The New Line logo appears, green and red light shining through it. Cheery music plays,
"sleigh bells" jingling.

OPEN ON looking over a street in a small town. There's a library, the police station,
etc. Snow and Christmas decorations are everywhere. People in winter clothes walk on
the sidewalks.

CHILDREN: (V.O., singing) You better watch out, you better not cry...

Children make a snowman in their front yard.

A teenage couple has a snowball fight in a woods.

CHILDREN: (V.O., singing) You better not pout, I'm tellin' you why...

People ice skate on a frozen lake.

Snowmobilers drive past a line of old, crumbling cabins.

CHILDREN: (V.O., singing) Santa Claus is...

The singing is interrupted by the sound of static as we cut to a shot of blood seeping
into a patch of snow. Buried in the static we can barely make out -

CHILDREN: (V.O., singing) Freddy's comin' for you...

A teenage girl stands in a dark room, the lights on a Christmas tree and a fire burning
in the fireplace the only light. The flames burst out of the fireplace, reaching for the

Some teenage boys are playing hockey on the frozen lake when they stop to look over at

In the girl's room, Freddy steps out of the darkness between the fireplace and the
Christmas tree, flashing his razor claws out at his side.

The hockey players are looking at Jason, standing on the ice a few yards away, machete
in hand.

A snowmobiler speeds through the woods. We cut to his P.O.V. as he passes a large tree.
Jason's hand swings out from behind the tree, swinging the machete at us.

The snowmobile, rider no longer on it, crashes into a tree.

Freddy's glove bursts up out of a Christmas present.

A teen tries to run away from Jason but keeps slipping in the snow.

Another teen is standing in Freddy's boiler room, a furnace with a fire burning inside
beside them. A snowy breeze blows over them, instantly freezing the teen and causing
ice to form on the furnace.

Jason swings an axe at a man in a Santa Claus costume.

Freddy, wearing a Santa hat, leans in close to a crying girl's face.

FREDDY: Merry Christmas, bitch.

Jason is hit in the face with a snowball.

Freddy and Jason fight through the snowy woods around Crystal Lake, their blood staining
the snow around them.

CHILDREN (V.O., singing) He sees you when you're sleeping...

Freddy walks toward the camera in the boiler room.

CHILDREN (V.O., singing) He knows when you're awake...

Jason grabs a huge, pointed icicle that hangs off the end of a cabin's roof.

CHILDREN (V.O., singing) They know if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness

Freddy and Jason are fighting on the frozen lake when the ice under them cracks and they
fall through, into the water below.



