hearTz pf Darkness

A/N; for people that are too young to read slash dont worry, theres nothing graphic in it, just lots of romance but not so far bcuz i hvaent done that much. anyawy if u like lotr AND harry potter maybe u will like it!! about my grammer and my spelling, as u can see i am not good at that but i got my big sister to check it for me so maybe its ok? anyway lol please tell me what u think if u read it!!

chatper 1

Harry sat solemnly in his chair in the Gryffindor common room alongside a crackling fire. The night was dark and outside stars twinkled and glittered like silverly spiderwebs in the sky. It was very black but before there had been lightning and although he knew he shouldn't be Harry had felt scared, it had been long since he had felt scared, he had battled so many things he almost didn't know what fear was anymore, but now even though big things like basilisks and trolls would not scare him, simple mere things like a touch of lightning or a steely gaze from the potions teacher would. Harry even felt scared of cats.He moaned and pressed a tender hand to his aching head. He was sick, sick and tired, and scared. "It is the worse thing for a wizard to be" he said to himself "Sick and scared".

HE was also tired.

Just then the door blazed open and Ron came tumbling into the room full of cheer "Hi there Harry!" he shouted and then a little more scaredly after seeing the red and ashen face of Harry "Whats wrong, mate?"

"It is nothing" said Harry who was pensive by the fire "It is nothing more than the ache and throb of a vexed spirit and a tortured heart."

"What do you mean, mate" said Ron "What are you talking about?"

Harry groaned mystically. Ron was a good fellow who was especially good at mending things but sometimes he was really dumb. "NOTHING!" HARRY shouted "NOTHING! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF YOU AND YOUR STUPID CHEERFUL FACE! I'M SICK AND TIRED AND SCARED AND I JUST WISH I COULD GO HOME AND BE A NORMAL BOY!"

"Harry Harry" pled Ron "Calm down, mate"

"I AM CALM!" Harry shouted, feeling angry "I AM SO CALM!"

Harry wasn't calm though and Ron was very scared he had never seen Harry like this, not even after Hermione had been killed by the giant chess pieces Ron would never say it but often he was scared of Harry, he didn't want to be racist but there was something wrong with Harry, something that had to do with his scar and everyone knew it. Harry was not a normal wizard he was special or crazy but which Ron did not know and at the same time he knew t'would be his face to find out, yet he didn't mind because he also loved Harry and as he thought this the memory of his recent strange dreams involving Harry returned to him and his face went red from embrassment.
"I will call Hermione" said Ron reaching out to touch Harry's hand. At the touch Harry swelled and stiffened with something he couldnt quite describe. "No Ron" said Harry "I have a better idea?"

HE took from his shelf a book of very old spells that he had stolen from the library. Ron gasped aghast - noooo, Harry would be in so much trouble!

"Nooo" Ron moaned "The library master will whip you, old boy!"

"Hush" Harry quietened Ron "He will not be able to find me. You see, my dear Ron, I am leaving this world"


"Hush!" Harry comanded wishing that he could hush Ron's pretty lips with a kiss but not wanting to say that because it would be gross "i AM not dyeing, I am simply concluding this world for another."

"What do you mean" said Ron "Take me with you"

"NO!" Shouted Harry, and with that he chanted the magickal words after throwing powder int he fire "NEMO QUOD DEM HABET!"


Then he fell to his knees and sobbed like a child. "Come back, Harry, Come back, I love you, I love you, COme back, Harry.." over and over again, until he was sick with grief and confusion. But Harry did not care. Harry was somewhere else. Harry jumped out of another fire and bumped into little creature just like a person.

 "It must be a dwarf" said Harry but the creature said "Hello! WOuld you like some tea!" It had very blue eyes and was ewaring a strange necklace around its neck. Harry did not know he had just fallen out of the fire into the greatest aventure of his life.

chapter 2

A/N: OK THIS TOOK ME LEIK A WHOLE WEEK!!! i rewrote it 10 times!!! anyway not much happens in it but i hope u like it i think it is better then the last one also bcuz theres lots of character development.

'Who are you' said Harry disarmed and with a funny feeling in his stomach

'i am FRodo Baggins of the Shire' said Frodo Baggins of The Shire 'You have just leapt out of my fire with teh speed of Apollo's sun harnessing his father's chariot and riding it to his fiery death. But your not Ethiopan.'

'I am lost!' said Harry he was so sick of people being racist and xenaphobic because of his scar 'I just want to go home but on second thought I dont. I am escaping my home, you see for I was no longer happy in that world.'

'You poor boy!' said Frodo Baggins 'Come sit by the fire for you are weary with much toil.'

Harry went and sat by the fire he could not help but muse upon how much the fire looked like the fire in the Gryffindor common room both were red with sparks and both were hot.

'Should I give you a back massage' said Frodo Baggins 'How old are you you look very young?'

'I am fifteen' said Harry 'But I have seen a lot of scary things, I have battled death! Enough of this chatter and riddle! You will tell me where I am at once! I must know! I must make this new world mine for I could not control the one I left!' as he spoke his shadow looomed hugeinly in the room and the fire cracked and snarled like a horse whip that was scarlet with rage.

 Frodo Baggins whimpered in fright and histyria. 'Dont be angry' he said 'You are in MIDDLE EARTH!'

'I have read many tales of this place ' said Harry 'Take me to your King.'

'We dont have a king but I guess that would be Aragon or Strider as some folk call him' Frodo Baggins said 'But he is many a mile from here and the journey is long and rough especially for me since I am short. Tomorrow is my birthday party, wont you stay?'

'NO!' shouted Harry 'TAKE ME NOW!'

'If it must be it must be so' said Frodo Baggins 'Come we leave at dawn.'

Just then there was a disruptance outside the window and Gandalf pulled a scared looking hobbit through. 'Who is this?' questioned Harry.

The hobbit was spluttering all over the place and looked scared.

'That is Sam' said Frodo Baggins 'Hello Sam'

'Hello Frodo' said Sam 'Who is your new friend he is very tall?'

'This is Harry Potter' said Frodo Baggins

'Hello Harry Potter' said Sam

'Hello Sam' said Harry

'Where are you going?' said Sam

'You can't come with' said Harry 'It is just me and Frodo Baggins'

Sam wanted to throw acid in Harry Potter's face! Everytime something was happening he was not invited, he found it very unfair. He had not even been invited to Master Pippin's last birthday and he had cried all night.

'I undrestand' said Sam anyway a mere refusal from Harry wouldn't conjecture him plus he had many disguises up his sleeve.

Harry was consulting maps. Sam kicked him 'Who did that?' Harry asked 'The table' Sam said.