Team Alliance

1. Movie Scene (23) (Return to Score Sheet)

2. Spinal Tap (54) (Return to Score Sheet)

3. Enrique Iglesias (45) (Return to Score Sheet)

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4. Middle Initial (12) (Return to Score Sheet)


5. Head to Head (40) (Return to Score Sheet)

6. Presents (45) (Return to Score Sheet)

1 - YPA - Full Custody of Rubber Ducky

2 - Ledirlo - Jar of warm, diluted mayonnaise

3 - Leif - Real Doll ( Special Ladies Room edition )

4 - Nancers - Barrels of Merlot w/ special drinking glass

5 - Robin - One of a kind Man-ass Alarm clock

6 - Showcase - Special Limited edition of Playboy featuring pictorial of the women at PSC

7 - Deshone - Magic Mirror ( to reassure himself everyday, he is the fairest in the land )

8 - IronMC - Year supply of Afrosheen w/ special coconut oil conditioner

9 - Heather - 50ft high bag of kitty litter

10 -KenCD - Joke Books ( because the guy has no sense of humor )

7. Resolutions (0) (Return to Score Sheet)

8. MS Paint (48.5) (Return to Score Sheet)

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9. Fight Scene (28) (Return to Score Sheet)

10. Vacation (35) (Return to Score Sheet)

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