Sunbeam Bulldogs have retired after more than 50 years breeding pedigree dogs, mainly Pekinese, Pugs, Toy Poodles and, for the last 20 years, British Bulldogs.

Thanks to all those breeders, exhibitors and pet owners who have been mentors, colleagues and good friends over the years.   

Jack took over breeding from his father who had been breeding and exhibiting since the 1920s.   This is still being carried on by our daughter, Tracey Fox of Robocky Kennels.

Goodbye and hope to see you around town from time to time.

Jack and Isabel Ireland

DO NOT BUY ANYTHING OTHER THAN A BRITISH (OR ENGLISH) BULLDOG.  Dogs called Australian, Regency or any other name are not the REAL THING and are not registered with the Kennel Control.

ONLY BUY YOUR DOG from a breeder who is registered with their State
Canine Control.   In NSW your dog should be microchipped.