To the Students Of America:

We all know that America is admired all around the world for its principles of individual rights and justice. However, the individual rights and justice given to adults are denied by students. At home, our parents are put in charge to protect our rights and justice, and at school, our parents entrust us to the school officials to do the same. If our school fails, where will we find the protection of our rights that we deserve?

Rules that were first created to protect students are now being used against them. Many first time offenders who by misfortune or foolish mistakes are suspended, expelled, or even criminally charged by the police without their parents' knowledge. No meaningful appeals process is available to students. They call us the leaders of tomorrow, but the school administrators treat us harsher than hardened criminals who, at least, is afforded a presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

As a concerned student who has experienced first hand, administration officials' harsh, unfair, and inconsistent rulings on student infractions, we need a Students' Bill of Rights. This does not mean that the schools should abolish its rules, but that we must have rights that will insure fair and equal administration of such rules.

Below I have listed facts that I was not aware of until I learned it the hard way in the course of recent events. The following are ideas that should be implemented as Students' Bill of Rights.



#1) …That the school asks a higher standard of conduct for a child at school, and that we are not given the same rights as adults?

#2) …That you can be questioned by police officers without your parent’s knowledge, consent, or presence? No matter what the situation or offense and that we are given no rights during the questioning?

#3) …That you can be ticketed by the KISD police without your parents being informed that there is a problem?

#4) …That a ticket by the police means that you have to appear in court and your parents have to hire an attorney to defend you?

#5) …That if you have been bullied many times and out of frustration or self defense you hit the bully back just once and you report what has been happening to the school, you can be ticketed by the police?

#6) …That if your friend begs you to share your homework and you help them to keep your friendship, you will both be punished severely for “cheating” and will receive detentions?

#7) …That the schools want you to be “tattle tellers” and tell them about everything you see or what has been happening to you, no matter what these students will do to you afterwards for retaliation?

#8) …That you can be suspended, expelled, or punished before your parents are even aware that there is a problem?

#9) …That the school can punish you harshly for something you carried without ever being warned that it was a prohibited item?

#10)…That the school can give you unfair punishments anytime if you make one innocent mistake?

#11) …That your records (grades, conduct, or involvement in school activities) have no bearing whatsoever and are not even considered in the punishment phase of a disciplinary action?

#12) …That the rules in place allow for no discretion whatsoever in the punishments handed out to some levels of offenses? (ex. cheating, bullying, etc.)

#13) …That a level 3 offense or under has no appeals process, which means that you just have to take the wrongful punishment given out by the principal, or else your parents will have to file a lawsuit, spending their hard earned money to hire a attorney? On the other hand the district is wasting our parent’s tax money.

#14) …That when you commit a level four offense or above, that an appeals process in front of the Katy Administration is granted, but it’s just another procedure? According to an Assistant Principal of the Katy ISD, the Katy Administration has never overturned a punishment that was given out by the school because they are backing up what the schools have done already.

#15) …That when you go to DAEP (Disciplinary Alternative Education Program) you have to be escorted by the security guard or a teacher everywhere you go? You have to be followed even when you need to go to the restroom! You are not allowed to talk and you must sit facing forwards at all times at your desk. You are not even allowed to bring candy for lunch.

#16) …That if you are sent to an Alternative School, each day upon entering the school in a single file line you must take your shoes off and pass through a metal detector? They search you and ask you to open your mouth in case you are concealing anything. It is a horrible and unsafe place. If you are a first time offender and have never done anything wrong, you must mix with “thugs” and multiple offenders. This could be you!

#17) …That you have signed a page in a disciplinary management booklet saying you agree to all of these things? Have you actually read all 43 pages of that booklet?

#18) …That the majority of our parents can not speak out about their disagreement on the unfair punishment given out to these students, or about their concern of what’s going on in the clubs that their children belong to because the parents are scared of the possible retaliation on their children by the schools and coaches?

#19) …That our good teachers are afraid to voice their opinions against their boss (Principal)?

NO STUDENT IS IMMUNE TO THIS…..IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU! Many have been victimized unfairly instead of protected by the Zero Tolerance Policy. Please read the Student’s Bill of Rights with your parents and if you and your parents (or legal guardians) both agree with our proposals please email me at Please sign your name, your guardian's name, and address. If you have any suggestions to be added to the Bill, you may include those also. Please do not be afraid to put your names. This Bill will be present before legislature, not to your school.

Christina Lough

The Student's Bill of Rights

Proposed by: Christina and Alexandra Lough

We the students of the United States of America demand the following proposals:

#1) 'Miranda rights' must be explained to students as with adults before any police or school officials ask us any questions that may have criminal implications. Students demand the right to speak with a legal guardian or an attorney before questioning.

#2) Students demand the same rights as adults in our Judicial System and we must be presumed innocent until proven guilty by due process of law.

#3) Students demand that our legal guardians or an attorney to be present when we are called to an administrator's office for any allegations of a violation of the student code.

#4) Students demand that the administration take into consideration circumstances of each case before assessing appropriate penalties.

#5) Students demand that the authority to assess penalties be shared among the Principal, teacher representatives, and parents or legal guardians.

#6)For level 4 or 5 offenses, which involves serious consequences, we demand a jury trial with potential jurors being randomly picked parents and teachers who shall have the right to assess penalties after a full hearing rather than an appeal before the School Board, like our Judicial System.

#7) We want the school to give out mandatory classes in which teachers explain the details of the 43 pages of the Discipline Management Plan and Student COde of Conduct Booklet in the manner in which students can understand before they ask students to sign it.

#8) Students demand that we be given the right not to sign the booklet if any does not agree with any of its contents.