Secrets of the Stars
The Backstreet Boys Tell Us Everything...
~ Smash Hits - August 1998 ~

  • Brian bites his fingernails! "I’ve bitten them all my life," adds the titchy BSB. "My mom was always like, ‘Get your fingers out of your mouth.’ I’ve tried to stop and it’s something that bothers me. But I still do it!"
  • Nick’s Middle name is Gene!
  • What do the lads do before they go on stage? They all have a ritual prayer!
  • Howie D has a big secret… "When I was younger, my dad told me to clean up the backyard if I wanted to go out and play. So, I raked all the leaves up, but didn’t know what to do with them. I really wanted to go out, so I just threw them over the wall into our next-door neighbour’s yard. The thing was, the woman from next door was standing right there and the leaves went all over her.
  • Wanna hear another Backstreet Boys secret? Poor old AJ was onstage when a fan threw him a bunch of red roses. The dancing devil knelt down to pick them up — and a thorn went into his knee. Ouch!
  • Unless you’re Michael Jordan don’t enter a basketball game with BSB’s Kevin. The lanky lads a mean player and has earned the nickname Train. "Because when he’s on automatic pilot, he’ll just knock you over," says AJ.
  • Kev’s also got a secret passion for peanut butter. Unfortunately, he doesn’t want it smeared all over him. The six-foot singer prefers it sensibly spread on a Ritz cracker — with jam.
  • Howie D was once a big fan of gummi bears but after being sent truckloads of the jelly fellas — he’s sick of ‘em. "I try to keep my figure!"
  • Howie D told the Hits that Nick’s the grumpiest guy in the world first thing in the morning. "And when he gets in his nagging moods," says Howie, "he slaps you around the head!" Yikes!
  • Hmm… How did the Backstreet Boys get their name? They were named after a local shopping centre in their home town Tampa, Florida. "We never actually decided on the name, we just started using it and it stuck!
  • Nick Carter told the Hits he would die if anyone knew he watched My Little Pony! Oops! We’ve let it slip!
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