band's evolution! And of course, keep signing the guestbook!!! The guys visit regularly.

Check it out, our 2002 reunion photo!

Hear more about Signal To Noise at these links