Introduction Task Process Hints Resource Conclusion

A new museum of natural history is opening and the specialists have been selected to research and report on ideas to display and educate the public on a variety of topics. One topic remains, however. The area of biomes has proved especially challenging and the museum is looking for a motivated scientists to analyze the world’s six land biomes and to develop an exhibit that will capture the essence of each biome. You will be assigned one of these biomes and will put together a miniature model of the future museum exhibit. Your exhibit needs to be creative, descriptive and educational. The six land biomes are rainforest, tundra, desert, deciduous forest, taiga/coniferous and grassland/steppe/savannah.





For your model to be selected as part of the future exhibit, you will need to accomplish the   following:
* Read the assignment carefully.
* Look over the on-line and library resources available to you.

* Use the power of the internet to gather research information.
* Begin using the resources to collect the appropriate information for the exhibit.
* After sufficient research, you should design and produce the final model of the museum exhibit.

Culminating Activity:

You will produce a biome poster depicting your plan for the future museum exhibit. When finished, you will present it to a group of five other classmates.  Each individual will also display their exhibit in the science room or hallway. 


 As a scientist working for the Museum of Natural History, you need to produce a colorful, creative and accurate exhibit of one of the world's six land biomes. By using the resources and links provided, you will complete the task.

A poster that displays the following:
* A title
* A climatogram of the average monthly temperature and precipitation in the biome.
* Pictures of two animals and the structural adaptations they have to survive within the  biome. One of these should be taken with the digital camera and the other should be gathered from an online source.

* A map of the world highlighting the area where the biome exists.

* A piece of scratch art displaying one of the animals living in the biome and background art for your poster.

* Written description of the biome including information on climate, plant life and animal life specific to this region.


Climate Information
1. You need to analyze the two factors that define the climate of a biome. These two factors are precipitation and temperature. You will need to find data that shows the average precipitation and temperature for each month from a location within that biome. These temperatures must be in metric units (cm and C).  If the data you find is in units other than metric, it needs to be converted to metric. Using these averages, you must complete a climatogram displaying the data. Data collection for this will be done in the LMC. Construction of the climatogram will be done in math class. Have all of your climate data in math class by April 19.

2. As climatologist you will be responsible for finding two photos that exemplify your biome.  One photo must be taken from a book with use of the digital camera.  The other photo needs to be located from an online source. This will be done in the LMC during science and English classes.


 Amazon Climate                           Egypt Climate

 Green Bay Climate Data                Omaha Climate Data

 Temperature Conversions              Fairbanks Climate Data

 Conversion Calculators                 Barrow Temperature Data

Barrow Precipitation Summary  


Biome Written Description

Three paragraphs including the following;


 A general description of the abiotic and biotic factors shaping the biome. Included, should be information on climate, location(s), plant and animal life.

 Plant Information

You will be responsible for identifying two plant species that survive within the biome. You will need to describe, in detail, the various adaptations that allow the plants to survive within the biome.  Pictures, diagrams or sketches of the adaptive structures will need to be included.  Written descriptions of the adaptations will be included in your paragraphs.

Animal Information

You will be responsible for identifying one animal species that survives within the biome. You will need to describe and show the various adaptations that allow the animal to survive within the biome.  Pictures, diagrams or sketches of the adaptive structures will need to be included.  A detailed written description of the adaptations should be included in your paragraph. Other information such as diet, lifespan, predators, reproductive strategies, etc.. may be included.

World Map

You are responsible for creating a map of the world that displays the areas on the planet where the biome is located.  This map should have a title and key highlighting these areas. This will be done in geography class.


Poster Presentation

Your poster of the future museum exhibit should look professionally done and display 2 specific elements. Both of these elements will be focused on in art class.

1. A water-colored background with a theme from your biome.

2. A piece of scratch art displaying one of the animals living in your biome.




* Posters should be colorful, neat, legible and well organized.
* Plan before you produce.
* Share any knowledge or advice you have gained with other individuals.
* Ask questions as they arise.
* Use all of the school time given to work on the project efficiently.



Can You Adapt                       Come Along On A Nature Walk

Coniferous Forests                  Cyber Zoo

Food Webs                            Food Chains and Webs

Nature Explorer                      Plants, Trees and Forests

The Arctic World                   Tour of Biomes

Tropical Rainforest Plants       What's It Like Where you Live?       

Plant and Animal Adaptations to the Cold

Animal Adaptation                  Biomes and Habitats  





You are welcome to use any written resources the library has available.




Congratulations, you have successfully completed a model exhibit for the Museum of Natural History. Along the way, you have learned a great deal about your biome including knowledge about the living and non-living things that make it unique. You have also explored the web and participated as a member of a learning community. Thank you all for your hard work and excellent displays.

Poster Scoring: 

Title = 5 pts

Written description (paragraphs) = 35 pts

Proper display and format of the climatogram = 10 pts
Map accurately displaying your biome's location around the globe = 10 pts
Two pictures capturing the "feel" of the biome. (online and book sources) = 10 pts
Display of one animal (scratch art) and its adaptive structures = 10 pts
Display of plants and their adaptive structures = 10 pts

Presentation and creativity = 10 pts

Web Quest developed by Steve Sugrue

Einstein Middle School

Appleton, WI

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