Erika | Site
Reviewed by Mercedes

Splash/Enter Sign - 5/5
It was very organized! The only thing i dont get is why people put a tagboard on their enter page. Cause they cant really say anything about your site when they havent even entered it yet? but oh well.

Layout - 20/20
It was very cute! i liked how the "girl" "you" etc. opened into a new window and it had its own Layout! I also liked the cursor! very cute. I cant believe your only 10!!! I suggest putting somewhere though that its Featuring Mandy Moore?

Content - 13/20 Points
Well there wasnt very much content. It was all about you and your site mostly. There was only like 5 pgs for the visitor.

Originality - 5/5 Points
It was pretty original. I thought the own layout on the pages was original cause i never seen it before

Organization - 5/5 Points
Very organized

Broken Links - 10/10 Points
It all seemed good to me!

Grammar - 5/5 Points
It was good

Interaction - 4/5 Points
There was an ok amount of interaction. I suggest some contests though.

Link Back - 10/10 Points
It was easily found

Updates -15/15 Points
It was good. the last date was 2 days ago

92/100- Good job!! your site is very cute!! You have alotta talent for age 10! I have a feeling youll go far in web designing! Keep up the great work!!