Today's Project: Vash the Stamp

vash the stamp

This cute little rubber stamp (shown slightly larger than actual size) was carved from a standard white Japanese eraser (although it would probably work with an American Pink Pet as well).
I drew the design in soft pencil on paper first, transferred it to the eraser surface, then very carefully carved it out with a cutter knife. Be sure to angle the blade outwards as you cut (if you're right-handed, go around shapes counter-clockwise).
Vash was actually the second one I made; the first was this little Midvalley:

midvalley the stampfreak

Thanks go out to my creative friend Washuu for telling me how to do this.


Three more eraser stamps--Legato, Wolfwood, and a bigger Midvalley:

legato bluestampers nicholas d. stampwood midvalley the stampfreak

I'm not sure why Wolfwood came out so much more wood-blocky and stylized than the other two.


Knives and another Vash, made on 4/7/01, for the purpose of stamping some gift wrap. Vash's too big. ::sigh::
