
March 23nd:
Hanson has released its "Penny and Me" Single in the United states... Go and head over to HITZDiary for more information on where to get the goods!

The Contact section doesnt look so bare anymore... I have added myself in. Also I have added some link buttons in the links section! Go check them out!


March 22nd:
Few more pages up. The Guestbook is finally up, however, I'm looking for a better layout for it. There is some new stuff up under "Hanson haters" Go have a laugh. Some links are up, so check out some of the other Uber marfy sites that are out there!


March 20th:
Ok... as you can see... Im attempting at a new Layout. If you cant see the background... set your browses for http://www.oocities.org/sunrise_city3/Blue_Daydreams.html thats the new main page for the site. I'll try to get everything up and running soon.
