Welcome to Sunnyhill

Ron & Roxie Whitney's Family Page

Sunnyhill is the real name of our homestead in Minnesota.

ELDERHOSTEL One of our favorite activities is traveling to and participating in Elderhostel programs. If you are interested, you should first check out the Elderhostel home page. Then you should check a page that was posted by one of our fellow Elderhostelers from the England garden tour. It will give you a good idea why we like Elderhostel programs as much as we do. Check out his other pages also, as he is a world traveler with a real flair for photography.Elderhostel.


Artist at work. When we retired, Roxie took up a hobby making Intarsia wood projects on a scroll saw. We are pretty proud of the results. Check out ROXIE'S WOOD ART. Watch for new items added every now and then. New INTARSIA images that load faster and can be viewed as a slide show.

GENEALOGYFollow the new link below to our new family tree website.
If you are interested in Genealogy, be sure to check out the links to other websites near the bottom of the page, under Cool Links. The Cyndi's link will lead you to thousands of additional links. The others are more personal to our family tree.

As we get more involved in this project, we tend to refer to what we are doing as family history rather than genealogy. The reason is that genealogy uses a much more stringent level of proof and documentation than we are willing and/or able to achieve. Our information, although we keep trying to find better documentation, may be based on hearsay and family legend at one extreme and the findings of professional genealogists at the other.


Warning -- The family tree information provided here is the best information we have to date. Please do not use it for purposes other than doing additional research.

John B. Corey didn't survive the Civil War, but his letters did. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view our transcription. If you don't already have it you should first download it from the Adobe website. Click here for the John Corey letters.

Links to other sites on the Web

Cyndi's List of Genealogy on the Internet
Homepage of Roxie's Nebraska cousin Patti
Whitney Family Genealogy

Disclaimer: You may use the contents of this page for fun or profit, but please observe the rights of the owners of any linked pages, OK?

Copyright 1996-2008 Ronald Whitney Send mail to Ronald Whitney.

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