Welcome to the Official webpage of the band Summit. We are a sophmore band that plays alternative rock. We have been around for about a year now, picking up any gig we can. We are also in the recording studio making a demo. This site is updated every few days so be sure to check it out for new pictures and files. Also, feel free to sign the guestbook with any questions or comments. Hate entries are also welcome.

The Official SUMMIT Home Page
Contact Us
Member Bios/Equipment
Band History
SUMMIT DEMO RELEASE CONCERT is at O'Donaghue's Irish Pub, 13225 Watertown Plank Road, Elm Grove, WI 53122. Its on November 30th at 7-10:00PM. Bring all your friends too, we want a big turnout. Here is a map if you need it.... but its not too hard to find....
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[ Sign Our Guestbook]-[Read Our Guestbook]

Where We Rock
Photo Gallery
Warning: All songs, lyrics, tabs, pictures, logos, and other merchandise/ideas are all copyrighted by SUMMITSONGS Inc.
October 25, 2002