
The Physics of Violins and Other Stringed Instruments


·We hear the magnificent sounds created by music constantly in our lives. Whether it be the lively fiddle of country music or the calm cello of Yo-Yo Ma, we have all experienced the sound and emotions created by these people and instruments. But how much do you know about the rules they follow, how they work, why they sound like they do? This page will cover the physics of the strings such as violin, viola,cello,and double bass.
        Through reading this page, you might be able to understand what really goes on when you pull that bow across the string, or when you change the notes of a string. People have used this knowledge for centuries in the making and playing of a violin. A well trained violinist can adjust to the altering frequencies of his instrument; a violin maker knows how important the size and features of his work are. They all are able to do this by understanding the physics behind their instrument, the violin.
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