Reviewed by Mercedes

Splash/Enter Sign - 5/5
It was really organized and not too scattered!!

Layout - 19/20
Your layout is soooo cool!! i love it, but the links were a lil hard to find. I suggest making the numbers a lil bigger next time lol

Content - 15/20 Points
There wasnt much content for the visitor. you should try getting some more

Originality - 4/5 Points
There wasnt really much original pages but i really love your layout so we can say that that was orgiinal lol

Organization - 4/5 Points
It was ok. I just suggest making them bigger or in a more visible place

Broken Links - 10/10 Points
Seemed good to me

Grammar - 5/5 Points
It was good

Interaction - 3/5 Points
There wasnt really much interaction. I suggest tagboard/msg board, contests..

Link Back -11/10 Points
It was found very easily! thanx for making me a button. Ill give ya an extra point for that

Updates - 15/15 Points
Last time was 2 days ago!

91/100.. awesome job! All i really suggest is more content for the visitors and some contests and stuff. And making the links more visible lol. I loved your layout! Keep up the good work!!