Guide to Subversion

Dictionary Definition= Subvert.
1- Overthrow. 2- Corrupt
Vlad's Definition= Subvert.
To undermine from Within. Subversion should be designed to cause no permeanat damage to others...unless they really ask for it!
"I Am The Subversive One. So There".= Vlad

In the Beginning...

With my naturally cynical outlook on life, I took this persona for myself. It seemed appropriate. I am training to become one of the Insitution after all. I therefore cannot believe the concepts upon which SG is founded, and therefore some fans (not of SG-5) have claimed I cannot be a fan. My future profession undermines the show, in their eyes. I am, as a result, subversive. Having said that, I see no reson to stop following such an excellent show. I therefore turned this to my advantage. As a fan, I support fan bases, such as this one. Also, if there was genuine evidence found which led to the changing of accepted knowledge, I would not hesetate to explore further if I felt justified. Therefore, I am ,to some extent, subversive within my university. Star Gate is frowned on.

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