
The oddest thing just happened today.

I was in the fish department of my local Big-M supermarket, kind of humming along to the Muzak playing over the audio system in that department, when I suddenly realized that the music in question was "Fool's Paradise," the piece that plays at the end of the final episode of Trigun (it's track 17 on the first soundtrack.)

It was integrated with the annoying prerecorded announcements extolling the virtues of fish, so I think it was actually part of the recording, not something that a renegade employee put on.

"Fool's Paradise" is one of my favorite Trigun tracks, but I'm a little dismayed to realize how much like Muzak it sounds.

Anyway, I hope Trigun composer Tsuneo Imahori is making a lot of money off this, or at least getting some free sashimi.
