Before a man is born, his spirit is in the form of a pearapple with another's.

As they grow, the apple takes on the shape of two humans.

A matched pair, male and female. They're together, back to back.

Unknown to the other. Yet they're often in the same place.

If they were to meet by chance, neither would recognise the other.

But should they get together, they'll be a perfect match,

Since they were once two halves of the same whole.

Then nothing can tear them apart.

Not even death......


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This page is the work of a fan, and is in no way intended to infringe upon any copyrights owned by such companies. If any copyrights have been infringed upon, it is completely unintentional,and has only been done so to help further promote such material.

Nonetheless, a lot of time and effort has been made to create this site. I would appreciate it if you did not steal my files or layout from my site. Thank you!

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