This web page disappears October 26.

This one's the High Hoppin' Hoomdorm.

Got this email from Jason:

Being that yours is the only site I've found on the web that has a section dedicated to space pets, I thought I'd share this. Maybe you can add this to your site to help out any other would be space pet collectors. I recently purchased a "working" Hoomdorm off of ebay, only find that as soon you pump it full of air and switch it on, nothing happens except the dreaded 'psssssssssss' sound of escaping air. Since it wasn't working anyways, I decided to tear it appart and see what the problem was. As it turns out, there was ALOT of dirt in and around the main piston, which was causing it not to seal properly. It was a rather simple fix; remove the clear plastic cover, gently remove the plastic arms and springs and pull the piston out of the cylinder. I used a few Q-tips soaked in rubber protectant to clean the cylinder. I then cleaned the seal on the piston and soaked it for a few minutes in protectant. After re-assembling, the Hoomdorm hopped accross the floor like new. Hopefully this can help you or any other collectors out there. -Jason

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