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Sumerians were the first culture to employ professional musicians, who were both men and women. Music was important in temple rituals and a musician and harp were found in the Royal Tombs of Ur, suggesting a religious significance.
The board game found at Ur.
Sumerian men were fond of sports such as hunting and fishing, which were forbidden for women. Some women learnt how to dance and performed at banquets and festivals throughout the year. Children often performed in plays at these festivals. Board games were popular in
Mesopotamia. Different types of boards and game pieces have been found by archaeologists. The remains of The Royal game of Ur board were found by Leonard Woolley in a grave at Ur.
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Clothing and Jewellery
Religion and Burial
Education and Literature
Arts and Crafts
Significant Artifacts
Sir Leonard Woolley
To play the game of found a Ur follow the link below
Royal Tombs of Ur
Cybermuseum Mesopotamia