Review by Mercedes

Splash/Enter Page - 5/5
Your enter page was cuute! I liked your enter graphic.

Layout - 18/20
it was cute. i suggest making alink "Main" or something on the frame so i can quickly get to the middle!

Content - 24/25
Your content was awesome. there wasnt all that much but the stuff was great. There was alot of interesting stuff that kept me busy!!

Originality - 5/5
Well everything was made by you so it was original

Organization - 4/5
It was pretty organized. I suggest making the menu bigger though

Grammar - 5/5
It was good.

Interaction - 10/10
There was alot. great job!

Link Back - 10/10
Yup it was there. thanx

Updates - 15/15
They were up to date.

96/100.. awesome job! gurl, yer site rox!! i just suggest making the menu a bit bigger, and putting a "Main" link! cause i had to click back like 10 times when i got to that part lol.. but s`all good! keep up the good work.