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I have a profound interest in Ancient Egypt, Past Life Regression, Big Cats, and Shamanism, the study of animal spirits, specifically the Black Panther Spirit.

The Black Panther has perhaps the greatest mysticism associated with it. It is the symbol for the life and the power of the night, but it is most often a symbol of darkness, death, and rebirth from darkness. The Black Panther helps us to understand the `dark' and `death' and the inherent powers associated with them: thus by acknowledging them, we eliminate our fears and learn to use our own powers.

The Black Panther reigns in the north with winter being its season of greatest power. The Black Panther, after all is of the feminine, in all of her beautiful aspects, mother, child, virgin, seductress, and warrioress. As a totem, the Black Panther awakens the inner passions, which can most often manifest in unbridled expressions of baser powers and instincts. It can also reflect an awakening of the kundalini, signaling not just a time of coming into ones own power, but reclaiming ones true power. The Black Panther always brings a guardian energy to those to whom it comes.

The Black Panther often signals a time of rebirth after a time of suffering and death on some level. This implies that an old issue may finally begin to be resolved. It also signals a time of imminent awakening.

The Black Panther is the Dark Mother. She is the Spirit of the Moonless night, the Crone at the Crossroads (Hecate), our subconscious, our hidden, innermost selves. She teaches us to dig deep within and explore this inner realm. She shows us how to be bold, fierce, and unashamed of what lies at our deepest levels. She helps us to use our "darkness" to our benefit instead of leaving it neglected and buried.

The Black Panther is a symbol of awakening to the heroic path. When the Black Panther enters your life, your path back is on the brink of return. Usually with those with Black Panther as a totem, there either already exists or will soon arrive upon the scene, an individual who will serve as a teacher or mentor, as well as nurturer, and guide upon the heroic path. They symbolize the alternate realities that do exist around us and have an increasing ability to view them at will, as we become the initiates of the heroic path. These alternate realities will begin to open up to those with Black Panther as totem. These alternate realities and the beings within them, and the energy with the Black Panther totem, have very strong ties to powerful sexual energies. It may herald a time of resolving old sexual issues, or it may simply reflect learning to embrace those energies as a true power without being judgmental.

We must learn the transforming nature of the sexual energies and how to direct them consciously. The Black Panther reflects a coming time of opportunities to become twice born ourselves, this often means we may have to face offending malignancies of our own life: a process similar to what has come to be known as Meeting the dwellers on the threshold, Those aspects of ourselves or our life that we have painted over, or covered up to be forgotten. Sometimes, this means we must first suffer the loss of something we love most. Like the Black Panther, who can blend into its surroundings with ease and to whatever degree it desires, one must use their own abilities to blend in. Being one with the Black Panther totem is a symbol of the mastery over all dimensions.

In mythology and scripture, the panther has been found in all parts of the world as a dynamic totem. It has been a symbol of the "Argos of a Thousand Eyes", who guarded the heifer IO who was loved by Zeus. After his death, the eyes were transferred to the feathers of a peacock. The panther always brings a guardian energy to those to whom it comes.

The panther was also a symbol associated with Bacchus/Dionysus. One story tells how Bacchus was nursed by panthers, and he is sometimes depicted riding a chariot drawn by them. The myths and stories of Dionysus are very symbolic. He is, to many, a symbol of unleashing desires, and thus the awakening of the kundalini forces. He -and thus the panther- symbolize a time of moving from mere poles of existence to new life without poles or barriers. The panther in a Dionysic manner awakens the unconscious urges and abilities that have been closed down. It signals a time of imminent awakening.

The panther is a symbol of awakening to the heroic quest. All of the Greek heroes were born from the union of a god and a mortal mother-the linking of the great fire and the great femininity The heroes thus had the seeds of the divine force, that would eventually provide impetus to reach beyond the normal bounds and restrictions-to negotiate new stages in progression and purification. The heroic tales tell us that no matter the depth of degradation-whether self-inflicted or inflicted from outside forces-there is always the promise of light and love to lead us back. When the panther enters your life, the path leading back is about to begin.

Dionysus had to overcome many years of wandering, plundering, madness, destruction, and suffering before he could take his place within the heavens. His is the lesson of overcoming negative tendencies and sufferings inflicted upon ourselves by ourselves, or by others to attain to our divinity. His story is that "we are gods and goddesses in the making."

Usually, in the lives of those with a panther totem, there either already exists or will soon arrive upon the scene an individual who will serve as teacher and nurturer and guide upon the heroic path. For Dionysus there was the centaur Silenus and the satyrs. They symbolize the alternate realities that do exist around us and the increasing ability to view them at will as we become the initiates of the heroic path.

These alternate realities will open to those with panther totems. These alternate realities, the beings within them and the energy of the panther all have ties to powerful sexual energies. It may reflect a time of resolving old sexual issues, or it may simply reflect learning to embrace these energies as a true power without being judgmental. We must recognize and learn the transforming nature of the sexual energies and how to direct them consciously.

Dionysus was a god of life and rebirth, passion and resurrection. He was twice born. The panther reflects a coming time of opportunities to become twice born ourselves. This often means we may have to face offending malignancies of our life -a process similar to what has come to be known as "Meeting the Dwellers on the Threshold"-those aspects of ourself or our life that we have painted over, glossed over, shoved to the back of the closet or pretended didn't exist. Sometimes this means we must suffer the loss of what we think we love the most.

The panther holds the promise of rebirth and guardianship throughout. It is the extra protection we need in those times. It is the symbol of power reclaimed from whatever darkness within our life has hidden it. The panther is the promise that whatever is lost will be replaced by that which is greater, stronger, and more beneficial.

In the myth of Dionysus, the hero bears the magical thyrsus, a wand entwined with vines, upon which rests a pine cone. It gives the individual the ability to create delusion and illusion. There awakens within the individual upon this path and with this panther totem an ability to cause people to see and think as you desire them too. This ability is earned and strengthened through self-discipline. Like the black panther, you can blend into your surroundings with ease and to whatever degree you desire.

To the Indians of North and South America, the jaguar especially in the form of the black panther-was endowed with great magic and power. The jaguar panther climbs, runs, and swims-even better than the tiger. Because it could function so well in so many areas, it became a symbol of immeasurable power to the Latin American natives. It was a symbol of mastery over all dimensions.

To the Tucano Indians of the Amazon, the roar of the jaguar was the roar of thunder. Thus the black panther was the god of darkness and could cause eclipses by swallowing the sun. This reflects the tremendous power inherent within the feminine forces. To those with the panther as a totem, this power will increasingly be experienced.

The Arawak Indians say that all things have the spirit of the Black Panther, all things contain Black Panther in some way, and that nothing exists without Black Panther. It is the tie to all life and all manifestations of life. Is this not true of the Goddess? Thus ties to the eternal feminine within all life.

To them becoming one with the Black Panther, was the ultimate shape shifting ritual. It truly reflects more than just coming into ones own power, rather it reflects a reclaiming of your true inner power and balance that's always been there. It gives an ability to go beyond what has been imagined, with opportunity to do so with discipline and control.


Panthers are solitary creatures, although they are associated with others, they are often drawn to those individuals who are likewise often solitary. They can be absolutely silent when stalking their prey: with a Panther totem, you will find your greatest power in silence and stealth, as you pursue your goals and aspirations. Black Panthers also have binocular vision, each eye being able to move independently providing greater depth of vision: Thus, anyone with a Panther as a totem can and will begin to develop more than just psychic sight, but an inner knowing.

To those with whom Panther decides to link, comes the ability to develop clairaudience, clairvoyance, to hear the communications of other dimensions and realities of other life forms.

Those with Panthers as totems should pay very strong attention to how they feel when someone touches them or when they touch someone else. It is in the hours of darkness that Panther finds its greatest element of power. The season that rules the Panther is the season with the longest nights, winter. Panther's lunar cycle is that of the New moon, also known as the black moon.

The Black Panther is a very powerful and ancient totem, it is the symbol of the Goddess, ferocity and valor, it embodies aggressiveness and power: and the Black Panther is of a lunar significance, the Panther has within its body over 500 muscles that it can move completely independently and voluntarily at will.

The Black Panther is the rarest of all spotted leopards. For a Panther to be black, it must have two 'black coat" genes, one from it's mother & one from the father.

Black Panthers are common in the jungles of India & Southeast Asia, they are also found in tropical rain forests in Java & Malaysia, some believe that half of all leopards in Malaysia are black.

Black Panthers have very sharp eyesight & night vision, they are great hunters, stalking their prey may take hours, after a kill, the black panther will eat what it wants and hide the rest of the carcass in a tree, away from other predators.

People often describe the Black Panther as dangerous & make it look like a wicked super-leopard, the belief that the Black Panther is more savage is just a myth. The Black Panther's dark color does not make it stronger or more dangerous than other big cats. It's body is often larger because of it's better diet, meaning it can kill larger prey.

The spotted leopard is an endangered species, it has enemies such as, lions, tigers, pythons, packs of wild dogs, however, humans are the animal's most dangerous enemy. Black Panthers & spotted Leopards are hunted for sport because some think they are man-eaters & their coats are valuable to the fur trade.

Nearly always hunting at night and early morning, from the tree and the ground. This is the most aggressive and feared animals in the world. Pound for pound, the leopard is the most deadly animal in the world. They are capable of killing an animal up to 1200 pounds and then drag that animal up 30 feet into a tree, before eating its prey.

The black leopard is referred to as the "Panther", but there is actually no animal strictly known as a black panther. There are only two black cats in the world; the black leopard from Asia, and the black jaguar from South America.

The word panther, derived from the Latin "Panthera" actually means cat, and is a nick name for any cat, or a black cat as well. Also, Panthera is the family name for all big cats.

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