Sunnies's Cacti Nursery

Other Cacti and Succulents – Order Early! These are all exceptional Prices!!!!! Please order by S#’s

S1 Cactus seedlings - For two inch pots, all named. $75.00 for 100 plants (.75ea.)
S2 Cactus rooted asst. - For 3-3 « inch pots, all labeled. $80.00 for 50 plants (1.60ea)
S3 Cactus rooted asst. - For 4-4 « inch pots, all labeled. $70.00 for 20 plants ($3.50ea)
S4 Cactus rooted asst. - For six inch pots, all labeled. $70.00 for ten plants ($7.00ea)
S5 Cactus unrooted asst. - These are cuttings or offsets for 2-2 « inch pots, all labeled. $50.00 for 100 plants (.50ea). All will be labeled.
S6 Succulents rooted asst. - For 2-2 « inch pots, all labeled. $50.00 for 100 plants (.50ea)
S7 Succulents unrooted asst. - For 2-2 « inch pots, all labeled. $25.00 for 100 (.25ea)
S8 Borzicactus aurispina "Golden Rattail Cactus" - Golden yellow soft spined and finger thick unrooted cuts 5-6 inches long. Also a good hanging basket plant. $35.00 for 100 plants (.35ea)
S9 Cereus "Ming Thing" - Unrooted cuts for two inch pots. This is a monstrose cactus with attractive unusual growth. $65.00 for 100 plants (.65ea)
S10 Chameocereus "Peanut Cactus" hybrids - Unrooted pups foe two inch pots. Clusters freely and is a good bloomer in the spring if kept cool in the winter. $40.00 for 100 plants (.40ea)
S11 Drima maculata - Bulbs that grow strap leaves and bloom small clusters of white flowers, for 2-3 inch pots. $24.00 for 20 plants (1.60ea)
S12 Grafted cactus crests - Many different species available. I pick the assortment, all will be labeled, for three inch pots. $40.00 for ten plants ($4.00ea)
S13 Kalanchoe assortment - Unrooted cuttings for 2-3 inch pots, all labeled as to species. $50.00 for 100 plants (.50ea)
S14 Kalanchoe tubiflora hybrids "Pregnant Plant" - A very popular plant, new plantlets grow on the margins of the leaves dropping to grow new plants. Unrooted cuts for three inch pots. $50.00 for 100 plants (.50ea)
S15 Harrisa jusbertii - Unrooted cuts that are 3-5 inches long. A great plant for grafting. $30.00 for 20 plants (1.50ea)
S16 Myrtillocactus geametrizans - Unrooted cuts, bluish colored columnar growth, 3-5 inches long. Another ideal grafting stock. $30.00 for 20 plants (1.50ea)
S17 Opuntia "Prickly Pear" - Unrooted pads for 4-5 inch pots assorted species. $75.00 for 100 plants (.75ea)
S18 Opuntia "Prickly Pear" - Unrooted pads for 6-7 inch pots, assorted species. $50.00 for 20 plants (2.50ea)
S19 Opuntia "Prickly Pear" winter hardy - Unrooted pads or cylindrical types. All will be labeled. These can only be shipped after May 15th. $150.00 for 100 plants (1.50ea)
S20 Portulcaria afra - Unrooted cuttings for three inch pots. Small "Jade Plant" like leaves. $50.00 for 100 plants (.50ea)
S21 Crassula argenta "Jade Plant" - Always sells well. Unrooted cuttings for three inch pots. $50.00 for 100 plants (.50ea)
S22 Crassula argenta "Jade Plant" - Unrooted cuttings for 4-5 inch pots. $65.00 for 100 plants (.65ea)
S23 Sansevieria parva - Very easy grower, unrooted cuts with air roots for 3-4 inch pots. $55.00 for 100 plants (.65ea)
S24 Sansevieria assortment - Divisions and cuttings for four inch pots, all labeled as to species, many different. $100.00 for 50 plants ($2.00ea)
S25 Senecio gregorii "Peppermint Sticks" - Unrooted cuttings for two inch pots. $50.00 for 40 plants (1.25ea)
S26 Haworthia assortment - We grow many different species. These are offsets that are rooted for two inch pots, all labeled as to species. $75.00 for 100 plants (.75ea)
S27 Euphorbia unrooted assortment - Many different species will be in the assortment. These are for 2-3 inch pots. Ordering after May 1st is best. $80.00 for 100 plants (.80ea)
S28 Opuntis vestita "Old Mad Opuntia" - Unrooted cylindrical hairy white plants pinky finger thick. $25.00 for 20 plants (1.25ea)
S29 Pereskia grandiflora "Giant Rose Cactus" - Unrooted cuttings for 3-4 inch pots that are 6-8 inches tall. $25.00 for 20 plants (1.25ea)
S30 Aloinopsis malherbei - Two year old seedlings for two inch pots. $50.00 for 20 plants ($2.50ea)
S31 Epidendron radicans - Unrooted cuttings of this true orchid species, 6-8 inch pieces for 3-4 inch pots. $30.00 for 10 plants ($3.00ea)
S32 Synadenium grantii rubra "Red Milk Bush" - Very fast grower related to the euphorbias. Unrooted cuts for 4-5 inch pots. $30.00 for 50 plants ).60ea)
S33 Opuntia sp. "Silver Dollar" - These are giant powder blue unrooted pads for 6-7 inch pots. $25.00 for four plants ($6.25ea)
S34 Rebutia / Sulcorebutia / Lobivia assortment - Rooted offsets or divisions for two inch pots. Very good bloomers in the early spring. All named as to species. $15.00 for 100 plants (1.50ea)


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