Splash/Enter Page - /5
If you dont have a enter page, itll be marked out of -5 instead of 100! If you do have one, it's being marked on Organization, Eye Appealing?, Enter Sign vs Layout(do they match?), Does it look like you just threw everything together(sloppy?)

Layout - /20
Eye appealing? Easy to navigate? Organized? Neat? Sloppy? Is it made by you? If not, is there a thanks link somewhere?

Content - /25
Content is the most important! A good website always has lots of content for the visitors!

Originality - /5
Is your site original? Does it have some pages you thought of yourself that nobody else has?

Organization - /5
Could i find the links easily? Were they visible?

Grammar - /5
Do you WrItE lIkE tHiS? Do you use slang that we dont understand? Then youll lose points

Interaction - /10
Do you have more interaction than just a Guestbook? Good interaction has guestbook, tagboard/message board, Contests, etc..

Link Back - /10
Could we find the link easily? Is it where you said it was? If you make us a button, youll get 1 extra point

Updates - /15
Is your site updated often? Often is at least once every week!

= /100