Are we getting the full story about
      the attack on the World Trade Center?
This site looks at an unexamined aspect of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.

A video on showed a hijacked jet crashing into the South Tower of the World Trade Center.  It also captured a mysterious object streaking in a downward trajectory over the South Tower as seen in the sequential screen captures below.
Although the dramatic footage can no longer be seen at,
there is a copy on this site: scroll down for the link.
This is NOT the video. It's a GIF from the frames where the object was against the blue sky.
   This is NOT the video
but it will immediately put to rest any thoughts of the object being nothing more than a "devil" or a "teddy bear" in the clouds of smoke.
      This animated GIF -- found on a Japanese website -- was made from the six frames where the object was against the blue sky, so you won't see the object enter from the upper left corner of the frame, well above the South tower--
but it does. The entry point is obvious in the original video which you'll see in a moment.

If you're using Netscape Navigator, the object in the animated GIF may appear to be moving MUCH faster than in the original video. Also, surrounding this text, the GIF and elsewhere, are gray borders that aren't visible with Netscape 4.7 and perhaps other versions. Text lines may be a bit out of whack as well, but other than the GIF, the information itself is not distorted.
Again, the streaking object IS NOT the same as seeing "the devil's face" or a "skull" in the smoke clouds spewing from the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. If an image of a devil or a monkey appeared in the clear blue sky, rather than in billowing smoke, then there might be cause for astonishment. But seeing a devil in the smoke can be dismissed as easily as seeing the Michelin tire guy in a batch of cumulus clouds.

This object should not be casually dismissed:
It streaked through the smoke and into the empty air.

And, before you conclude that it's just a weird video glitch, on the next few pages you'll see the mysterious, streaking object captured on film from three other cameras miles away from each other.
As you'll soon see in the video, since the object unquestionably enters the camera view in the upper left of the frame - well above the towers - and streaks to the lower right, it can't be something from the towers nor is it anything from the jet which approached the tower in a horizontal flight path - almost parallel to the ground.

The video was shot looking West. In the pic below, looking South, the plane approaches from the West then sharply banks toward the tower. In a few seconds the object will streak through the smoke heading straight for the dark building that partially blocks the view of the lower 47 stories of the twin towers. That brownish building is 7 WTC which also completely collapsed in the same way as the twin towers, an event that has structural engineers baffled.
The plane approaches from the West then curves North to hit the tower as the object is above and to the left of the towers.
This picture is the same as the one above it, but the red line was added simply to clarify the trajectory. Although the added line is straight, the trajectory could be curved, as though you were looking at the red edge of a thin disk.
THIS PAGE.......CONTENTS JASSM - Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile
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Other angles of the mysterious dots Links to and excerpts from websites about stealth missiles.
Lining up the Dots A fourth scenario, most unsavory.
A fourth camera angle shows the object Thumbnail Gallery - Currently with 5 large pictures of New York for PC wallpaper
Aerial views and close-up shots A thumbnail gallery of the images on this site and few you haven't seen here.
A crater, not a mountain of rubble Feel free to leave a short comment about the streaking object in the Guest Book.
The secret CIA station in the WTC Your thoughts and theories are welcome here. This is a search for answers.
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Possibilties Explored Thoughts and theories e-mailed to this site.
The object could have been a terrorist missile This will open your mail program with
Visited links are red
The object from different angles
Requires Yahoo Instant Messenger Next: A different angle