The Scarlet Letter

Composition Assignment

Mrs. Suellentrop

100 points


Choose ONE of the following topics for your essay:


#1 Discuss the use of light and dark in the novel. Give examples of when they are used and which characters and situations they pertains to. Things to consider in your discussions: What does the use of light and dark bring to each character or situation? Does Hawthorne seem to suggest that light and dark have the traditional meanings of good and evil, or are there gray areas?


#2 Show how the scaffold is used as a unifying device in the story by explaining how the situations of Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth are changed during each of the three scaffold scenes.


#3 Explore the ways in which Hester’s and Dimmesdale’s sin of adultery is materialized in their own lives. How does each of these symbols of her sin affect each of them? Hint: One materialization pertains to Hester only, one to Dimmesdale only, and one to both of them.


#4 Discuss the role of Pearl in the novel. What are the different views of her? Is she good or evil? What purpose does she serve to other characters in the novel, and what purpose does she serve to the reader?



  • 3-5 pages
  • Typed, Times New Roman 12 point font, double spaced
  • Correct format for header, margins, heading, title, and works cited page according to MLA guidelines
  • At least three direct quotes from the novel (one per body paragraph) properly tagged according to MLA guidelines
  • Literary Criticism from at least one reliable source and at least two direct quotes in you paper from this source
  • Use at least five vocab words from any of the units we’ve studied and bold them in your paper




Due Date: Tuesday, Nov. 23rd by 8:15 a.m.