Reviewed by Mercedes

Splash/Enter Sign - 5/5
It was organized, and the enter sign matched your layout. good job

Layout - 16/20
it was an ok layout. I dont really like the graphic though. too plain. but i liked how it was set up

Content - 16/20 Points
There wasnt really much content for the visitor. I suggest getting more.

Originality - 5/5 Points
It was pretty original! I like your site name

Organization - 5/5 Points
It was very organized!

Broken Links - 10/10 Points
It seemed good to me

Grammar - 5/5 Points
It was good

Interaction - 4/5 Points
Well there was only a gbook and some contests. Which is really good. but i suggest a tagboard/message board! cause its faster for people to sign than gbooks. I like signing them better than gbooks anyway!

Link Back - 10/10 Points
It was easily found, thanks!

Updates -15/15 Points
It was updated today! good job

91/100.. awesome job! your site is really cute. I just suggest more content!! Keep up the good work