My Rants


It has been over 10 years since I developed this page, and I've reflected on things that have happened over that period of time. Things in life are very much interconnected, there is a butterfly effect, if you take one job and instead of another, move to one city instead of another, decide to do one activity instead of another. There are a series of decisions in your life that have a huge impact on the outcome of your life. One of the decisions that I made was not to follow the herd. I didn't want to follow "the track", a career track, where people are stuck doing something they don't want because they were bred and educated to do that job or line of work. You can say my life can be divided into 2 parts. The first part I blindly followed what I was told to do and what was recommended of me, until one day, after I had graduated and had more freedom, I realized that I wasn't really happy. I wasn't sad, but I wasn't happy. I didn't feel comfortable in my job. I didn't feel like I fit in, because I thought differently than others. I also knew being in a job like that imposed limits on me. I got lucky one day and decided that it was time to bail and free myself and try to do great things. It was the best decision I think I made. Who knows how things would have turned out if I had tried to follow the corporate career track. I wouldn't have experienced a lot of things that I have over the years away from company life. Lots of crazy things. Big emotional swings, like a roller coaster, but at times extremely placid. My stubborn independence and desire led me to follow my own path, not a path beaten by others.

It's important to challenge yourself, to push the limits sometimes, to think outside the box, and be bold. Think for yourself. Don't let others think for you. Imagination can take a person a long way. People say hard work pays off. I don't believe that is often the case. Working smart is better than working hard. Open your mind and see the world.

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