Chronicles of Sue Banner Unity Ribbon

photo of a rainforest

The purpose of this website is to share. While it reflects things about which I care deeply, there is no truly redeeming social value here, nor are there helpful tools and tutorials of my own design.

There are simply pointers to things and places I've discovered, enjoyed, even created, and found meaningful, useful or amusing.

If you have the time, please visit some of them. And . . .

. . . if you have more time, please sign my guestbook.

Subject Index

Family History (Genealogy) ���

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Family History. I'm tracking the genealogy of my mother's family: Thompson, Reynolds (including Schliecker and Nickum descendants of these two), Bacon, Hendrix, and Pedigo.�There is also a Mystery Photograph I'd like you to help me identify if you can.

New! A Thompson Chronicle online. PDF files of the first two sections of this family history now available for downloading.

NOTE: Many of these pages contain photographs. I apologize if they are slow to load.

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Extraordinary Online Shopping!

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Lighter side sites.

Food & Stuff.

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