To join our email group, please note the following instructions.

To subscribe, please send a message to
NOTE: you need to type "subscribe" in the subject box as
            well as in the message box.
            Then, you will get a confirm letter from Yahoo.
            Simply REPLY to the confirm letter by clicking
            "Reply" and then "Send" in your email program.
            Then, you will become a memeber of our email group.


If you need to send a message to everyone, please send
your message to <>.


If you decide that you would like to unsubscribe,
please also send a message to
NOTE: you need to type "unsubscribe" in the subject box as
            well as in the message box.
            Then, you will get a confirm letter from Yahoo.
            Simply REPLY to the confirm letter by clicking
            "Reply" and then "Send" in your email program.
            Then, you will unsubscribe to our email group.
