Sun Wheelers Sports programs provide a unique opportunity for merchants, corporations, and other organizations to contribute support to adaptive athletes and sporting events while benefiting from posted signage at a variety of events and  locations.
This is a perfect opportunity to communicate your message or promote your business to a different segment of society.  Our events and programs bring in athletes from across the nation and spectators from throughout the Greater Hampton Roads area.

If you are interested in a team sponsorship.

If you are interested in placing an advertisement on this Web site provide a digitized banner representation of your personal or business logo and we can attach it to any number of pages.  Banner ads sell for $100.00/page/year.  If you prefer, we can design one for you for the same rate.  So pick a page and send in your submissions to our email address below.  There is a limit of two banner ads per page.

If you are interested in placing an advertisement in the semi-annual Sun Wheelers Sports newsletter, Sun Wheelin', provide a lazer quality, black & White copy of the ad to the address below.  This original copy should be approximately the same size as the intended ad within the newsletter for quality assurance.  Rate schedule as follows:

                       Business Card     $25.00
                        Quarter Page       $35.00
                        Half Page            $60.00
                        Full Page            $100.00

If you are interested in placing an advertisement at one of our many local events.  Banners may be displayed at our Capital Conference Basketball games, The Virginia Beach Wheelchair Tennis Classic, The Virginia Beach Mayor's Invitaitonal Wheelchair Basketball Tournament, and The Virginia Beach March Match at a fee of $100.00/event.

If you are interested in placing an advertisement to be displayed on our uniforms, warm-up jerseys, adaptive equipment, etc.  For sports clothing ads, the cost is equal to the purchase price of the equipment, plus the cost of the application of the advertisement.  For adaptive equipment, the price equates to $100.00/wheelchair/year.