Here are images of the hijacked jet smashing into the South Tower from two different,
but similar, camera angles.  The first pic is from the Reuters News Agency.

The second set -- the second camera angle with the dot in a different location -- came
from Yahoo's website, which linked to the Washington Post, which supplied the images.
It's barely noticeable, but there's a small
dark dot in the billowing smoke.

In about one second, the jet will strike
the South Tower.
Same pic as above,
but with a close-up
of the dot.
                                                                  The above picture is from Reuters News.

Below are pictures from The Washington Post taken a few seconds later.
The dot is now above the South Tower.
This picture is from a different camera, so
the dots cannot be dismissed as merely
specks of dust on the camera lens.

The pic below is the same as the one
on the left but with a red circle added.
A close-up of the dot in the red circle. It appears to be cylindrical, like a bullet coming toward you, or a missile.
The timing, the trajectory line and  location of the circled dot match perfectly.
The position of the flying dot relative
to the exploding jet fuel corresponds
to the position of the mysterious object
seen in the still captures from the foxnews
video seen on the previous page.

On the next page are pictures of the dot
and the video object side by side to make
comparing them easier.
From the Washington Post slideshow, this is the picture immediately after the above image with the dot. In this pic, THERE IS NO DOT, which again shows that the dot is not simply a speck of dust on the lens.
Site Map and Film Sequence Timing of the Dot Images
Start Page with Film Sequence and Site Map
Before you go to the next page, there's a sidebar page with a few
fascinating facts and photos about the turbulence created by
objects moving through the air. To see more about "the dots" --
Please use your browser back button to return.
Next Page -- Sequence of Images