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"Now remember kids, music is baaaaaaaad! Freedom is baaaaaaaad! Thinking is baaaaaaaaaad! So be quiet and have fun!"

Say hello to everyone's favorite Nazi, our beloved Second Lady....
Tipper Gore!!!!!!!!!

If it was up to her we would all be listening to Pat Boone and drinking hot chocolate while holding hands around a camp fire. Freedom of speech is fine when what we say doesn't offend her, huh? And now here comes the big bad monster under the bed....The Internet!! Run for your lives! Well excuse me Mrs. Hitler, but I'll just go listen to my angry screaming music and kill some people. In the meantime, there are some nice books for you to burn in the corner. Clean up when you're done and don't forget to lock up on your way out. Wake up, Tipper. This isn't your country, it's ours. The world doesn't run according to the whims of middle-aged fascist yuppies. So stay out of my record collection and stay off of my computer. I'll look at what I want to look at and listen to what I want to listen to, and there's nothing you and your big scary politician friends can do about it!

And by all means let us not forget our good frien Ex-Sen. Bob Dole. Needles to say, if this man gets elected we are all in serious trouble. His views on censorship and "family values" make Tipper Gore look like Nancy Sergun (you know...Sid Vicious's significant-other). I don't care what your opinions on politics, voting, anarchy, republicans, democrats, etc., if you are 18+, you need to do something. And that something, as awful and scary a thing it is for me to say, is to vote for Bill Clinton. No matter how bad Bill, Hillary, and Tipper are, anything is better than Bob Dole. We can't have this man looking over us. We might as well make Jesse Helms president. So I implore you: GO OUT AND VOTE AGAINST BOB DOLE! THIS MAN WILL BE THE DEATH OF US ALL! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS PUNK, PLEASE DO NOT LET HIM WIN! PLEASE!! Trust me, it's much harder for me to sit here swallowing my pride and telling you to vote, especially for Bill Clinton, than it is for you to go out and pull a lever. And while you're at it, you'd might as well check out the official Dole '96 web site. You should at least know why to hate this guy, and reading about his views on everything from welfare to gay rights should pretty much clear that up.

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