Yeah, you guessed. I love to sing. Ok... you're lucky. You won't find my voice croak-errr singing anywhere in this page (at least anytime soon). I do intend to post here the lyrics of the songs I like. Just, I haven't had time to put as many songs as I would like. Here are a few...

Lover's Concerto by The Supremes.

Perhaps Love by John Denver and Placido Domingo.

I Knew I Loved You by Savage Garden.

Beautiful in My Eyes by Joshua Kadison. Thanks to Yann V. for introducing me to such a pretty song.

Don't Laugh at Me interpreted by Mark Willis. Thanks to Sarah for introducing me to the song.

Mi Tesoro by Ramon Ayala.

On the Road Again by Zifa.

Someday, I'll post some more.

The author.

Link to a page with some info and lyrics that I like: (Thanks to my friend Bob G. for suggesting music from Renaissance.)