Invented Moves

The Eye of The Hurricane
(Known in WCW as 'Nightmare on Helms Street')
The CrossFace Halo
The TopSpin FaceBuster
The Hammerlock/Russian Leg Sweep
The Inverted Side Suplex
The Shoulder Wrecker
Floating NeckBreaker
The CountDown
The Triple FaceBuster
The Triple PowerBomb
The Suplex-Side Suplex Combo- Help from Shannon Moore
The Falling Star Bomb
The Double LegDrop- Like the Hardyz
The FrogSplash BodyAttack
The StrangleHold LegSweep
The Super NeckBreaker

Recently Used Moves

Eye of the Hurricane
Cross-Face Halo
Caped Body Press
Shinning Wizard
Head Scissor Takedown
Running Neckbreaker
Baseball Slide
Atomic Drop
Springboard Dive
Oklahoma Roll
Tornado DDT