Jaymi Leaf's Blog

Febuary 20th 2003, 11:44pm

Sigh. Getting the old-site blues--bloos?--starting to think of new pastures and all that. Its what always happens. Its why this site has been through several make-overs. God damn me for being so fickle. Then again I’m only writing this because I’m procrastinating when I should be working. Life sucks. I’ve got this presentation for tomorrow that I need to plan, and I haven’t. So ordinarily I might just... get ill. But the teacher specifically said that anyone who skived was dead. Probably something to do with my absence last week. So now I have to stay awake for ages doing the work, pee my pants tomorrow as I do the presentation, then be tense for about a week afterwards. Depressing. The more depressing thing is that this is something I complain about. This is what my life is. Forget people getting abused, murdered and raped around the world -- I have work issues.

New chapters up... I guess... If you’ve not been to the site for a week. Chapter eight of Passing Time - Katharos. Nothing done for the next chapter as yet, its going to be a long haul, if I finish it at all... no reviews equals no motivation. I’m not saying that in a threatening way. Or maybe I am. Back to the grindstone.

Mood: Stressed
Episode: Supersymetry - AtS S4
Music: Red Dwarf Theme Tune

January 21st 2003, 9:15am

So the update process is going a little slower than I expected. I have more pages than I did, but my energy has either been focused on Passing Time my WIP (the fourth chapter is up here) or on revising madly for my exams.

Okay, so I admit I don’t usually revise madly for anything, but the particular exam I’ve just done was a pant-wetter. I realised I really knew nothing about the subject, hence cramming at its best. Panic is a great motivator. Or Mr Motivator, as I said in one of my fics sometime, but I may have been high.

Lessons aired in the UK last week. I would cheer, but I’d already seen it twice and the happiness I usually get out of discussing it with my friends afterwards has been put on pause because I haven’t actually seen any of them since Thursday (UK viewing day). Buuuut... Beneath You is this week and I’m so excited. Those last few minutes... mmmm... Of course I I won’t be able to talk to my friends about it until... next Wednesday when all my exams are over, but I can last.

Its hard trying to stay spoiler-free for American eps before I get a chance to download them. I’ve already seen two screencaps (by accident) of Potential and had to stop myself reading things when it looked like it was going to turn spoilery. Grrr.. No one makes it easy on you. Between the airing period and the time when I’ve downloaded and seen the episode I tend to avoid... mostly every website I visit because even if they’re aware of UK/European/Australian fans, they never seem to care very much.

Anyhow. Got a bad neck so I’m at home today, truth be told no-one will be at school anyway, so I’m not feeling guilty. Though that may be because of the huge black void that is my insides. Ah, to be a teenager.

Mood: Pained
Episode: Habeas Corpses, AtS S4
Music: Switchfoot's 'Living Is Simple'

January 3rd 2003, 12:16pm

Okay, so I was going to use a website for easy blogging for my blog. Like blogger.com, ujournal or livejournal (if I had a code) but then I wondered if I was really that lazy. A little code along with the typing never hurt anyone. So here's my blog, for the moment. And...

Here's my site! Summer Somnambulist.

Its probably the longest I've stayed at a site since my first site: Garnet Stone. I have this thing where I design sites then I never use them. I've probably got loads floating around out there. The joy is in the coding and the image making. But not this site. Because I actually have things to put onto it. Like fanfic and fanart and music videos. Apart from this one you'll have probably noticed those are the only sections working at the moment. Its a slow process building up the site, at the moment its more like an archive, but I'm working on it.

What will be in the so-far unmade sections:

Them - This will be the section dedicated to Buffy, Spike and Spuffy. Who they are, why I think they should be together, why others think they should be together, stuff like that.

The Show - This will probably be the biggest section on the site. It'll have character bios, episode reviews and synopseses for sure, and a lot of other things as possibilities.

Links - This will have... links. Surprisingly. Links to other sites. Buttons to link to this one. I haven't decided on whether I'll rate my links or not. Hmm.

If this sites works out I might start some sisters. Perhaps for the shows in general, or perhaps for other couples such as Angel and Cordy.... Hee...

So that's whats up and coming. In the great style of blogs I'll probably be posting erratically. Sadly the problem with home-made bloggishness is that it takes a while to set up an instant-comment thingie, like an instant-review thingie. But I'm working on it. Oh, and one more thing. Do you guys think I should get little symbols for the Mood meter. No? Yes? Whatever.

Mood: Thick
Episode: Deep Down, AtS S4
Music: The Kim Possible Theme tune. Ugh.