Sara | Email | Site
Reviewed by Charlotte

Splash/Enter Sign - 3/5
Your splash page is a little messy. There was a few broken images and it looked
a little bunched together

Layout - 14/20
Your lay was fancy but it was a little confusing.

Content - 14/20 Points
Your content was pretty good. My advise would be is add to it. What you have is
fine but get some more reads or add quizzes.

Originality - 3/5 Points
I have seen most of your content on other sights but it was pretty good.

Organization - 2/5 Points
I wouldn't say it was easy to navigate. Every subpage you went on opened in a
new window. You have a layout with frames so why don't have it open in the
middle of the two frames. If you want the visitor to see the main page then link
it in the content. It also looked a little squished together.

Broken Links - 3/10 Points
There were a lot of broken image, 4, and maybe one or two broken links.

Grammar - 5/5 Points
I could understand everything very well. There was no crazy writing!

Interaction - 5/5 Points
Very good with this. There were a lot of contexts and you left your email. You
had a guestbook as well!

Link Back -10/10 Points
Found it! Great!

Updates -13/15 Points
I am assuming that you last updated on Nov. 13th since that is the last day in
the blog.

Total Of 72/100 Points